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Full text of "ماث 6 ابتدائي ترم 2 المعاصر"

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The set of integers 
1. Set of integers «Z» 
2. Ordering and comparing integers. 
3. Adding and subtracting integers. 
4. Multiplying and dividing integers. 
5. Repeated multiplication. 
6. Numerical patterns. 

Equations and inequalities 
1. Equation and inequality of the first degree. 
2. Solving first degree equations in one unknown. 

3. Solving first degree inequality in one unknown. 

Geometry and measurement 
1. Distance between two points in the coordinates plane. 
2. Geometric transformations (Translation). 
3. Area of the circle. 

4. Lateral area and total area for each of the cube and the cuboid. 

Statistics and probability 
1. Representing the statistical data by using the circular sectors. 
2. Random experiment. 

3. Probability. 

O TIMSS Questions. 

O Glossary. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

The set of integers 


Set of integers "Z" 

Ordering and comparing integers. 
Adding and subtracting integers. 
Multiplying and dividing integers. 
Repeated multiplication. 
Numerical patterns. 

Н‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع خر 

OE A T "-gG E: 
: SP aun 

p Set of integers " Ww‏ 
тә Á‏ 
You know that 0 is the smallest natural number. [3‏ 9 

Now; the question is : are there any numbers less than 0? 

4 To find the answer; let us see the following examples : 

—ЕЕЕЕЕЕ‏ د م 

* Temperature : 
{ In Canada, sometimes the 
Ww temperature records 30* C below 
zero. In this case; you can say 
that the temperature is — 30* C 

A * Diving : 

1 In Ras Mohammed (about 12 km. ў 
V from Sharm El-Sheikh), the normal V 
ё ( diving depth is 10 m. below sea level. a 
e In this case; you can say that the 2 
depth is — 10 m. ^) 

ES 0 
Е в) » 
Eee يع‎ My ral mi هذا العمل خاص بموقع‎ 
M LII كدي‎ | (emm | الصف السادس الابتداتى‎ | 

The numbers - ЗО and - (О are not contained in the set of natural 
numbers, these numbers are called negative numbers. Each of them is 
less than zero. 

The natural numbers and the negative numbers form together one set called 
"the set of integers" and it is denoted by "Z" 

ie.[ ®={-›-з3›-2,-1.,0,1,2›,3›-}) 

The set of negative — | f1 The set containing The set of positive 
integers 27 where : ; the number zero integers Z* where : 

-1,-2,-3,-4,- ge Ш Z*-(52,.3.4, ) | 

| 2.8, Pol. ee 

„рб Дз ET 

As shown in the opposite figure. 

The following diagram shows the relation between Z ,7* , Z^ and N 

Í Set of negative Set of positive - 
integers 2 integers Z * 

Set of natural numbers IT 

тат ابتدائي / تيرم ؟‎ V رياضيات لغات‎ wall (э) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

r From the previous diagram , we deduce that : 
]1[7 5 . Z'CZ , Z-CZ . (0) —Z 

ANZ =© 

[4]Z-N=Z , N-Z=Ø 

The integer zero is neither positive nor negative. 

i.e. 0 6 Z* andO z- 
E The set of non-negative integers = {0,1,2 ,} = {0} UZ’ = 
E] The set of non-positive integers = {0 ,- 125-39} = {0} U Z7 
[El The set of odd integers = {~ ,-3.-1,1,3,} 
E The set of even integers = 1 - .-4,-2,052,4,~} 

Example [1) 

Put the suitable sign "€ , É , C or ¢”: 

112 (02 |x 13 (39) 

610] ) 2- [901 lz 

le] 2 С) РА [f] {022,5} С) 2 
[01{2,-з}[ j» [һ]{6,-т}[ [5 
2-а ши (а 

[а] [b]e [c] Ide [el 
19 Ig] c [hn] C шс Шс 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Try by yourself 

Put the suitable sign “Є, E; C ог”: 

[а]{0}[ )2* pl-7(. 2ل‎ 
[e]10{ )2- [4]{25,-4}[ [5 

Write an integer to represent each of the following situations : 
[a] A profit of L.E. 25 [b] A loss of L.E. 3 
[c] 10 degrees below 0 [d] An increase of Р.Т. 75 

[e] 6 m. above sea level. [f] 19 m. below ground. 
[9] A building is 12 m. high. [h] 4 steps backward. 
[a] 25 [b]-3 
[c] - 10 [d] 75 
[е]6 [f] – 19 
[g] 12 [h]- 4 

Try by yourself 

Write an integer to represent each of the following situations : 

[a] A temperature of 3 degrees below zero. 
[b] A bank deposit of L.E. 100 

[c] A loss of 5 yards in a football. 

[d] A withdrawal of L.E. 25 

[e] A decrease of 5 kg. 

[f] A gain of 2000 pounds. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Representation of the integers on the number line 

( Every integer can be represented by one point on the number line ag follows : 3 

Negative integers “ZT” The origin Positive integers “Z* " 

- > 

-5 -4 -3 Quim (NR 2 з 4 

he negative integers } f The point that integers 1 
are to the left of ¦ represente O ie called are to the right of 
"the n". j 

+ The set of integers is an infinite set, co it extende to infinity right to zero 
and left to zero. 

[Example (3) 
Represent each of the following sets of numbers on the number line : 
[a] {4 ,-2,0,3,-5} 
[b] {-2,-1,0,1,2} 
[c] {3 ,4,5,-} 


TETE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 

Unit One 

Opposites (inverses) and absolute value 

On the number line , any two numbers that are at the same distance from O 
and on two opposite positione of it are called opposites or inverses. 

For example : 
5 units 

i Н | 
-6 ЄБ)-4 - Ingo 

Each of the integere 5 and — 5 has the гате distance away from О 
Therefore 5 and — 5 are opposites. 

i.e. The opposite of 5 ie - 5 and the opposite of - 5 is 5 

The absolute value 
The absolute value of a number is ite distance from О on the number line. 
The absolute value of any | number x is denoted by ixl 
The absolute value of any number (except 0) ie always positive. 
` The absolute value of O ie O 
For example:* | 4 |= + іс read ag : “The absolute value of 4 is 4” 

“| - 4| = 4 ie read ag : “The absolute value of - 4 is 4” 
١| O|=O0 ig read as : “The absolute value of O is O” 

| Example (4 

Write the opposite (inverse) of each of the following integers : 
[a]-2 [b] 0 [c] 8 [d] - 33 

[a] 2 [b] 0 [c]- 8 [d] 33 

O N 
22 هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 


| Example (5) 

Find each of the following : 

[a]]- 912 9 
هيد|7-|+2-‎ 8 

Ж om 
Find each of the following : 
[а] 1 +121= 
[]141+1-51= —— 
[е11-71х121= -—— 

| Example (6) 

[b] 13] 

[d] |-31+15] 
[f11- 61-16] 
[h]|- 101121 

[b]I 31-7 3 

[h]|- 101+121=10+2=5 — 

[d] | 10 | + |- 515 ——— 
[f] |- 151 41312 = 

Find the value of x : 

[а]1х1= 5 [b] |x|=10 


[ce] |x|=0 

[а] Since|x|=5 ,ћепх=5 or x=-5 
[b] Since|x|=10 ,ћепх= 10 or x=-10 

[c] Since | х|= 0 „then х= 0 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

{ Exercise 1 Set of integers " Z" 

( E From the school book 

п Put ( v ) if the number is an integer : 

ат O b Q 
do C) e О 
g 32( ) һ1 0) 
В Put the suitable sign “€ , ¢ , Согд”: 
a-3()N b {-5}()z 
c Zero (  Z d (1,-2: н 
е2 Oz f {3.4} Z Geasea2015) 
08و‎ )z h £31-651 J z^ 

i ANG) Z i {2,5,3} ()2 

В complete : 
(a) | - 5 |= *El-Kalyoubia 2013» 
(b) If| x| = 5 then x = ——or-—— «El-Gharbia 2012» 
(c) 3 + | 3 | > = «Cairo 2014» 
(9) | - 17 |- 12 = + «El-Monofia 2017» 
(e) ta (15) ...........- 
«Suez 2015» 

«Luxor 2012» 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

(El-Dakahlia 2017) 

(El-Beheira 2014) 
(Qena 2013) 
(El-kalyoubia 2016) 
(South Sinai 2013) 
(El-Kalyoubia 2011) 

(El-Menia 2012) 

(Alexandria 2013) 
Z-Z'UZz U (&-Sharkia 2014) 
ZO ON = sss... (Port Said 2016) 
EN The set of odd integers U the set of even integers = ==- 
The complement of Z~ with respect to Z = -- 
The complement of Z * with respect to N = ---....... 

В choose the correct answer: 
(a) {2}: 2 "Giza 2014» (€ ог @ or 
(b) 2 Z “Souhag 2015» (C or Є or 
(e) | — 9 |... Z* «El-Beheira 2017» (E or É or Ф) 
(a) 6-6 7, «E-Monofia2014» (€ ог @ or Ф) 

(е)|-5|+3 2 “Alexandria 2016» ( or & or £) 

MII: 7 (€ or # or or £) 

(9)1-51+|7 |= = «South Sinai 2014» (12 or 2 ог -2 or -12) 

(h)|-3|+|-2] = «El-Kalyoubia 2011» (— 5 or 5 or —1 or 1) 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit One 

1-21+121= —— (North sinai 2017) (zero or 1 or —4 or 4) 
If b = 1-7 | ,then b = ---------- (Е1-Мепіа 2011) (—7 or 7 or O or 14) 
2027 =з (souhag 2012) (Z or Z* ог Z or Ø) 
(El-Monofia 2011) (27 or Z* or N or {zero}) 
(matrouh 2017) (2* or {0} or Z- or 0) 
(Et-Fayoum 2012) (Z or Z or N or Ø) 
(The New valley 2021) (N or Z* or Ø or Z) 
(81-мепіа 2016) (2 or N or Z or Z*) 
(Kafr El-Sheikh 2012) (2 ог N or Z or Ø) 
(assiut 2015) (27 or Z' or Z or N) 
(Aswan 2013) (Z* or Ø or N or {0}) 
XC {2,-3}N {5-3} ,ћепх = <... (Giza 2011) 
({2} or {-3} or {-5} or {5}) 
Write an integer to represent each situation : 
a A temperature is 12 C° below zero. 
She's diving 10 m. below sea level. 
A temperature is 5 C° above zero. 
EQ Ahmed withdraws 6000 pounds from his bank account. 
The tree is 4 m. high. 
3 steps forward. 
80 ft. above sea level. 

A bank deposit of L.E. 750 

(rin Y تبرم‎ / „дыд V رياضيات لغات‎ уа] 62 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


i Aloss of L.E. 20 

1 Again of 7 kilograms. 
k A profit of L.E. 100 

١ A weight loss of 6 kg. 
m A decrease of L.E. 200 

a CA Complete the following using one of the words (positive - negative - zero) : 
a Moving forwards is represented by numbers ; while moving 
backwards is represented by numbers. 

b Moving to the right is represented by numbers ; while moving to 
the left is represented by ---.--.. numbers. 

с Lowering than sea level is represented by numbers ; height 
above sea level is represented by numbers. 

d Sea level is represented by the number 

E Represent each of the following on the number line : 

a3,-4,1,-2 b -3,0,2,1,-6,5 
с £26,-3,0,-1;3,5 d -4,—5,-6,- 

e -2,—150.1.2 f -1,0,1,5- 

B Write the opposite (inverse) of each integer : 

а -3 b 12 

d – 195 е |-34| 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit One 

a Represent each number and its inverse on the number line : 
b га-4 

d M-99 

а |-7| b |2] c 10] 

а |-10| e |-21| f |- 100| 

@ Find each of the following : 

-3|*121 b [51-141 
-2|*|-13I | d |—100|-|—50| 
—5|*7  (Et-Menia 2016) f |- 121-1121 
g 10|+]5| h [01+1-71 

i |-2|+2 (Cairo 2016) j 1-51-5 

Find each of the following : 
а |-3|х|—5| b |—- 101x121 с |-30|+]—5| 

d |-4|х|7| e |0|х|—3| f 8x|- 11] 

Find the value of X : 

a b |x|-2 12 c |x|=0 

d e |3|=x | f |-101|]2 x 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


B £A Mark (true) or (false) and give the reason : 

a Zer EZ” 
Because : 
Because : 
Because : 
Because : 
Z* is the set of counting numbers. 
Because : 

Zero is the smallest positive number. 

Because : 

In each of the following ; find the value of X to get a true statement : 

a -4€ {7,x,-3} 

b £3-5€ {-1,0,-3,х} 

c хє{-2} 

d tix€(2.5,-3) n (5.-2.-3] 

e (3 42 : x1 U(- 4.0.4) 2 {0,-2,2,-4,4} 
f |-5I£ (x.-5.3] 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع ( [сту‏ 

Ordering and comparing integers 

9 The set of integers is represented on the number line as shown in the % 
following figure : 

Ascending order 

From the number line above, notice that : 1 
} n 
2 * The numbers increase from left to right and decrease from right to left. 
1 The numbers are in an ascending order from left to right. and they are in % 
y a descending order from right to left. 
5 ( For example : \ 
А: + | (which ig less than 4) is to the left of 4 А 
* 3 (which is less than 7) is to the left of 7 9 


pue pom] 


e This relationship holds true for all numbers on the number line, even 
; when we go to the negative side. 

For example : 
+ —3is less than 2, because - З is to the left of 2 
* - 5 іѕ Іеѕѕ than - З, because - 5 is to the left of - Э 

| w-*—-9€—-2€-1«0e«1«2«3«- 

For any two integers a and b, if the point representing a is to the left 
of the point representing b; then a > b 


a b 
For example : — 4 <-1 ee ee 
-5 €4)-3 -2 (D0 1 
because the point representing — 4 lies on the left of the point representing — 1 

Similarly: «—5«2 2<3 2ه‎ .0<1 


Q^» positive integer is greater than any negative integer. 

Ө Zero is smaller than any positive integer and is greater than any 
negative integer. 
For example: O («)5 and O(>)-5 

@ The least positive integer is “1” and we cannot determine the greatest 
positive integer. 

O The greatest negative integer is “— 1” and we cannot determine the least 
negative integer. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Unit One 

| Example (1 
Put (<,>or=): 
[al 4] [5 гы 5]  ]-10 I] -12]__[-4 
[a] ]ه‎ )-2 te] -8] ]-7 if 1-31 js 
tal |-4l{ )2 pll-si( Јо | 81-7] ]-I-e 


[a] > | m> [c] > 

[d] > | [e] > [f] = 
[g] > [h] > [i]< 

i arn 
Put (< > or =) : 
[a]6( J2 Ib]2( J-3 [e]0( )-1 
Id]-4( )-8 [е] – 100 1 | If]l- 10] 9 
Ig]l -51C3I- el mi sC Je | tij-I-41 C-2 
Arrange the following integers once in an ascending order and 
another in a descending order : 



Ascending order 

"Descending order —— 
The ascending order is: - 7 ,—5.—3.,—15,0.1.4and6 
The descending order is:6 4و‎ ,1.0.—1.,—3.,—5and-7 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 


[1] Arrange the following numbers in an ascending order : 


[2] Arrange the following numbers in a descending order : 
-7 و 4 -و 0 و 9 -و‎ 2 3800-1 

Example (3 ) 
Write » using the listing method » each of the following sets : 
[a] The set of integers greater than — 3 

[b] The set of integers less than or equal to 2 
[c] The set of integers more than — 7 and less than — 3 
[d] The set of non-positive odd integers. 
[e] X= {x:xEZ,x<-4} 
[а] {-2 ,-1,0,1,2,--} [b] {2 ,1,0,-1,-2,--} 

[с]{-6,-5,-4} [d] {-1,-3,-5,-} 

[е]{-5,-6,-7,--} [f] {-2,-1,0,1, 2} 

El-Moasser Application 

"El-Moasser Maths 6th Prim. T2 " 

Google Play © 5 

ЖЕЕ] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ K 


Ordering and comparing integers 

(EB Puti >or =]: d 

a3) )-3 403 
-3(J-4 -8()4 
00-1 | -2()o 
-12()-3 c33( )-6 

i |-41C)2 ј |- 4IC)Iol 
8( JI-8l 81-1315 
-|ل)15-‎ 2 | -6(_J-|-3] 
ta-|-4l( 2 £33 «|-3l()8 

а |-eI-I81C JI- 41 1-710)-7 

Complete the following : 

a The number is neither positive nor negative. 
The smallest positive integer is and the greatest negative integer 
is (Kafr El-Sheikh 2017) 
The smallest non-negative integer is (Damietta 2016) 
The largest non-positive integer is =-=- 
The set of integers between — 3 and 2 = (Е1-Мепіа 2011) 

The set of integers less than 1 and more than — 4 is { } Giza 2013) 

aa (ОЗ) 
Tus] ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 
موق کے‎ 

( Choose the correct answer : 

a The smallest positive number is (Beni Suef 2015) 
(zero or or 2 or 3) 
=7 sain = |=9| (Damietta 2013)(> Or or < or <) 
(74) |-4| (South Sinai 2013) (> or or = or 2) 
An integer included between — 2 and 3 is (Giza 2017) 
(3 or -3 or -4 or -1) 
The greatest negative integer is ~- (El-Kalyoubia 2011) 
(0 or -1 or – 100 or 1) 

The integer which comes just before the number — 5 is 
(Damietta 2011) (—6 or —4 or 4 or 6) 

The integer which comes just next the number 23 is 

(Et-Sharkia 2014) ) 25 or 22 or 23 or 24) 

h The number of integers between — 2 and 2 = +. (El-Beheira 2012) 
(2 or 3 or 4 or 5) 

[а] Arrange іп an ascending order each of the following : 

a 1,—5,-1and3 (El-Sharkia 2014) 
8 ,- 62 ,- 19 ,- 42 and 0 (Beni Suef 2011) 
-9,17 , ]- 9| :- 15 and 16 (Atexandria 2016) 
-8 5:12 :|- 8 | :- 15 and 19 (Suez 2012) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

Arrange in a descending order each of the following : 
a - 9 5.0 :7 3800-15 (red sea 2013) b 8 ,- 13 ,- 19 ,Оапа – 15 
© - 28 ,- 35 , 33 ,- 37 and 2 d £21,-11,3,-1,-8and5 

a Which of the following sets of integers is written from the smallest to the 
greatest ? 

а 0,14 ,- 15 , 1605-17 ,— 19 b 16.14.0.— 15 ,- 17 ,– 19 
€ —19,— 17 ,— 15,0, 14 516 d None of the previous. 

Which of the following sets of integers is written from the greatest to the 
smallest ? 

а 28,19,0.—-21.—36.—39 b —49,— 
с —52,—47 ,- 40 .0 ١16 .20 d None of the previous. 

B £3 Write the previous integer and the next integer of each of the following 
integers : 
а -9 b 13 c 23 d zero 

(E] C1 write the integers between each two integers of the following : 
a-4,2 b -1,5 c —-7,0 

(ED Write, using the listing method each of the following sets : 
a Ш The set of integers greater than — 2 
b The set of integers smaller than 0 
C The set of integers greater than — 3 and smaller than 2 
d C3 The set of integers between — 4 and 3 (Matrouh 2013) 

e (The set of negative integers whose absolute value of each 

is greater than 4 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 


f The set of non-negative integers. 
g The set of non-positive even integers. 
م‎ ШХ={х:хЄ2,х<-2} 

i X={x:xEZ,-1<x<1} 

[11] Complete the following : 

а —5,-4,-3, 600 

4195,—45-0RÀ I» -— 
BB =-2 05254 з, 


Write the letter that represents the integer on the number line : 

A B C D E F ен ل‎ K L M N OP а 
-8 8 

b -5 

е 5 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Unit One 

( Which point corresponds to the integer ? 

E D G B 

(14] Use the following table to answer the following questions : 

City Highest temperature Lowest temperature 
New York -2 



a Order the highest temperatures of all the cities from the greatest 
to the smallest. 

b Order the lowest temperatures of all the cities from the smallest 
to the greatest. 

Solve the following : 

а Adiver is at — 5 т. and a balloon is at 5 m. Which is closer to sea level ? 
b A helicopter is at an altitude of 1000 ft. › and a diving bell is at — 750 ft. 
Which is further from sea level ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 



9 20 CA 
ПШ, > 


Adding and subtracting integers 

First’ Adding integers 4 
a Adding integers by using the number line $ 

The number line can help you in visualizing adding and subtracting integers. | 
Just think of addition and eubtraction ae directione on the number line. | 

> Ф 3-2 

«2788 «C - 

e To add a positive integer move to the right on the number line. — х 
e То add a negative integer move to the left on the number line. «—— 8 
а Adding two positive integers 1 | 
v | n 
Example a - = Y 
20) 9 8 А 
4 Use the number line to find the sum 3 + 5 f 
Solution | IN 
To find the sum 3 + 5 using the number line د‎ do as follows : @ 
8 5 units V 
= 0 


* + + + + + poe + + + + ы 
-5 -4 -3 -2 4 O | 2 (3) 4 5 6 7 )8( 9 
• Start 3 
e Move 5 units to the right. 

This movement takes you to 8 So,3+5=8 — 

(ЖЕЕ يسيع بد ادعو ماق‎ ani هذ اسل خاس بمرت‎ 3 
[alas كتاب‎ | (AAR үр] | الصف السادس الابتدائى‎ | . 


$9 > 


Unit One 

The sum of two positive integers is a positive integer. 

(Gl. Adding two negative integers | 

| Example (2 
Use the number line to find the sum (- 4) + (- 3) 

To find the sum (- 4) + (- 3) using the number line ; do as follows : 
3 units 
E m 
9 8 07) 6 544324101234 
* Start at – 4 

* Move 3 units to the left. 
This movement takes you to (= 7) So, (— 4) + (-3) =-7 

The sum of two negative integers is a negative integer. 

| Example (3 ) 
Use the number line to find the sum 7 * (- 8) 

To find the sum 7 + (— 8) using the number line د‎ do as follows : 
Bunits а 
4-3 220) 012 3 4 5 6(7) 8 9 
e Start at 7 
* Move 8 units to the left. 

This movement takes you to (- 1) So.7*(-8)--1 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Example (4 ) 

Use the number line to find the sum (- 3) + 5 

Solution 5 units 

aL 2g cfe T ET 
- 408-24 0 

• Start at (- 3) 
* Move 5 units to the right 

This movement takes you to 2 So, (-3)+5=2 
| Notice that: 
The sign of the sum of two integers with different signs is the sign of 
the integer with the largest absolute value. F 

| | Adding integers without using the number line 

? To add integers having the same sign, keep the same sign and add 

the absolute value of each number. 

For example : 
+4ه.‎ 7 11 
(The sum of two positive integers is a positive integer) 
(The sum of two negative integers is a negative integer) 
To add integers with different signs, keep the sign of the number with 
the largest absolute value and subtract the smallest absolute value from 
the largest. 
For example : 
— The sum is a positive number because | 7 | > |- 1 | 
— The sum is 6 because the difference of the absolute values of the two 
integers is:|7|-1- 1127-1726 
— The sum is a negative number because |—6|>|4| 

— The sum is — 2 because the difference of the absolute values of the two 
integers is :|— 6 |—| 4| = 6-4 =2 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

Possibility of addition in Z 
From the previous examples, notice that the sum of two integers is 
always an integer. 
If we add any two elements of Z د‎ the result will be an element of Z 

It means that E Addition of two integers is always possible in Z 

Example (5 ) 

Find the sum : 

[а] (- 4) + C 5) [b]-2+6 [c]-7+1 [d] (- 9) + (- 6) 

9-=)4+5(-= (5- | + 4-)-ء رو + )4( [а]‏ 

[b] -2 +6 +ع‎ (1611-2) = + (6 - 2(2 + 4 - 4 

[c] -7* 1--2(-7|-]10 2-(721) 6 

[d] (— 9) + (-6)2-(-91*1-6) 2-(9*6)2- 15 

Example ( 6 ) 

Find the sum : 
[a] (- 2) + C 4) [b] -7*4 [Ic]-4*10  [d]8* (-3) 
Solution | 
[a] C2) + (-4)--6 [b] -7*4--3 
[c] -4 * 10 2 6 [d] 8+(-3)=5 
25р Calculator : 

You can use a calculator to check your answers. 
Example : – 78 + (- 105) = =~ 

КӘ 028) (+304 WU 83 | 
бө: Y رياضيات لغات /\ ابتدائى / تيرم‎ ука] Ө] (33) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 


ЖШ arm 
Find the sum : 

[а] (— 5) + C 10) = —— [b]-8 + 2 = .......... 
[с]7 + C 9) = [d] - 4 + 15 = —— 

Properties of addition in 

, а т Closure property ^ 

Zis a closed set under addition. 
It means that the sum of any two elements of Z is always an element of Z 

For example : 
e-4€Z2 › -2Є7 
;then:(-4)*(-2) 2 -6€z 

Commutative property p‏ @ تقر 

If a and b are two integers , then : a + b = b +a 

For example : 
.-3+8=5 , 8+(-3)=5 
ie. -3+8 =8 + )-3( 

m @ Associative property m 
If a , b and c are three integers , then : a + b + c = (a + b) + c = a + (b + с) 

For example : 

٠6+ (-4)+ (3) = [6 + (-4)] +(-3)=2+(-3)=-1 

Also; 6 + (4) + )-3( = + [C4) + )-3([ = 6 + (- 7) -- 1 

ie. 6+ )-4)+ رو‎ = [6 + )-4([ + )-3( = 6 + ]-4( + C 9] 

TETE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ D 

Unit One 

m 6 The existence of the additive identity (neutral) element іп Z < 
For any integer a , we have :a+0=0+a=a 
i.e. Zero is the additive identity element in Z 

For example : 
+2+0=0+2=2 +-3+0=0+(—3)=-3 

( ш G The existence of additive inverse (opposite) property < 
For every integer (a) there is an additive inverse (— a) 
Where : a + (– а) = 0 
For example : 

* The additive inverse of З is — 3 , because 3 + (- 3) =0 
* The additive inverse of — 4 is 4 , because — 4 + 4-0 

* The additive inverse of zero is zero because O - O - O 
• The additive inverse of a is (- a) and also the additive inverse of (- a) is a 
i.e. The additive inverse of (- a) is - (- a) = a 

For example : 
The additive inverse of - б is - (- 6) = 6 

| Example ( 7) 
Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
[a] 8 * 10 * (- 8) [b] 24 + (- 19) + (- 24) + 9 

[a] 8 + 10 + (- 8) = 8 + (– 8) + 0 (Commutative property) 
= [8 + )- 8)] + 10 (Associative property) 
=0+10 (Additive inverse property) 
=10 (Additive identity) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


[b] 24 + (- 19) + (- 24) + 9 = 24 + (– 24) + (C 19) + 9 (Commutative property) 
= [24 + (- 24)] + [(— 19) + 9] (Associative property) 
=0 + (– 10) (Additive inverse property) 
=-10 (Additive identity) 

Example (8 ) 
دلا را‎ {-3,6,3,-6,0} 
[a] Find the relation between X and Z 
[b] Is X closed under addition ? why ? 

[a] X C Z because each element of the set X belongs to Z 

[b] The idea of the solution : 
We find the sum of each two elements in X , then if : 

(1) all the results belong to X , then X is closed under addition. 

(2) only one result does not belong to X ; then X is not closed under addition. 
In this case : 

Since ,6+3=9EX 

So, X is not closed under addition. 

Use the properties of addition in Z to find each of the following : 
[a] 6 + 10 + (- 6) [b] 23 + (- 64) + 77 + (- 36) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit One 

Second Subtracting integers 

{ Subtracting an integer means adding its opposite. 1 

For example : 
٠ Subtracting (— 2) from 8, means 8 c2) 

adding the opposite of (— 2) to 8 | 

[ The opposite of (- 2)i¢ 2] Keep Change Opposite 
8 + (+2) 

* Subtracting З from (= 5), means adding the opposite of 3 to (— 5) 
(8) =(-5)+(-3)=(-8) 
Keep Change Opposite 1 

+ Subtracting (— 1) from (— 6). means adding the opposite of (— 1) to (- 6) 

Possibility of subtraction in Z 

From the previous examples, notice that the result of the eubtraction of two 
integers ie always an integer. 



If we subtract any two elements of Z , the result will be an element 
of Z 

It means that : | Subtraction of two integers is always possible їп Z | 

[ЖЕЕ] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 


| p 

Find the result of each of the following : 
[a3]-5-2 [b]6 - 10 [c]0 - 6 [d]- 6 - (- 12) 

[a]-5-2=-5+(-2)=-7 [b]6- 1026 + (- 10) 2- 4 
[c]0-6=0+(-6)=-6 [d]- 6- (- 12) =-6 + (12) =6 

| Example 10 
Find the result of each of the following : 
5-3 and 3-5 
What do you notice ? what does that mean ? 
Solution | 
5-3=5+(-3)=2 , 3-5=3+(-5)=-2 
We notice that: 5-3 #3 – 5 

i.e. | Subtraction operation is not commutative in Z 

Example (11) 
Find the result of each of the following : 
5-(8-1) and (5-3)-1 
What do you notice ? what does that mean ? 

5-—(3-1)=5-—[3+ )-1([ = 5-2 = 5 + )-2( =3 
,)5-3(-1 = [5 + )-3([-1=2-1 =2 + )-1( =1 
We notice that : 5 – (3 – 1) # (5 – 3) – 1 

Le. | Subtraction operation is not associative in 2 ) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

From the previous , we can deduce the following properties of 
subtraction in Z : 

Z is closed under subtraction operation. 
i.e. The result of subtracting any two integers is an integer. 

The subtraction operation in Z is not commutative. 

The subtraction operation in Z is not associative. 

| Example (19) 
Ifa=—-2,b= 3and c =- 1 , then find the value оѓ: 
[a]a+b+c [b]a-c- (- b) 

[аја+ь+с=-2 +3 + (– 1) = 1 + (– 1) = 0 
[b] a-c-(—b)=-2-(-1)-(-3) =-2+1+3=-1+3=2 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

a%-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 

с -3+(-4) d 6+(-7) 

هد تيبب ببب ب مي С ЕЕЕ ЕЧ‏ 

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 =2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Use the number line to find : 

a 5+2 b 4+(-3) с -4*(-2) 

d -7+4 e 8-4 f 5-(-3) 

9 6030-3-3 h -4+4 | i -10 +2 

Find the result of each of the following : 

а 4+2 b (-2)*(-1) | c -5+9 

d 9+(-8) e 0+(-5) f 18+ (- 18) 

g -6+0 h -48+34 | i —10 + (- 10) 

a Find the result of each of the following : 
a7-5 b 3-9 a-7-3 
d 19—(— 11) (Giza 2013) e -3-(-4) f -9-8 
820—7 h 0-(-3) i -5-0 

j -73-(-73) k 33-|- 11] | 1 |-14|-]-28| 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tesi]‏ 

Unit One 

Choose the correct answer : 

a The additive identity in Z is (South Sinai 2011) 
(0 or 1 or =1 or 2) 

15 + 8—15 = eese (giza2015)(-15 or 8 or 15 or 23) 
З=|=3| = (El-Gharbia 2017) (0 or 1 or 3 or 6) 
1558 |= 5 (€l-Gharbia 2013)(1 or 6 or -6 or -2) 
|-5|* 20 (€l-pakahtia2011)(—5 or 5 or 0 or 1) 

f The additive inverse of (— 5) is (Beni Suef 2011) 
(-10 or 5 or 0 or -5) 

4*(-6)» (ismailia2011)(2 or O0 or —2 or —4) 

If X =—1,Y > 2 , then the value of X + Y = ~- (Beni Suef 2016) 
(2 or 3 or 1 or -1) 

Write the property used in each of the following : 
a -5+3=3+(-5) 

b 6+(-6)=0 
c 0+(-7)=-7 
а (– 10 +5) +3 = – 10 + (5 + 3) 

e -а+а= 0 

Complete each of the following : 
€ )-7( + =0 а (-8) + = (– 8) 
е 6 + (– 6) = e (South Sinai 2011) f 2—(—3) = (Qena 2014) 
9 |-17|-12= --------- (Е1-Мопоўа 2017) | h O + --- = |7 | 
j (5 +(-8)) +7=5+( 

(тыз / ايتدائى‎ V رياضيات لغات‎ wall 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

The additive inverse of 8 is 

The additive inverse of (— 4) is - А (Ismailia 2014) 
The additive inverse of | 6| is 

The additive inverse of zero is (Souhag 2012) 
The additive identity element in Z is (Souhag 2015) 
The result of subtracting 7 from )- 2) is 

The result of subtracting — 5 from 3 is ===- 

Ifa +b = b +c ,then ce = ---- | S Ifa*(-3)-b*a,thenbz ع‎ 

t Ifa +b =b ,then a = u Ҥа+Ьь=0 »then a is 

B Find the value of (n) in each of the following : 
а -8+0=п | b -6+n=-6 
€ n+6=0 d (-8)*(-4)7n 
e 5+п=8 f -6+n=-9 
9 27+(-27)=n h n+12=7 

E] Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
a -5*(-6)*5 | b 10+(-5)+(-2) 

с-7+2+(—13) d (— 17) + 19 + 17 (kafr El-Sheikh 2016) 

е 15*(-3)*25 | f 5+(-3)+7+(-9) 
25*(-8)*(-25)*7 (El-Monofia 2013) 
h 55 + (— 255) + 45 + 225 
— 74 + 65 + 74 + (- 65) (El-Beheira 2015) 

113 — 120 * 17 (Red Sea 2011) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

k £32015 + 180 + (— 1015) 

| 63 + 54 + 37 +46 (Giza 2012) 

@ Find each of the following : 
a3+7+6 b (-6) + (-2) +(-1) 
c -3+6 + (– 2) d 4-7-5 
е -3+7-5 | f —17— 13 + 10 
g -6-(-3)-5 | h -9+7-3 
i -2+5-(-3)+1 j -10-4+(-3)-(-6) 
к (-3+5)-(-6) ! -9-(4-7) 

[11] Evaluate each expression for t=-12 

а 45+t | b -12+t+24 

c t* (- 21) | d t«|-8|«5 

{Bf a=3,b=-4andc=-2, then find the value of : 

a a+b b b+c 
c a-b d b-c 
e a+b+c f a-b+c 

9 -c+a-b h (a*c)-b 

£3 Check the property of closure of the addition and subtraction on the 

following sets of numbers : 

a Х= {1,0,1} b ү={-2,-1,0,1,2} 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Ga Temperature is recorded in St. Catherine — 3°C at three o'clock after 
midnight , while it is recorded 11°C in the afternoon. 

Calculate the increase in temperature. 

@ The temperature on Sunday morning was — 2*C ; the temperature 
dropped 7°С by Monday and then rose 5*C by Tuesday. 

What was the temperature on Tuesday ? 

[16] The temperature of the North polar water 
layer is — 1°C, the temperature rises 5°C 
in the North Atlantic deep water layer. 

What is the temperature of that layer ? 

CI A submarine at a depth of 90 metres 
below sea level. It rose 60 metres. 

Use the appropriate calculation to calculate 
the new depth of the submarine. 

B LI Ramy deposited a sum of money 
amounting to L.E. 6220 , then he withdrew 
an amount of L.E. 1211 , and then he 
deposited an another amount of L.E. 2110 mass 
How much is the balance of Ramy in the 
bank ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Multiplying and dividing integers 

© First Multiplying integers % 


{ You know that multiplication і a repeated addition. || 9 1 
E. - Ec [ 

x For example : wae sane X 
a 52072 IE به‎ ¢9 X we 2 © vd 
| 4 (0! 2 @ 4 5 © TA 
در‎ the sum of integers is always an integer; so the product of two integers ] 

ie aleo an integer: ) n 

2 For example : f 

Ф ٠23 - 2 + 2 + 2 - 6 ع‎ 2* a 
f e )- 3( x 4 = )- 3) + )- 3) + )- 3) + )- 3( = - 12 EZ- و‎ 
of e 4x )-2( = )-2( + (-2) + (- 2) + (-2)=-8 EZ- V 
e + ЄЗ)х(—2)=- (3 х(—2)) =- ((—2) + )- 2( + )- 2(( =- )- 6( = 6 ع‎ 2* А 
+0х3=0+0+0=0 9 




(^ From the previous examples , notice that : 

( 9 When we multiplied two integers; the product was always an integer. 

If we multiply any two elements of 2; the result will be an element of Z 

It means that : | Multiplication of two integers is always possible in Z 

* When we multiplied two positive integers; the product was positive. 
* When we multiplied two negative integers, the product was positive. 
* When we multiply two integers one positive and the other negative; 
the product was negative. 
ө If the signs are the SAME then the product is POSITIVE. 
ie. ©x@= © and ©) «© =(@% 
Ф If the signs are DIFFERENT then the product is NEGATIVE. 
{.е. @ х©=© and ©» © -© 
e If we multiply any integer by 0 , the product will be O 
For example : 
°4x0=0 *0x3-0 
| e-2x0=0 *0x-5-0 
Example a ) 
Find the product for each of the following : 
[a] = 8) x C 1) [b] 5x-2 [c] 0 x - 7 
Id] 2 x1- 41 [e]-1-31x5 [f] -(-4) x6 


[a] (-8) х (-1)=8 [b] 5 x-2=- 10 
[с]0х-7=0 [d]2x|-4|/=2x4=8 
[е]-1-31х5=-3х5 = – 15 [f]-(-4)x6=4x6=24 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

am‏ ني 

ER product for each of the following : 

[a] -3 x 5 = <... [b] C 4) x C 6) = v~ 
[c] -9 x 02 —— [d] 6 x (-3) = : 
[e] )- 100) x | - 2 | = .......... [f] )- 31) x 3 = 

Properties of multiplication in 

AA @ Closure property ^ 

Zis a closed set under multiplication. 
It means that : The product of any two elements of Z is always an element of Z 

For example : 
2ت 3-ه‎ 5-22 
» then : - 3 х )- 2( -6 EZ 

= @ Commutative property ^— — 
If a and b are two integers , then : a x b =b xa 
For example : 
*(-3)x(-4)212 › (-4)x(-3)- 12 
ie. -3)x )-4( = (C 4)x(-3) 

^m © Associative property ^ = 

If a »b and c are three integers , then: a x b xc = (a x b) x e = a x (b x c) 

For example : 

e4 x )- 3) x (~ 2) = (4 x )- 3(( x (= 2) = C 12) x (- 2) = 24 
Also, 4 x (-3) x )-2( = 4 x )- 3( x )-2(( = 4 x 6 = 24 

i.e. 4 x (= 3) x )- 2) = (4 x (—3)) x )- 2) = 4 x ((—3) x (— 2)) 

22 هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 


© @ The existence of the multiplicative identity (neutral) element in Z ^. 
For any integer a , ме have:1xa=ax1=a 

i.e. the number “1” is the multiplicative identity (neutral) element in Z 

For example : 

e1x3=3x1=3 e(—2)x1=1x(-2)=-2 

-= © Multiplication is distributed over addition and subtraction in Z ^. 

If a »b and c are three integers ; then: 
eax(b+c)=axbtaxc апа (b+c)xa=bxatcxa 
*ax(b-c)zaxb-axc and (b-c)xa=bxa-cxa 
For example : 

*2x(-4*7) *2x(-4)*2x7 
22x89 | =-8+14 

=6 =6 

ie. 2x(-4+7)=2x(-4)+2x7=6 

*3x(5-7) *e3x5-3x7 

= 3 x )-2( | 215-21 

=-6 =-6 

ie. 3x(5-7)23x5-3x7 --6 

Example ( 2) 

Use the properties of multiplication of integers to find : 
[a] — 4) x 57 x (- 25) [b] 8 x 2 x 125 x (- 50) 

[a] (— 4) x 57 x (— 25) = (– 4) x )- 25) x 57 (Commutative property) 
= (c 4) х (– 25)) x57 (Associative property) 
= 100 x 57 
= 5700 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

[b] 8 x 2 x 125 x (50) = 8 x 125 x 2 x (– 50) (Commutative property) 
= (8 x 125) x (2 x(- 50)) (Associative property) 
= 1000 х (— 100) 
= — 100 000 

| Example (3 
Use the distribution property to find the value of each of the following : 
[a] 3 (C4) *3x 5 [b]5x7 *5x (- 7) 

[c] 15 x (C 17) + 35 x (- 17) – 50 x (- 17) 
[a] 3 х (-4) + 3 x 5= 3 x ((- 4) + 5) =3 x1 53 
[b] 5 x 7 + 5 x (- 7) - x (7 + (7)) =5 x0 =0 
[c] 15 x (- 17) + 35 x (- 17) – 50 x (- 17) 
= (15 + 35 — 50) x (- 17) = (50 — 50) x (- 17) = 0 x (- 17) 20 

| Example (4 
Find each of the following by two methods : 
[a] 5 x (-3 + (—5)) [b] 120 x 19 + 120 x (- 19) 

[a] — First method: ل‎ Second method: — 
5x(-3*(-5) 5х (-3+(-5)) 
= 5 x (-3)+5x(-5) =5 x (-8) 
=- 15 + (– 25) = – 40 2-40 

[b] — First method : — Second method: — 
120 x 19 * 120 x (- 19) 120 x 19 + 120 x (— 19) 
= 120 x (19 + (— 19)) = 2280 + (— 2280) 
=120x0=0 =0 

(Wer Y ابتدائى / تيرم‎ V رياضيات لغات‎ wall (49) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

2> Calculator : 
You can use a calculator to check your answers. 
Example : - 15 x (- 12) = == 

COED COED integers 

Notice that : 
°6+2=3 because 2x3-6 (3 6Z) 
+-15+3=-—-5 because 3x(-5)=-15 (—5ЄЛ) 
°18+(-9)=-2 because — (-9)x(-2)218  (-2€2Z) 
e (-24) + (=4)=6 because (-4)x6--24 (6 6Z) 
Since the result of the division 5 + Э ie not an integer » because there is no integer 
multiplied by 3 gives 5 » so we can say that : 

| The division is not always possible їп Z ог Z is not a closed set under division. | 


The following rules are applied when dividing integers is possible : 
The quotient of two integers with the SAME sign is DOSITIVE. 
و .ه.أ‎ + © - © and ©+©=@® 
For example : 
+8+2=4 2(>5-)+10-ه.‎ 
The quotient of two integers with DIFFERENT signs is NEGATIVE. 

and О+®= О‏ ©= © ب قو .ه.أ 
For example :‏ 

TETE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 

Unit One 

Notice that : 
0+2=0 60+ (1-4) =0 60 + (-100) = 0 7 

ie.| the quotient of zero divided by any non zero integer is zero. | 

Notice that : 
Division by O has no meaning. Га 

For example : 

— 5 + 0 has no meaning because there is no number when multiplied by zero 
gives (- 5) 

Ж“ accom 
State whether the quotient is positive › negative or 0 : 
[a] -6 + (-2) Co) | [b]-10+5 
[c120*(-5) . 0) [9]0 +3 
[e] 0 + )- 5) ( ) [f] 144 + 12 

| Example (5) 
Find the result of each of the following : 
6*(-3) and (-3)*6 
Are the results equal ? 

6 + )- 3) = - 2 while (— 3) + 6 is not possible in Z 

It means that : [ The division operation in Z is not commutative. | 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


| Example (6 
Find the result of each of the following : 
(36*(-6))*2 and 36+ ((-6)+2) 

Are the results equal ? 

(36 + )-6(( +2 36 + (76) + 2) 
=(-6)+2 = 36 +(– 3) 
=-3 =-12 

So, (36 + (- 6)) + 2 * 36 + ((— 6) + 2) 

It means that : | The division operation in Z is not associative. 

From the previous , we can deduce the following properties of 
division in Z : 

Division is not always possible in Z or Z is not closed under division. 
Division in Z is not commutative. 

Division in Z is not associative. 

Example (7 ) 
lfa-6.b-—2andc--6.then find the result of each of the following : 
[a]4a*2b [b] (a x b) + c 
[с] (a + c) +6 Id] (a - €) + b 

Solution | 
[ајда + 2 b = [4x6] + [2x - 2] = 24 + (- 4) - - 6 
[b] (a x b) + c = [6 x )- 2)] + C6) =- 12 + (-6) 22 
[c] (a + c) + b = [6 + (-6)] + (- 2) = 0 + (- 2) = 0 

[d] (a - e) + b = [6- C6] + (=2)=(6+6)+(=2)=12+(-2)=-6 لس‎ 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 



exercise IJ 

Multiplying and dividing integers 

a 8x5 
c -6x7 

a (-15)*(-5) 
c 0+8 

LL From the school book 

[1] State whether the product is positive , negative or 0 : 
b (-3)x(-9) 
d 0x(-5) 

State whether the quotient is positive , negative or 0 : 
b 24+(—3) 
d 144 16 

El Multiply : 

a 3x5 

€ (— 125) x )- 4) «&-Menia 2015) 
e 9x(-1) 

9 £3 (- 131) x (- 3) 

i £1-(-6)x (C2) 

k -|10|x|-3| 

(GB Divide : 
a 8+2 
с 49 + (– 7) 
е 0+ 10 
9 – 100 +25 

i (— 18) + (- 3) (&t-wonofia 2012) 

k |-45|*1- 5] 

0x (= 10) 
EQ -9x7 
200 x (- 12) 
(-5) x|-4] 

(Ismailia 2016) 


- 64 +8 

(- 36) + (- 4) 
77+ (- 11) 


(Aswan 2014) 


ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Teese]‏ 


Write the property of multiplication in the set Z in each of the following : 
а – 12х1=- 12 
b -5x (9х7) = (-5 х9) х7 
с 5х (-2) = (2) х5 
а (2х6) + (-2х 9) = - 2 х (6 + 9) 

a Find the value of (X) in each of the following : 
a-8x4=xx-8 -16xx=-16 
€ xx(9+5)=(-4x9)+(—4x 5) -7xx=0 
e M xx (5 x )- 13) = (- 9 x 5) x C 13) (8) x (-3)=x 
-9+3= х Ф 8хх=-– 48 
-3х= 27 @15х= 45 
هل‎ хх9=-– 45 -18+x=-9 

Complete : 

a The additive neutral element in Z is ·--------- › while the multiplicative 
neutral element іп Z is === 
The sum of two negative integers is а ·--------· integer , while the product 
of two negative integers is a =- integer. 
The quotient of two integers having different signs when the division 
operation is possible in Z is a -------- integer. 
Bx =0 
3 x (— 7) = ----- (Matrouh 2013) 
|-24|+ (= 8) = eee (Ismaitia 2011) 
5x(- |42 ) БЕ (Port Said 2015) 
- )-12( x (-5)= 
-4x [3 + (- 1)] . (Assiut 2016) 
[9 + )- 5] x1- 111 = (The New Valley 2017) 
-7x = 56 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

х9=-3х 21 

If a = 3 ,b > - 2 ,then the value of 3 a = (Kafr El-Sheikh 2016) 
Ifxz|-12],y2-3,thenx*ys ل‎ (Giza 2017) 
Ax (B + С) = e +АхС 

If a طعا‎ > a : 300 a #0 ,then b = ---------- 

Ifa +b =a , and a +0 ,then b = ---------- 

If a + b = 1 , then b&s- 

Ifa + b = - 1 ,then b is the ofa 

B Choose the correct answer : 
а 6x(-3)2 ee (El-Menia 2012) (18 or —18 or 9 ог -9) 
b )-8(+ )-4( - (El-Menia 2011) (2 or —2 or 4 or 32) 
c 72+(-6)= (Et-Sharkia 2011) ( 12 or 12 or 6 or -6) 

ҥх=|-2|›,у 3,then Xy = eese (Giza 2016) 

(-5 or 5 or 6 or -6) 

[8 + )- 3([ x C 3) = ----- (El-Monofia 2013) 

(15 or —15 or 72 or -72) 

f Zero + )- 3) = eee (4 or -3 or 1 or zero) 

Zero х (— 1) x (— 2) x (—3) = === «Et-Gharbia 2014) 

(0 or -6 or -5 or 6) 

6-3x2-12-— (1 or 2 or 3 or 4) 
If n is a negative integer; which of the following is the smallest ? 

(Red Sea 2016) (З + п or Зп or n oF 3-n) 

If a + b = zero where a +b , then a x b (Beni Suef 2017) 

(= or > or > or 2) 

( a Use the properties of multiplication of integers to find : 
a 5x17x2 | b 50x(-45)x2 
€ 4x(-5)x3x(-2) а (-2) х (-3) х5 х (1) 
е 4х (- 16) x 25 f 8x77 х (- 125) 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

(0 Use the distributive property to find the result of each of the following : 
a 3x(-2)*3x5 
75 x 37 + 75 x 63 (El-Dakahlia 2017) 
147 x 69 — 47 x 69 
112 x 17 * 112 x (- 17) (Souhag 2012) 
(— 35) х (- 42) + (- 35) x 52 
32x18—32x34 + 32x 17 
45 x (— 16) + (- 47) x (- 16) + (— 16) 

(KI) Use the distributive property to find : 
a 26 x 101 | b 64x99 

c 32x98 d 72x111 

Find the result of each of the following : 
а (—5)х(3+7) b 12 x (5-9) 
с [8 + )- 5([ x 6 (et-katyoubia 2011) | d [5 + (C 3)] x (C 11) (Damietta 2013) 
e 6x(- 6+0) (Damietta 2012) | f (-7)x(6-2-8) 
g (5+3-8)x(-4) h (—5+3)+2 
i 45+ ]3-)-6([ j p5xc2]*c59 

(Bir x= 2 ,y=1 and z=5 , then find the value of : 3 x -2y +z 

(Kafr El-Sheikh 2011) 

( (EE Find the value of :X—2y +4 ,when X= 8 andy =-2 (cairo 2011) 

(Birx=3 +y 7-1andz--2 , calculate the value of : (2 X + y) x3z 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

(El-Dakahlia 2011) 

Repeated multiplication 

| You know hou to factorize a number by writing it ae the repeated multiplication. || м 
) l y 9 م‎ р | 

For example : y 
l6-2x2x2x2 Y 
(2 multiplied by itself 4 times) „4 
ie. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 is another form of writing the number 16 1 a 
• A third form of writing the number 16 is 24 37 
i.e. Instead of writing 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 „ме can write 24 ! 
2 It is read as : ) 
4 "2 to the power 4" OR "2 to the fourth power" 7 
Q 2 is called "the base" and 4 is called "the power" | 9 
»"the exponent" or "the index" 1 
Generally 4 
If a is an integer and n Є2* , then a x a x a x -- to n times = а" е3 
where a is called the base and п is called the power » index or exponent. 
0 4 
& 3 <١ 

ALD) Y ابتدائی / تيرم‎ V/ رياضيات لغات‎ жа] Ө] (57 

| Esel os خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسع بتداوله على مواق‎ jen M 

sated!) كتحابي‎ Па 0590) «йу ЧЁ ميم‎ 

For example : 
„7 х7 = 7? ,itis read as "7 to the power 2" OR "7 to the second power". 
e 6 x6 x6 = 63 ,itis read as "6 to the power 3" OR "6 to the third power". 
e (=3) x (-3) x (- 3) x (- 3) x (- 3) = (- 3(5 » itis read 

as "— 3 to the power 5" OR "— 3 to the fifth power". 

Notice that: 
* The second power of a number is called the square of this number. 
For example : 72 is read as "the square of 7" 

* The third power of a number is called the cube of this number. 
For example : 63 is read as "the cube of 6" 

Remarks 4 

o Any number to the first power is that number itself. 

For example: • 9! = 9 • (-3) =-3 exizx 
© Any number except 0 to the zero power is 1 

For example: • 50 = 1 e(-79 = 1 „+ а0 = 1 where a «0 
Ө If the base is one and пЄ2, then 1" = 1 

For example: • 15 = 1 6112=1 

(a) ifn is even 

—(a)" if n is odd 

i.e. • A negative integer raised to the power of an even integer gives 
a positive integer. 

Q 115 مومه 2ج‎ EZ* , then - a)" = 

* A negative integer raised to the power of an odd integer gives 
a negative integer. 
For example : • ( 4)? = 4? • (- 49 = – (4$ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى آ22 

Unit One 

| Example (1) 

Find the value of each of the following : 
[a] 25 Ib] )- 54 Ic] (– 3 Id] – (6)? 
[а] 25 =2х2х2х2х2= 32 
[b] (C552 54=5х5х5х 5 = 625 
[с] )- 35 =- (3) = -(3x 3x 3) 2-27 
[d] - (6)? = - (6 x 6)  - 36 
> Calculator : 
You can use a calculator to check your answers. 

Example : )- T) = 

لتكت عانقا تا WOW‏ 

Find the value of each of the following : 
[а] (- 5)? x 2 [b] )- 25 + C 2 
Ic] A 1! + c 1)' [d] 32 + 3 
Solution | 
[a] (— 5)? x 22 = 52 x 22 
= (5 x 5) х (2 x 2) = 25 x 4 = 100 
[b] (- 25 + (- 3? = - (25 + 3? 
=-(2х2х 2) + (3х3) =-8+9=1 
[с] (-1)" +(-1 10 = — (1)" +0 

[d] 32 + 33 = (3 x 3) + (3 x 3 x 3) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Example (3 
Ifa =3.,b=-1 апа с =2 , find the value of each of the following : 
[a] a? + c3 [b] а2-2аь [c] (a - b* 


[a] a? + сЗ = 32 + 23 = (3 x 3) + (2х2 х 2) 29 + 8 - 17 
[b] a? -2 ab 232-2x3x(-1)29-(-6) =9 +6 = 15 
[с] (a-b* = ]3 - C 1)] = [3 + 1? = 422 4x 4 = 16 

Rules of powers 

You know that:32=3x3 апа 35=3x3x3x3x3 

S0, 22 x35- ($ х 3) x(à x x 3 x 9x 3) 
2 356 351037 ات‎ E 

ie. 32 x3? =37*5 = 27 
By using a similar way » you can find also that : (- 5)6 x ( 5(3 = (= 5)? 

Ifa€z- (0) مء‎ €Z* ,m EZ” , then: 

i.e. In case of multiplying numbers with equal bases ; keep the base 
and add the powers. 

For example : 
e 32 x 33 = 32* 3 = 35 = 243 
e (C 2f x (- 2(2 = C 24 * 2 = (- 26» 26 = 4 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

+уху% хуз =у1*4*3 = ув 
e à? x b? x a x b = (a? x а5) х (b? x b) = a8 x b? 

e )- 2(3 x 2? =— (2)? x 22 =— 25 = — 32 

Tit cmm 
olf g 
[a] 322. [b] — 7)? Еа 
[с] 23 х 28 =.......... [d] (— 3? x ( 33 = <... 
[e] 22 x (- 2? = че [f1 32 x - 3? = — 


csp CF 

By using a similar way د‎ you can find that : 

If a is an integer anda #0 ,n CZ* , m €Z* , mz n. then: 

i.e. To divide two numbers with equal bases; keep the base and subtract 
the powers. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


For example : 


Cae = 8-6و‎ - (2-9 

=a 6=a3 where a #0 

Example (4) 
Find the value of each of the following : 

27 x 24 (5)? х (– 59 
[а] 5^ [b] C5y 


3 ير‎ 5 
[с] 57; хт. 


4 7*4 11 
[а] 252 = = 2 = 20-8 = 23-8 

Ace ETE TOTS‏ _ كرت رمع 
" 25 = )5( )5 ع [b] cere‏ 

US a= se 20 № 
Га ах твае а 1“ [Remember that : 

1914 D x -(ay-s--(ap--9 | a°=1,whereaz0 

iF arn 

Complete : 

[b] С oie = pe T 

34x38 _ оилор _ 
[c] $5 voice مسب‎ | fatti Ey 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

ГА From the school book 
п Complete : 


Two to the seventh power = 2 

Ten to the twelfth power = ^ 

Four cubed = 

Five squared 

Seven to the zero power = -- 

23+ 2 Е (Cairo 2013) 
Bzero - E (El-Kalyoubia 2014) 
Cc Dee + (Ту? O E (El-Gharbia 2015) 
E 1)10 +(- 1) mo... (El-Fayoum 2012) 

ans where m ,n€Z*,m»n (Suez 2016) 

n 35+ 33 = .......... (Matrouh 2013) 


о (- 49+ m 4y E (El-Beheira 2017) 

Find the value of each of the following : 
a2 b 3? c 5? 
d 104 е (-7* f 27 
9 (-6? h - (9) i 50 
k (-1)°° lj c4»! 

; ( (ring the value of each of the following : 
а 22х23 b (10)? x (- 10)* с (-59 x5? 
d -(2/x22 e bf xp? х7 ke 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ШЕ]‏ 

ea Find the value of each of the following : 

а 27 +25 | b 34433 

с 59.56 d 0137 «31 

e (-6) + (– 6) (Assiut 2012) f (-4)5«(-4f 

g 69 )-8(5 + 3 h аб+а 

3 ,а+0 

Find the value of each of the following : 
a 23x 32 b (C5)? x 22 

d E (4)3 х (- 1)5 | e t£3(-5?x(- 1)" | 

j C(-2)*+(-3)3| k ca 17+ o 1 (= 1(5 + ) 50 

g -(4)?x(-2)8 | Һ 023 +22 

m 24+33 2 | n 34x 32 x 22 x 3 

(E Find the value of each of the following : 

а 25x6? 

c 3x3 (Suez 2015) 

(Giza 2013) | 

a (3) х (– 3) 

(North Sinai 2017) 

— 3(4 x ) 5 
g Cx (Souhag 2013) 

2 × (— 5 
p 21:8 

(Aswan 2012) 

(C20 x 24 
k 972 (Ismaitia 2012) 


с (– 1* x (2) (Giza 2014) 
f (71x23 

i ) 2(3 + 2 

| o (-2 x (23 

(El-Beheira 2014) 

(El-Menia 2016) 

; C2Yx(-25 

210| — (Kafr El-Sheikh 2017) 

a 96 x(- 99 
92 х (95 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

(— 5)" x ) 58 —39  )-4(5 
EPI Бут n = a a (El-Dakahlia 2015) 
22+ 23 

25 + 1(5 (South Sinai 2013) 
Bose ti D " 

Simplify each of the following to its simplest form : 

6 3 12 
-X9 whereas0 a 

b ———5 whereaz0 
а5 а? ха? 

x8 Xx Fe له‎ 
© XB, x3 Where X#0 d SPST 

B Simplify each of the following to its simplest form : 

where Х #0 

54x 33 (— 2)5х37 
а —зт Px Coe 

G4 x (= 3)? Х5х 
Erg а у where X لاو‎ #0 

а L3 (C27 .(- 3* , (- 4 ‚(— 1(15 and 2 
b 23,32 , ) 2(3 , (100)? and (- 1(5 
[Orange in a descending order: 
а )- 2(3 , )- 27 , )- 2P and (- 5 
b 102, (-1)5 , 1000 and (1000)ê (Damietta 2013) 

c £2 102, )- 1)5 , 100? , (- 10)? and 1000000 

WPu »»0orz]: 

зт Y رياضيات لغات /\ ابتدائى / تيرم‎ wall 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

f 62 )-2 
K 00192 +. £ 34 

RE eas (-1)" (Damietta 2012) 

m (-2f + (- 354 5 

Choose the correct answer : 
(€ or € or C ог $) 

(€ or € or C or С) 

(€ or € or C or £) 

The additive inverse of (— 8)? is (8 or -8 or 1 or -1) 
The additive inverse of (— 1)? is (1 or|-1 or 3 or -3) 
32 × 3 = 3 (сга 2014) (5 or З or 2 or 1) 
234.222... (Et-Beheira 2013) (2 of 8 or 16 or 32) 
37 + 37 = (ismaitia 2014) (0 |or 1 or З or 7) 
265 22 + 2 = (E-Gharbia2014) (28 of 212 or 25 or 2) 
25+ 25-3 (€l-Dakahtia 2017) (2 or 10 or zero or 1) 
(3)0 + ) 3)0 = --------. (South Sinai 2012) (6 |or O or 1 or 2) 
(= 1(3 1 = (cairo 2017) (C2 | or O or 1 or 2) 
22+2=.---- (6 or 8 or 23 or 43) 
33-322... (3 or 35 or 39 or 18) 
(= 3)3 (2392.  (Souhag 2013) ((- 3)? ог (+3)® or -18 or 18) 

324324322. (Aswan 2015) ( 28 or 49 or 33 or 29) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

(5452 (5? or 20 or 15 or 30) 
(—1)1 + (— 1)'91 = ......... (El-Monofia 2016) (zero or —1 ог 1 or -2( 
(7 or 1 or 8 or 7?) 

(25 or (—2)5 or 235 or (- 2)35) 

(212 or 22 or 2x2? or 8) 

If 35 + 3° = 39 , then a = = (4 or 5 or -5 or 0) 

Which of the following is the nearest to : 11? + 9? ? 
(22+ 18 or 211 + 29 or 120+ 20 or 120 + 80) 

If X = 1 ,у=-2 , then the negative number in the following is 
(Ei-Gharbia2013) (X +y? or x2-y or х?+у or X2+ y?) 

ҤЕ is an odd number د‎ then the even number in the following is 
(Et-Sharkia 2016) (F2 or F2+F or 2F+1 or ЕЗ) 

If عم‎ 2 then find the value of each of the following : 
an? b Зп” c n**5 

d n3-1 е 1 f 2п5+1 

[14] If a=2 and b = - 3, find the value of each of the following : 

a 3a?b b 2a+3b с a?+b?+ab (Alexandria 2013) 

If a= 32, b = 23 Find the value of : (a - b)!? (El-Gharbia 2015) 

[16] Use the distributive property to calculate the value of each of the following : 

a (17)? + 17 x 83 | b 33x23- (23? 

c (27)? + 27 x (- 17) d (23)? + 23 x 78 — 23 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

24 WWW zakrooly:comp 

© Numerical patterns 

{ Numerical pattern is a sequence of numbers according to a particular rule. y bl 

For example : | 
* The set of natural numbers N represents -3 LS v 
a numerical pattern where “each number 
б E ч " 345 6 
is more than its preceding by one’ 
Ww • The set of even numbers = {0,2,4,6 ,... } represents a numerical 
pattern where "each number is more than its preceding by 2" 
» Also , the set of odd numbers = (1,2,5,7,..] represents a numerical 
ví pattern where "each number is more than its preceding by 2" 

A Pascal’s triangle 

۹ F 4| --=—Row 0 
e Pascal's triangle is one of the most 
interesting numerical patterns. T -—TRow1 
e In this triangle › we notice that each TA ROW dex 
row begins and ends with number (1) 3 1---Row3 V 
e After the second row › each number is Br d 1 ERNE هم‎ 
the sum of the two numbers just to the 1 5 1010 5 1----RowS5 
с left and right of it in the row above. Pascal's triangle $ 
ЫЈ For example : 1 + 3 = 4 and is represented by the red triangle. 4 
ES б) 2 

Ton] على مواقع أخرى‎ Eius يسح‎ Y بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى‎ E e: | 

M Iouem] [кишу юу) 

Unit One 

* There are a lot of numerical patterns that we can get from Pascal's triangle 
as shown in the following : 

== = 5 
1. The first diagonal ie of course just "I" ع‎ and the next diagonal has the counting | 
numbers (1,2, З... eto.) , the third diagonal has the triangular numbers. | 

= a 


The sum of each гош < Counting РЕК 

4 Triangular numbers 

2. The sum of each row is twice of ite preceding or the eum of the numbers in an 
row ig equal to 2 raised to ће nt power or 2" , where “n” ig the index number | 
of the row. | 

For example : 

The sum of each row 

• Try by helping your teacher to discover another numerical patterns in 
Pascal's triangle. 


[сте هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 


Describing of the pattern 

Means discovering the rule of the pattern and expressing it in words. 

| Example (1 

Describe each of the following patterns , then complete in the same 
pattern : 

[31153555 7; 

[b] 95 85 , 75.65 ; 
[c] 3.6.12 . 4 

[d] 1-254 ,-8 16. 


+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 

[а] 1... م‎ ac. do 

(Description of the pattern ) 

Each number ie more than ite preceding by 2 

-10 -10 -10 -10  -10 

pres 8s OS 5 

(Description of the pattern ) 

Each number ie lege than ite preceding by IO 

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 

(Description of the pattern |) 

Each number ie twice of ite preceding. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

x(-2) x(-2 x(-2 x(-2 x(-2 x(-2 

wit. es tae Coe 

| Description of the pattern ) 

Each number equale ite preceding multiplied by (- 2) 

Complete in the same pattern : 

[a] 154 97 و‎ 10 pee gien 
[b] 2.8. 32; 

[d] 128 .64..32 "...و‎ © 

| Example ( 2) 

Write the number of line segments in each shape , then write 
the numerical pattern and describe її: 


Number of line segments : 6 , 9 , 12 
The numerical pattern: 6 و 18 , 15 , 12 , 9و‎ 
Description of the pattern : each number is more than its preceding by 3 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

the school book 
E Complete in the same pattern : 

a 1,2,3,4, 

(Assiut 2017) 

-2,-4,-6,-8 s (Beni Suef 2013) 


e —-15,-125,-9; : (El-Sharkia 2011) 

3,9,27,- . (Souhag 2012) 

EB complete in the same pattern : 

a 1,-1,-3,- 
3,—-6.12,.—-24,-— "d (Alexandria 2011) 
-6,-4,-2, + (Kafr El-Sheikh 2016) 
9 > 6 > 3 5 0 goce و‎ 
16 .12 .8 4 (Ismailia 2011) 


Complete in the same pattern : 
2,-65185—54 ومسو‎ 
8,848 3: 

—20,-18,-16, (Aswan 2011) 

e 1,3,6,10, 

@ ١ 
TEE] ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit One 

f 8,4,2, 

g 1,1,2,3,5,8 (Aswan 2013) 

a CA Complete the following numerical patterns by writing three consecutive 
numbers : 


b i 3 i 5 4 5 $ анисин (El-Beheira 2016) 

€ 2953955958 9139 узше усе сын (Et-Katyoubia 2013) 

d 1,4,9,16,29]8 m ER, amen 

Discover the rule of the numerical pattern , then complete in the same 
pattern : 

а 160,80,40,20, 
b 1.357,15; 
€ 1945599 و 14و‎ ------ 

d (n 4 P 2 LN $ ODE (Kafr El-Sheikh 2015) 

a ШЇ Discover the rule of the numerical pattern and write the missing 
numbers in each case : 

(Aswan 2015) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

( £ Complete the following table : 

The numerical pattern Description of the pattern 


Each number is more than its 
preceding by 5 

Each number is less than its 
preceding by 4 


Æ Describe the pattern in words , then complete in the 18 1 pattern : 

2.7.12 ,17,- 

b 357511515 ...و‎ 

15359527 gee 

f 192 ,96 ,48 ,24 و‎ 

[9] £ Write the number of line segments below each shape , and then write 
the numerical pattern and describe it : 

Number of line segments : 
The numerical pattern : = 

Description of the pattern : 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit One 

@ EQ Write the number of triangles below each shape , and then write the 
numerical pattern and describe it : 

Number of triangles : 

The numerical pattern : 

Description of the pattern 

Using the number of line segments , write another pattern and describe it. 

[11] £3 Deduce the pattern rule expressing the following design , then write 
the numerical pattern : 

Number of line segments : .......... 
The numerical pattern 
The pattern rule : 

CA Write the number of dots below each figure of the following : 

Number of dots : 
The numerical pattern : ~- 

The rule of the pattern : 

B Look at the pattern of dots : 

We asi 

а How many dots will be there in the 5'^ shape ? 

b Draw the 5" shape in the pattern. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

( @ Look at the pattern of dots : 


a Draw the 5" shape in the pattern. 

b How many dots will be there in the 7'^ shape + 

Write the number of chords below each shape , then f nd the number of 
chords that will be in the 6'^ shape : 

ER An Egyptian land company reclaims 6 feddans per|day to become 
prepared and ready for agriculture. 
How many days do the company require to reclaim about 50 feddans ? 
Write the numerical pattern which expresses this and describe it. 

Karim saves L.E. 52 every month. 
How many months does he need to save about L.E. 160 ? 

Write the numerical pattern which expresses this and describe it. 

B EA Khaled decided to lose weight at the rate of 3 kg. monthly. 

If he is 90 kg. heavy right now , then how many months does he need to 
reach 69 kg. ? 

Write expressing the numerical pattern and describe it. 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Test on Unit One 

Answer the following questions : 
п Choose the correct answer from the given ones : 
а NUZ He (Z or Z* or Z or 2) 
b The smallest positive integer is (0 or 1 or -1 or 2) 
(> or > or = or 2) 
5 280 + (— 5( 2686 =... (zero or 5 or 2 or 10) 

Ifa =2 ,b=-3,then 2 ab = =- (-12 or -18 or -2 or 12) 

Complete : 

a 19- (=) = wees 

b The additive inverse of the integer (- 17) is ............ 
© 2*02- 
d (— 64) +8 = e 

e The additive identity element іп Z is .... 

a Arrange the following numbers in an ascending order : 
-9,17 ,|- 9 | , - 15 and (- 4? 
b Express each of the following sets using the listing method : 
(1) The set of integers less than — 2 


[ств هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ А 

( a a Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 

(1) C 15) + 23 + 15 

(2) 36 + (- 72) + 64 + (- 28) 
| C3*x35 

b Find the value of the following in the simplest form at 

[5] a Complete in the same pattern : | 

(07,3,-1, Щ 
1 1 1 1 
(2) 3'68^12724^ 
b Use the properties of multiplication in Z to find : 
(2) 45 х 117 – 45 x 17 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع ( 1585251 

Technology of Unit One 

ё 5 
le ^p. 
ciel Using Excel program to find the sum of two integers 9 
м ! 

Procedures of activity : & 

[1] Click "Start" button from the task bar. 


[2] From the menu “All programs” select “Microsoft Office”, then select 4, 
"Microsoft Excel". | 4 

[3] Fill in any column (Say A for Mic 
example) by a set of integers UE ét Mes iet fames Took Dus Window Hep م‎ 

Ф 215072 

as shown. 77] z0 -B م‎ пж жиз. | 
-n o RENE 
P Do the same thing with NIE 3 = = | Ө: 

column B “Figure (1)" 








0 8 
ا‎ à 7 


[4] To calculate the sum of each 

% g 

number in column A and its 
corresponding in column B , 
do as follows : 


* Click cell C2 

4 A e Type = А2 + B2 “Figure (2)" 2 

4 Fig. (2) $ 
$ = 2 
6 (79) 

` |1888| العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا یسح بنداوله على مواق أخرى‎ H 

\ ماص‎ es) E) [Ge الصف السادس‎ | 7 


٠ Click Enter and you will 
obtain the sum of the two 
numbers "Figure (3)" 

C2 till the pointer changes to the 

form (+) » then perform (Auto fill) a 
by copying the formula from cell 

C2 to C8 by dragging, then we 
obtain the shown figure. 

“Figure (4)" 


* Notice and deduce the signs rule of addition. Fig. 

| Activity ©) Using Excel program to find the ЫЛЫС? of two integers 

Procedures of activity : | 

[1] Click "Start" button from the 
task bar. 

[2] From the menu "All programs" 
select "Microsoft Office" , then 
select "Microsoft Excel" 

[3] Fill in any column (Say A for 
example) by a set of integers 
as shown. | 
Do the same thing with к= 
column B "Figure (1)” Fig. (1) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Unit One 

[4] To find the product of each 
number in colurhn A by its 

corresponding in column B » 

do as follows : 

* Click cell C2 

* Type = A2 + B2 “Figure (2)” 

* Click Enter and you will 
obtain the product of the 
number in cell A2 by the 

number in cell B2 “Figure (3)" 

* To repeat the multiplication 
operation on the remaining 
numbers ; click C2 till the pointer 

changes to the form (+) , then 
perform (Auto fill) by copying 
the formula from cell C2 to C8 
by dragging ; then we obtain the 


shown figure. “Figure (4)" 

* Notice and deduce the signs rule of multiplication. 

wall ( 81‏ رياضيات لغات /3 ابتدائى / تيرم ؟ OVD‏ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

[О Use Excel program to find the quotient of two integers and print the sheet. 

G Use Excel program to verify that : а? x а" = a" * and print the sheet. 

G Use Excel program to verify that : а" + а" = a" 7~" , m > n ,a > 0 and print 
the sheet. 

@ £ Watch the weather forecast which describes the state of the weather in 

some cities , and register some cities of temperature less than zero and 

other cities of temperature greater than zero in the follawing table : 

nl | 
| Temperature | | | 

* How many cities are of temperature less than zero ? 

* Consider yourself a resident of one of the cities where temperature is greater 
than zero » and you will travel to the city of OTE than zero. 

е two cities. 

(a) Calculate the difference in temperature between ti 

(b) Describe the preparations needed to travel to this city. 

© Copy the diagram , and arrange 

the integers — 1 through — 19 in 
the circles so that the sum of the 

numbers on each line is — 30 


TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ ١ 

{= Lessons of the unit : 
1. Equation and inequality of the first degree. 

а; Solving first degree equations іп one unknown. 
3.Solving first degree inequality іп one unknown. 
© Test on unit two, 

© Technology of unit two. 

© Activity of unit two. 

% 4 

By the end of this unit, student should be able to 

* recognize the equation and the inequality. * recognize the properties of each of the 

+ express symbolically each of the equation and equations and the inequalities. 
the inequality. 




+ find the solution set of each of the first degree 
* determine the degree of each of the equation equation in one unknown and the first degree 
and the inequality. inequality in one unknown using the properties 
А of each опе of them, and represent it on the 
+ find the solution set of each of the equation and number line 

the inequality using the substitution set method. 

® 20 

هذا اسل خاس يموق ii дыз‏ يسع بتر اله عل ماق БШ...‏ 
| | الصف السادس الايتداكى | ERR‏ سح 


• The figure below represents a pair of scales. 

I o 
The other pan ; X 

x One of its pans 
Ww contains a bag contains x 4 
of orange and a weight of 1 9 
a weight of 2 kg. 5 ka. ! , | 
f 1 
v j n 
A * If we denote the weight of the bag by x kg.» then the whole weight in f | 
~ the left pan will be (х + 2) kg. 9 
Ww • The weights in the two pans are equal when x + 2 = 5 , or when х= 3 
9 (because 3 is the unique number if added to 2 gives 5) ч 1 
ё ( It means that the weight of the bag of orange is 3 kg. when the two pans 3 
contain equal weights. f. 
8 4 
ez 84 & 

5 العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 
u 4‏ 

Unit Two 

o х + 2 = 5 is called "an equation". 

© The letter "x" in the equation is called "the unknown" or "the variable". 

€ The number "3" is called "the solution" of the equation x + 2 = 5, and 
{3} is called "the solution set" (S.S.) of the equation. 

o The solution of the equation is the number which "satisfies" the equation. 
i.e. which makes the two sides of the equation equal. E 

Definition : An equation is a mathematical statement that has two expressions 
Separated by an equal sign. One or both of the expressions contains one | 
unknown (ог тоге). | 
E ы тик وي‎ 
Examples of equations : 
+х+4=9 +8-3х=5 
+х+2у=-1 +х+1=3-2х 
+х?+5=14 x3 +4 x =0 

Example (1 
For the equation 2x + 1 = 7 و‎ check each element of the set (1 و‎ 2 > 3} 
to find whether it is a solution of this equation or not. 

e When x = 1 , the left side 2 x + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 £ the right side (#7) 
Therefore › 1 is not a solution of the equation. 
> When x = 2 , the left side 2 x 1 = 4 + 1 = 5 # the right side ( 7) 
Therefore ; 2 is not a solution of the equation. 
* When x = 3 , the left side 2 x + 1 = 6 + 1 =7 = the right side 
Therefore » 3 is a solution of the equation. 

In the previous example ; the set (1 ,2 , 3} is called "substitution set". ] 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Example (9 

Find the solution set of the equation 
xX + 2 = 5 if the substitution set is : 

[а] (- 253.4] [b] (- 151.2) 

Substitute in the left hand side of the equation for X by the elements of 
the substitution set as follows : 

Nofice that : 
(>) means since 
(.-.) means then or therefore р 

[а] If the substitution setis [22 ,3 ,4} 

e When X--2 ~. The left hand side = — 2 + 2 = zero #5 

i.e. — 2 is not a solution to the equation. 

e When X =3 -. The left hand side - 3 + 2 = 5 

i.e. 3 is a solution to the equation. 
» When X 24 — Notjeo that : 

“The left hand side=4+2=625 | Thesolution setis a subset 

i.e. 4 is not a solution to the equation. of the substitution set. р 

г. The solution set of the equation is {3} 

[b] If the substitution setis [- 1.1.2} 

e When x= – 1 -. The left hand side =-1+2=1#5 

i.e. — 1 is not a solution to the equation. 

* When x = 1 -. The left hand side = 1 + 2 - 35 

i.e. 1 is not a solution to the equation. 

e When х= 2 -. The left hand side =2+2=4#5 

i.e. 2 is not a solution to the equation. 

~. All the elements of the substitution «v, 
set do not satisfy the equation. (2bemember that : 
i.e. the equation has no solution in Ø is the empty set (null set) 
the substitution set [- 1 1 2) which has no elements. 

- The S.S. = Ø 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Two 

If the substitution set is {2,8 ,— 1,5 »— 3} ; tick [v] in front of the 
number which represents a solution to the equation : 2 x 32 7 

»-1(7) 20 +5) „в ) .-30) 

The inequality 

| In the previous example ; if we add 
2 kg. to the left pan in fig. (1) the 

scales will be inclined as in the 

opposite figure; then the left 

side (X + 4) kg. is greater than 

the right side (5 kg.) 

Fig. (2) 
T So; we can express that mathematically by 


| ifweadd 3 kg. to the right pan in 
fig. (1) » the scales will be inclined 
as in the opposite figure , then the 
left side (X + 2) kg. is less than the 
right side (8 kg.) 

ы So, we can express that mathematically by 

Notice that : 
The signs of the inequalitiy are : 
e “<” read ав و"‎ less than” * “>” read ас "is greater than" 
e “<” read as "ie lese than or equal to" e © > " read as “is greater than or equal id 


"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


* Each of these mathematical statements X + 4 > 5 апа X +2 < 8іѕ 
called an inequality because there is a sign of inequality (“<" less than or 
">" greater than) between the two sides. 

Definition : An inequality is a mathematical statement that hae two expressions ^ 
separated by an inequality sign (« or >). One (or both) of the expressions 

contains one unknown (or more). 

Examples of inequalities : 
ex+4>9 *8-3x«5 

°х+2у>-1 +х+1>3-2х 

Ехатр!е (3 
Find the solution set of the inequality x + 1 > 5 if the substitution 


Substitute in the left hand side of the inequality for X by the elements 
of the substitution set as follows : 
«When X=3 2. The left hand side = 3 + 1 = 4 is not greater than 5 

i.e. 3 is not a solution to the inequality. 

* When x =4 2. The left hand side = 4 + 1 = 5 is not greater than 5 
i.e. 4 is not a solution to the inequality. 

*When х=5 2. The left hand side = 5 + 1 = 6 is greater than 5 

i.e. 5 is a solution to the inequality. 

«When х=6 2. The left hand side = 6 + 1 = 7 is greater than 5 
i.e. 6 is a solution to the inequality. 
^ The 5.5. = [5.6] 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى ЖЕЕ]‏ 

If the substitution setis {2 ,3 4 و‎ 5 . 8] tick [v | in front of the 
number which represents a solution to the inequality : 2 X — 5 » 1 
*4() »3| 20 .5 *8(] 

mem casas eae سسسب اوماد ةج‎ TES кезет? 

The degree of an equation (or an inequality) : It is determined by the highest | 
power of ће unknown (symbol) in the equation or inequality | 
ос ا‎ 

For example : 

* 5 X + 2 = 7 is an equation of the first degree in one unknown X 

» x2 + -عر‎ 3 = 0 is an equation of the second degree in one unknown X 
e 2Х +3 у= 515 an equation of the first degree in two unknowns X and y 
e 4 22-7 > 515 an inequality of the first degree in one unknown X 

Example (4 
Determine which of the following is equation or inequality "Give reasons" : 
[а]х-3=5 [ط]‎ 2 2+6 [c]4y -7 > 1 

[а] 2-3-5 is an equation because it contains a variable “x” 
and contains the equality relation “=” 
[b]2x+6 is neither equation nor inequality because it doesn't 
contain the equality or the inequality relation. 

[с] 4у- 7 <1 is an inequality because it contains a variable “у” 
and contains an inequality relation “<” 

(Y + (م‎ Y یرم‎ Д 5/ رياضيات لغات‎ alse 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Example (5 

Mention the degree and the unknown / unknowns of each of the following : 

[a] x * 1322 
[c] 4? -4 x?-2 
[e] 4 23-5 24-8 

[a] X * 1322 
[D] 3x?-7 =4 
[c]4y? -4 x? 22 
[Id] y-4<2 
[e] 4 x?-5 x*-8 
[f]7 x-3y25 

[b] 3x?-7 =4 5 

an equation of 1% degree in one unknown (X) 
an equation of 2" degree in one unknown (X) 
an equation of 3 degree in two unknowns (X and y) 
an inequality of 15t degree in one unknown (y) 
an equation of 4'^ degree in one unknown (X) 
an inequality of 1% degree in two unknowns (X and y) 

Example (6 

Express symbolically each of the following : 

[a] X is less than - 4 

[b] X is less than or equal to 3 and greater than — 1 


[a] X«-4 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

3 >1-[ط] 

Equation and inequality of the first degree 

LJ From the school book 

п Determine which of the following represents an equation or an inequality 

and give reasons : 
d x=7+2 

g 112х=24 

b 2 3 2+ 2 -1 
© &x>7-5 
h 28+ 5 

Determine the degree of each of the following : 

a 1х-7=1 
d (33x?-6-214 
g ї1х-2у=5 

J tax*-4x?-o0 

b 4b-3=5 
e 3х?+х+4=0 

h (£23x-2<-2 

k 4x*3y?»2 

c x<-25 

5 x2 30 

Express symbolically each of the following : 

a Xis less than - 3 
b 1 xis less than or equal to 2 

с 11 Xis greater than or equal to 3 
d xis greater than — 4 and less than 1 
e Li Xis less than or equal to 7 and greater than 1 

f xis greater than or equal to — 2 and less than or equal to 5 

( [а] Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 

a x+7=10 if the substitution set is (1,3 5] 

b دع‎ 2+5 > 12 if the substitution setis {3 ,5 ,7 ,8} (Suez 2015) 


ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 

M2x+1=5 if the substitution setis [- 1 2,0,2} 

x+4=0 if the substitution set is [152 53.4} 
mi4x-3=9 if the substitution set is {2 ,3 ,4} 

2x-52-1 if the substitution set is {0 51,2 ,3} (£t-Sharkia 2011) 
-2+3х=7 if the substitution set is {0,1,2} 

1+2х= 16 if the substitution set is (7 ,8 ,9} 

3x*5-2-4 if the substitution set is {0 »— 1 »— 2 »— 3} 
2x+3=9 if the substitution setis {2 ,3 ,4} (Damietta 2016) 

Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 
а Шх+3<5 if the substitution setis (4 53 ,2 ,1 0} 

(Et-Gharbia 2012) 

х-4> 1 if the substitution set is {7 ,6 ,5 ,4} 
2x-3>1 if the substitution setis {— 1,0,1 ,2,3} 
023х-1>-2 ifthe substitution setis {-2.71,0,1,2} 
3x*4s-2 if the substitution setis [- ,3} 
Ш-х+1<4 if the substitution setis [3,22 ,0,2 ,3} 
t22x*4522 if the substitution setis [3,22 ,— 1,0,1} 

5х-1>4 if the substitution set is [2 ,3 4 :5 ,6} 

(Given that the substitution set is M = []: (Suez 2012) 

a Find the solution set of the equation : 2 X —5 = 1 

b Find the solution set of the inequality: X + 3 > 8 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Unit Two 

£ Considering the set of substitution is M = [-1 ,- 2 ,0 ,2} find the 
( solution set of each of the following : 

a2x+1=5 b x-3«-1 

a Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 
3(x-2)=- if the substitution set is {7 ,8 » 9} 
2x+1=x-3 if the substitution set is {2 ,4 »— 1 »— 4} 

с 12(х-3) = х+1 ifthe substitution setis {4 5,6,7} 
Ххб=х+5 if the substitution set is {1,2,3 ,4 ,5} 

e E 2x43 if the substitution set is (4 , 6 ,—2 ,0} 

[9] Complete each of the following : 

a The equation is a mathematical statement include: relation 
between two sides. 

The equation x + 3 = 5 is of the - ` degree. (El-Fayoum 2016) 
с The equation x? — 3 = 6 is of the ——- degree. (Giza 2017) 

d The solution set of the equation 2 X 1 = — 1 is if the substitution 
setis {0,1,2,3} 

The solution set of the inequality 3 X + 1 < 0 is if the substitution 
setis 10 ,-3 ,3} 

Choose the correct answer from those given : 
a (2 Which of the following represents an equation ? 

(a) x- 17 (b)22-7215  (c)x»-11  (d2x*3-7 

b The equation x? — 4 x? = 0 is an equation of degree. (Beni suef 2015) 
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


с Lì The equation x? + 3 = 4 is of degree. (Luxor 2015) 
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth 

The number which satisfies the inequality : X < — 1 is (Ismailia 2017) 
(a) zero (b) 1 (c)2 (d)-2 

All the following numbers satisfy the inequality : X > — 3 except 
(Assiut 2017) 
(a) zero (b)-4 (c) -1 (d)-2 

The greatest integer that satisfies the inequality : x 
(Atexandria 2013) 

(а) з (b) 5 (с) 8 (d) 6 

The number that satisfies the inequality : X 2 > 3 is ===- 
(Assjut 2012 , Port Said 2017) 
(а) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 

The number — 5 is a solution to the equation ------- where the 
substitution set is Z 

(а) х-3= 2 (b)2x-1=9 
(c) - 2x * 32 13 (9) 2+ 3 - 2 +ع‎ 12 

If 3 is a solution to the equation : 2 X — 4 = a then 
(а) 3 (b) 2 (c)-2 

The set of substitution is {1 ,2 ,3 ,4} , then the set of solution of the 
equation x + 6 = 10 is ---------- (Alexandria 2016) 

(a) {1} (b) {2} (c) {3} (d) {4} 

If the substitution set is {2 ,— 1,3 ,4} , then the solution set of the 
equation : 2 2+ 3 = З іѕ 

(а) {0} (b) (- 1} (c) {3} (a) Ø 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Solving first degree 
equations in one unknown 

4 i [2emember that а 

@ The equation in which the highest exponent 
is 1 and has only 1 unknown is called 
a first degree equation in one unknown و‎ 35 ~... d 




@ Solving an equation means finding the value of the unknown that 
satisfies the equation › and this value is called "solution" of the 

G In some cases ; the equation can be solved easily by using the 
substitution method. 


@ It is impossible to solve an equation by using the substitution method » 
if the substitution set is an infinite set. 


How to solve a first degree equation in one unknown without using the 

4 ( substitution method ? 
` The goal is to transform the equation so that the unknown is alone on one side 
of the equation and a constant term on the other. (X = c) 
S To do that; you need to know the following properties of the equations : 


— 685 Gad dy edi ty cesta al m 

Properties of the equations 

© An equation remains valid if Q An equation remains valid if 
the same number is added to the same number is subtracted 
both sides. from both abe 

i.e. The same number can i.e. The same number can be 
be added to each side of subtracted from each side of 

an equation without changing an equation without changing 
the solution of the equation. the solution of the equation. 

If x-125 
„then Х-1+ | =5+ 1 

© An equation remains valid if | @ An equation remains valid if 
both sides are multiplied by the both sides are divided by the 
same number. same non-zero number. 

i.e. The same number can i.e. Each side of an equation can 
be multiplied by each side of be divided by|the same non-zero 
an equation without changing number without changing the 
the solution of the equation. solution of the equation. 


If a » b and c are three numbers; then we have the fol 
@ Ifa=b.thenatc=btc 

@ Ifa=b,thena-c=b-—c 

@ ға=Ь ,ћепахс=Ь хс 

@ ға = b معطا‎ a + c = b + c where c # 0 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit Two 

The following examples show how to use the previous equality properties 
to solve an equation of the first degree in one unknown : 

‘Example (1 
Find the solution set of each of the following equations in Z : 
[a] <+ 5 - 4 [b] 5x=30 [c] 2 2-5 = 13 

[a] - x 524 Another method 
(Subtracting 5 from each of the two sides) You can imagine that 5 

Ax*0z-1 ET 
7 The S.S. = (- 1) 

Check the solution : 

moved from L.H.S. to R.H.S. 
and became — 5 

Х+ 5 =4—> х=4-5=-1 

Put X. | in the equation X + 5 = 4 

“CHS. =-1+5=4=RHS v 

[b] : 5 x = 30 
(Dividing each of the two sides by 5) 

„5х = 30 

.. The S.S. = {6} 


[c] - 2x-52 13 
(Adding 5 to each of the two sides) 
= 2xX=18 
(Dividing each of the two sides by 2) 

. 2X 218 
M. 2 

2 The S.S. = {9} 


Another method 

You can imagine that 2 
moved from L.H.S. to R.H.S. 
and became divisor. 

2 ون دعر‎ —x=18=9 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Example Q 
Find in Z the solution set of the equation : = -5-3 

du E — 5 = 3 (Adding 5 to each of the two sides) 


=8 (Multiplying each of the two sides by 2) ~. x 2 - 8 2 

626 ^. The S.S. = (16) ل-‎ 

Example (3 

Find the solution set of the equation : 2 X + 7 = 3 in each of N and Z 

у 2 X + 7 = 3 (Subtracting 7 from each of the two sides) 
2 2+ 77-7 - 3 7 
.. 2 X = - 4 (Dividing each of the two sides by 2) 

у. The S.S. in = Ø 
2 The S.S. inZ = (- 2) - 

If we add a number to its double » we obtain 21 Find this number. 

Solution | 
Let the number be X ; then its double = 2 X 
$о,х+2 х= 21 .. 3 X = 21 (Dividing each of the two sides by 3) 

„3х = a ге у Then; the number is 7 

° 3 
ө Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 
[b] 2 x + 11 2 3. wherex EZ 

[a] x-5 =2 ,where XEN 

è Two natural numbers, one of them is twice the other and 
their sum is 108 Find the two numbers. 

Tues] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

{2 From the school book 

[3| Find the solution set of each of the following equations in N : 

ax+3=7 b Qy+8=19 

d x-9=-5 ex+11=2 
9 28 х = 32 uxor2012)| h 3y=27 

пы Z- 
0112-5 | ө” 

f х+1=|—3 | (Assiut 2016) 
i 4Х=|—8| (Red еа 2014) 

I 0 45=3 

Find the solution set of each of the following equations іп Z : 

a Х+9=3  (Giza2017) | b ш 2-12 -0 

d -4+x=-8 | e п+17 = | 131 
g у- (5) = 3 

j 2-х=9 

h -4 دع‎ - 4 
k 7-m=12 

© х+8=0 
f m-(-3)=1 
i 9 -<غز‎ 18 (Assiut 2015) 

| X25 

Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 

a3x-2=7 » where X EZ 

Ш4х+1= 17 where XEN 
Ш6х+7=25 where XEN 
8x+12=4 where X EZ 
32-13 - 6 where X EZ 
5xX+2=-8 where X EN 
2x-5=-21 where X EZ 

5 2+ 4- 14 where X €z 

(Giza 2013) 

(Qena 2014) 

(Beni Suef 2012) 

(North Sinai 2017) 

(99 ) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Teese]‏ 


i 2x+9=-23 where X €z (Kafr EL-Sheikh 2016) 
J 2y+16=24 where у € 
к 8+2m=18 where m EN 
1١13-22-9 where X EZ (Et-Fayoum 2015) 
т4+3х=3? > where X EZ 
n 23х-2=- 19 , wherex EZ 
o -8-4x=16 » where x EN 
p Y+2=-4 » where y EZ 
q $-4-7 » where XEN 
2x+5=-27 (El-Sharkia 2011) 
0221-15 = 8 

mplete : 

If x*527,thenX- -------- 
If 2+ 2 = | - 5 | : رهطأ‎ X = -= (Е!-Ғауоит 2017) 
If5 х= 10 ,then х= e (cairo 2013) 
If 3 X— 3 = 12 , then xX = ---------- | (Suez 2014) 

If x + 9 = 11 , then 7 X = e 


If2y =8 ,then y + 3 = ~ (El-Dakahlia 2016) 

Unit Two 

9 1#3у=6 then 5y > с 
h If4 x= 24 then E د‎ oe 
i If2a*3-15,then } a= و‎ 

j If (x + 1) is the additive inverse of (- 2) , then X = <... (Et-Dakahlia 2012) 
k The S.S. of the equation x — 5 = 24 in 27 is 
| The S.S. of the equation x — 3 = (6)? in Z is 

Choose the correct answer from those given : 

a The solution set of the equation x + 5 = 2 іп Zis { (Alexandria 2011) 
(a)7 (b) -7 (c) 3 (d) -3 
ÛJ |] 2+ 3 - 5 عد و‎ 2: then the solution set is (Damietta 2013) 
(a) {=3} (b) {5} (c) (- 5) (d) Ø 
If zero Є (5. X - 3} , then х= (Et-Monofia 2017) 
(a) zero (b)-5 (c) 3 (d)-3 

The solution set for the equation 2 X — 1 = — 5 іп Z is ===- 
(Е(-Ғауоит 2011) 

@{-3} — رم‎ {3Û} (о) {3} (a) {=2} 

If 3 X + 9 = zero , then the solution set of the equation in Z is ---- 
(El-Fayoum 2012) 

(a) {9} (b) {- 9} (c) {3} (9) {- 3} 
The S.S. of the equation 4 x = — 16 in Nis 
(а) Ø (b) (- 4} (c) {0} (9) {4} 
If ع 2 +ع‎ ]- 4| , then x = ---------- (Port Said 2016) 
(a) -2 (b)2 (c) - 6 (d) 6 
1] | - 4 | x X = 64 ,then х= (El-Fayoum 2015) 
(a) - 16 (b) 16 (c) 6 (d)8 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

(a)2 (b) 3 (c) 4 

If 2 X= 0 ,then X = --------- 
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 

If -4 > then X = = 
(а) 1 (b)9 (c) 20 

If 2 a b = 10 ,then 3 ab = ..... 
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 15 

If5x -8X*2X*4X-7114.then5 X+ 3 > 
(a) 3 (b) 35 (c) 47 

(9) 5 

(d) zero 

(Red Sea 2011) 

(d)- 1 

(d) 30 


The solution set of the equation : X + 3 = 12 is equal to the solution set 

of the equation =-=- 

(a) x-3-- 12 (b) x + (-3)2 12 
(e) x- (- 3) = 12 (d) x- (- 3) 5-12 

Юго х=18 Find the value of x + 1 

 ҥхх(7-(—2))=(—8х 9)х(—1) Find the value of X 

11 Number when added to its triple becomes 72 Find the number. 

(The New Valley 2017) 

(El-Dakahlia 2011) 

[jJ Three consecutive natural numbers whose sum is 213 
What are these numbers ? 

Шш Find the solution set of the equation : 
3х-1=2х+5 ,where XEN 

For Excellent Pupils 

Find the solution set of the equation : 
2 (Xx + 3) = 4 , where XE Z 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 


~ وه 
BAS‏ 5© 

(7 wm 


Solving first degree 
inequality in one unknown 

Properties of the inequalities b] 

Inequalities have many properties in common with equations. ў 
The following properties will be used in solving first degree inequalities in one 1 
unknown : 
-—— — -< — — - - » 4 
@ The same number can be Ө The same number can be | 
added to each side of an | subtracted from each side of @ ; 
inequality without changing an inequality without changing 7 | 
the solution of the inequality. the solution of the inequality. 

( \ 
For A| 
or example 

o "A. 7e Ф 250732 

f^ x-1>3 if х+1<5 Ё 
ћепх-1+ 023+ (I hen Х+1- (1) <5- I ^ 
5 A (By adding | to each side) (By subtracting | from each side) 8 \ 
ё ( i.e. X» 4 and the S.S. (in Z) | Le. X<4 and the S.S. (in Z) C 
pe |) 8145:6278 |  i5(352;1.05—-1.-25..] و‎ 
т 1 3 ^n 
8 4 
ez 103 : 

ي هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى ges]‏ 
ian T‏ ساس W asoca SE on‏ 


fa N 
© The same positive number can @ Each side of ап inequality can 

be multiplied by each side of be divided by same positive 

an inequality without changing number without changing the 

the solution of the inequality. solution of the|inequality. 

f 8x«-5‏ 22-2 م 
„воп Xx 2-202 ‚бел 3 + B «-15 3‏ 

(By multiplying each side by 2) (By dividing each side by Э) 
i.e. X>- 4 and the S.S. (іп Z) i.e. X<- 5 and the S.S. (іп Z) 
is (-3,-2,-1,0 ЭШИ is [6 ,-7,-8,-9,-10,..} 

© it we multiply or divide each side of an inequality by a negative number 
we must revers the inequality. 

-2Х > 6 (+-2) 


lf -2X>6,then -2X+-2 <6+ -2) 
2 e < 3 

(By dividing each side by — 2) 

i.e. X«- 8 and the S.S. (in Z) is ]- 4 ,- 5 ,-6 ,- 7,28...) 


Assuming that a » b and c are three integers د‎ then : 
@ Ifa <b ,then a+c<b +c 

@ Ifa <b ,ћепа-с<ь-с 

@ If a <b ,c is a positive number ; then ac < bc 

@ ға > b ,cis a positive number ; then i « 2 
(© ға <b , cis a negative number ; then ac > bc 

Ifa «b; cis a negative number , then = > 2‏ © 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

| Example (1) 
Find in Z the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 
[a] x*7«9 [b]2x-525 
then represent the solution set on the number line. 

[a] x + 7 > 9 (Subtracting 7 from each of the two sides) 
MAxt7-T7T«9-7 E2 

.. The 5.5.= {1 -Ommel 2al =~ ee 1 2 5 4 

"2x-52 5 (Adding 5 to each of the two sides) 
-. 2x 2 10 (Dividing each of the two sides by 2) 

. 2X, 10 з 
a = a 0275 

^ The S.S. = {5,6,7,8,--} 

D-——' Q4 — M —H EN A—T7 raad 
о 172 39 4 omen 009 10 110 12 

Example (9 - 
Find the solution set of the inequality : 2 x + 5 < 11 , where: 

[a] xez [b] xEN 
then represent the S.S. on the number line in each case. 


‘w 2 х + 5 > 11 (Subtracting 5 from each of the two sides) 

:. 2 2+ 5-5 < 11-5 г. 2X« 6 (Dividing each of the two sides by 2) 
>£ “x<3 
[a] When x EZ: 
The solution set is all the integers which are less than 3 
їе. Тһе 5.5. = {2,1,0,-1,-2,-} "^ — 
[b] When x EWN: hod RM C ш: 

The solution set is all the natural numbers which are less than 3 
& ooon 2 
i.e. The S.S. = {2,1,0} TOVM Wd Y 2 s» X 5 


)09( الام ينحنت дейш‏ ر is‏ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


| Example (3 
Find the S.S. of the inequality : 4 2 x 2 10 . where : 
[a] x En [b] xez 

Solution | 
у 4-2 X> 10 (Subtracting 4 from each of the two sides) 
14-2 х-42 10-4 
2-2 x> 6 (Dividing each of the two sides by – 2) 

Ern Eod 
500-25-2 The change of the direction 

Axs-3 of the inequality sign. 

[a] When x € N: 
The S.S. is all the natural numbers which are less than or equal to — 3 
i.e. The S.S. = Ø 

[b] When xE Z: 
The S.S. is all the integers which are less than or equal to – 3 
i.e. The S.S. = (-3,-4,-5,-] 

Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 

[a] 2x-325,wherexE 2 
[b] 1-2 x> 7 ,where xE 2 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

The value of x can be between two integers , so the inequality can be 
written on one of the following forms : 

„that means: X> 1 апа x<5 
Therefore : x = 2 or 3 4 

© - 2 > 3 

»thatmeans:x2-2 and xs3 8 2 4 

Therefore : x = – 2 or = 1 or 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 

„that means :x>-3 and xs1 

Therefore : x = – 2 or — 1 or 0 or 1 


»that means: x2—1 and х<2 
Therefore : x = — 1 or 0 or 1 


‘example (4. 
Find іп Z the solution set of the inequality : - 7 =2х- 5 < 1 


71-752 X— 5 < 1 (Adding 5 to each of the three sides) 
.. — 2 < 2 x <6 (Dividing each of the three sides by 2) 


2 The S.S. = (- 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Solving first degree inequality in one unknown 

ШЇ From ће school book 
[1] Find іп the solution set of each of the following inequalities , then 
represent the solution set on the number line : 
a LU x-3<1 (El-Fayoum 2015) | b х+2>5 
x+4>1 d x+4<7 (Port Said 2016) 

x+326 x-4<-1 

19 <а + 14 h m-52|-7| 

-1>х+3 3x<12 

4kz-16 1 -2y«-14 
Fina the solution set of the inequality : X + 3 > 6 , where : 

а xez b xc 8 

then represent the solution set on the number line. 

Find the S.S. of each of the following inequalities د‎ theh represent 

the S.S. on the number line : 
a LJ2x*1«7 ,мһеехє н 

b L32x-3«5 , where XE 2 йй 

c 3x-2«1 » where xE N 

d 2x+9<1 »wherexe€ 2 (El-Sharkia 2016) 
4x*22—10 , where xE 2 
3x+9>0 > where xE N 
3x-5s4 » where xE 2 (South Sinai 2017) 

,wherexe 2‏ 5-7 22-5 ل 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tes]‏ 


Unit Two 

i L44x*1«13 ,wherexc 2 (El-Kalyoubia 2017) 
j 013х+2=11 .wherex€ 2 (Red Sea 2016) 
k 9-6x<15 > where xE 2 
11+2xs-3 > where xE N 
m 0 3 2+ 2< 12 ,wherexEN 
n 3x-5s7 » where x € Z* (Cairo 2017) 
o >غ2 1-8 ]ا‎ 33 , where XE Z (Suez 2015) 

р 1-3х>7 > where X € N 

[E Find the solution set of the inequality : 3 x + 5 > 2 and represent it on the 
number line if : 

a xEN b xez (South Sinai 2012) 

Find the S.S. of each of the following inequalities . then represent 
the S.S. on the number line : 

a3<x+2<6 ,wherex €i b -3sx-1<3 ,where X EZ 
€ 3> 22+ 159 ,wherexEN d 5غ 1-2 ك5‎ 11 ,where x EZ 

Complete : 

If xX > y s then X + z 

IfxX >y ,then X—z 

If x > y and zis positive » then XZ : yZ 

If x < y and zis negative » then х2 ------------ “yz 

CO f x+ 5> 2 و‎ then X> er (Alexandria 2015) 

Ifa — 3 <0 , ћеп 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

1] 2 2-1 <7 معطاء‎ 2 Xz 
60 |] 3 معطاء 8 15 -ع‎ : 3 <> 
The S.S. of the inequality : 4 x « 8 in N is 
The S.S. of the inequality : 2 x 3 > 5 in Z is 
The S.S. of the inequality : 4 x 1 > 5 in Z is -- 
The S.S. of the inequality : 1 = x > 4 in Nis 
m The S.S. of the inequality : - 2 > x < 0 in N is 
n Ifb < 0 ,then b + З. З 

E Choose the correct answer : 

a The solution set of the inequality : x > 0 іп Z is (Ismailia 2012) 
(а) 2 (6) Z* (с) Z- (d) N 
The S.S. of the inequality : - 2 X < 0 in Z is === 
(а) 2 (b) (c) Z- (d)Z* 
If عر‎ € N , then the S.S. of the inequality : - x > 3 is === 
(а) {4:5:6 >=} (b) {-4,-5,-6,-} 
(с) {- 3} (d) Ø 
The S.S. of the inequality: 2 x 1 < 5 іп N is 
(а) {2,1,0,-1,-2,-} (b) {2,1,0} 
(с) {1 ,0,-1,-2, үх (d) {1,0} 
ШФ If 2 +ع‎ 5 > Запа xE 2, ћеп the solution set = =- (Damietta 2012) 

(a) N (b) N- (0) (c) 2- (9) 2+ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Two 

The S.S. of the inequality : 4 — x » 3 in Z* is 
(a) {0,-1,-2,-3,-} (b) {05152535} 
(c) {0} (d) Ø 
The S.S. of the inequality : – 1 < x < 1 in Z is (South Sinai 2013) 
(а) {-1, 0} (b) {0 >t} (c) {0} (d) {1} 
The solution set of the inequality : 2 < x > 3 where x EN is 
(Damietta 2017) 
(a) {zero} (b) {2} (c) {3} (d) {2 53} 
If x»5,then:— Хз 
(a) «-9 (b)2-5 (c) «-5 (d)>-5 
The greatest integer that satisfies the inequality : 3 x « 6 
(Aswan 2015) 
(b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 
2 belongs to the S.S. of the inequality: , where x E Z 
(a x»2 (b)x«2 (c)-x>-3 (d)-x»3 

For Excellent Pupils 

B Find the solution set of the inequality : 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا یسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى FEE]‏ 

Test on Unit Two 

Answer the following questions : 

[1] Choose the correct answer : 

a Which of the following represents an equation ? 
(x+8 or 10-426 or x29 or x+1=5) 

b The equation x? + x = — 2 is an equation of 
(first or second or third or fourth ) 

с All the following numbers satisfy the inequality : x > — 2 except - 
(—1 or 0 or 1 or -3) 

d Ifx +4 =7 sthen 2 X = ----- (3 or 4 or 6 or -3) 

е Ifa <b ,then —2 a -------- -2b (> or < or = or <) 

Determine the degree of each of the following : 
(1)x?+8=0 (2)2х-1>7 
Express symbolically each of the following : 

(1) x is less than or equal to - 4 

(2) x is greater than — 3 and smaller than 7 

Find the solution set of the equation : 

3 x+ 2 = 8 if the substitution setis [- 1,0,1 ,2} 
Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 
(1)4x-3=5 ,.wherex€m 

(22x*721 »wherexGZ 

Unit Two 

a a Find the solution set of the inequality : 
3X + 2 < 2 if the substitution setis [C2 ,—1,0 , 13 

b Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities , then 
represent the solution set on the number line : 

(2-1s2x*3«|-7| wherexEZ 

a Find the solution set of each of the following in N and in Z : 

b Anumber when added to its double becomes 15 Find the number. 

Qe :0( Y ابتداتى / تيرم‎ V رياضيات لغات‎ yaks (113) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى FEE]‏ 

| Activity ) Using Excel program to find the solution set of the first 
degree equation in one unknown 

Example & 

9 20 CA 
шї © 

Find the solution set of the equation: 3 X + 2 = 11 , if the substitution set 

Ww is {-2,0,3,2} 4n; 

N Procedures of activity : | 

RS [1] Click "Start" button from the task bar. Wd 

9 [2] From the menu "All Programs" select "Microsoft Office". then select 73 

"Microsoft Excel". ۹ 
у B 

[3] Write in any column (say B 
for example) the symbol x 
in the cell B1 then write the 
elements of the substitution 
set {- 2,0,3 ,2} below X 
as in fig. (1) 


[4] In column C write 
“3 x + 2" in the cell C1 , 

мэ g 

9 then click cell C2 e 
( [5] Туре  3* 82 + 2 5 x 0 1 

2 4 
t e [6] Click enter to see the result л Ч Co A 
«6 —4asin fig. (2) 3 2 $ 
X Fig. (2) 4 i 
= 114 : 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى |182 | 
لست سس W asoca SE on‏ 

Unit Two 

[7] To repeat this operation on 
the remaining numbers › 
click cell C2 till the pointer 

changes to the form (+) » 

then perform (Auto fill) by 
copying the formula from cell 
C2 to C5 by dragging: then 
you obtain the shown figure 
"Fig. 3" 

[8] From the data on the 
Screen , it is clear that X = 3 
satisfies the result 11 

Le. the S.S. = {3} Fig. (4) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

ريك الال | عست 7 

Activity of Unit Two ) 
r3 a Use Excel program to find the solution set of the equation : 4 X — 3 = 17 ^ 


6 if the substitution setis {2 5 .6 .7] ү 
@ Below each balance, express the suitable mathematical statement , & 


then solve it in її: 

Ww [a] | " ү, 

) ё - The mathematical statement - The mathematical statement 
- The solution set 5 . - The solution set 


- The mathematical statement - The mathematical statement 

© € — ——— аө, iR dec init rec Ui 
- The solution set - - The solution set =-=- 


e 2 

a 116 

ae till 
M oe | (es | الصف السادس الابتداتى‎ | 





1. Distance between two points in the coordinates plane. 
2. Geometric transformations (Translation). 

D 3. Area of the circle. 

Ww Lessons of the unit: 

4. Lateral area and total area for each of the cube and the cuboid. 

© Test on unit three. © Technology of unit three. 
© Activity of unit three. 


of the cube and the cuboid. 

2 By the end of this unit, student should be able to 1 
= ‘find the distance between two points on a ray • йпа the image of each of a point, a line 
< and on a straight line. segment and a geometric shape by a given 
j ‘graph the points in the coordinate plane. translation in the- coordinate: plane. 
Ў 25 find the distance between two points in the * find the area of the circle 
1 5 coordinate plane. * find the lateral area and the total area for each 
ё + remember the geometric trasformations dhente andithe eubcid: 
E (Reflection - Translation - Rotation) * solve word problems on the area of the circle 
je s recognize the definifion of the translation and the lateral area and the total area for each 

* find the image of each of a point, a line segment and 
geometric shape by a given translation in the plane. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى ]1825 

Крит” (ы сез» on ساس‎ in Н / 


Lu Ca 

«Xo 2 

U the distance between two points оп а ray 4 
9 4 The distance between the two points А and B on a horizontal ray or Ө: 
vertical гау = AB where : ) 

The length of АВ = number of the ending point number of the starting point \' 



=В-А 7 

For example к 

D [1] In the following figure : [2] In the following figure : 0 

vi PTGiA44 AG XT ib. [ 
19 If A represents the number З If M represents the number 2 K$? f А 
; B represents the number 7 »N represents the number 7 А @ 

and C represents the number 10 and К represents the number 9 +6 9 
^ 2 „then „then i gj 1 
4\ AB = B-A=7-3= 4 units. MN-N-M-7-2-5units. |; 5 
je ,BC- С-В 10- 7 = 3 units. \NK=K-N=9-7=2unts vi: | MB 
56 and AC = С-А = 10-3 =7 units. |and MK-K-M-9-2- 7 units. | ۵ 
6 | 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع =ч.‏ 
ENN cane aama‏ 

Unit Three 

El The distance between two points on a straight line 

* The straight line which mentioned here is the integers number line 
whether horizontal or vertical. As you know it is an enlargement of the ray 
of the natural numbers by adding Z 

* The distance between the two points A and B on a horizontal line or 
a vertical line = AB where : 

The length of AB =| number of the ending point – number of the starting point | 

For example : 

[1] In the following figure : [2] In the following figure : 

AA в و‎ 
r3 43-10 ! 208 401896 7 8 

If A represents the number — 3 If E represents the number — 4 r4 
» B represents the number 4 » D represents the number — 1 
and C represents the number 7 and F represents the number 5 
»then > then 
АВ = |4-(—3)| ED=|-1-(4)| 

= |4 + 3|= 7 units. =|-1+4]=3 units. 
»BC=|7-4| , DF =|5-(—1)| 

= 3 units. = |5 + 1| = 6 units. 
and AC = |7 - (- 3) and EF = [5 – (- 4) 
= |7 + 3|» 10 units. =|5 + 4| = 9 units. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Example a 

In the opposite figure : 
If the points A د‎ B › C and D represent 
the numbers — 7 ,—3 › 0 and 5 respectively. 

Find : AB ,АС , BD , СО , AD and BC 
АВ =|B-A|=| -3-(- 7)|3|] -3+7|=|4| = 4 units. 
»AC =|C-A|=|0-(-7)|=|0+7|=|7|=7 units. 
, مق‎ =|D-B|=|5—(-3)|=|5+3|=|8|=8 units. 

„CD =|D-C|=|5-0|=|5|= 5 units. 

„AD =|D-=A|=|5-(-7)|=|5+ 7| =| 12| 12 units. 

and BC =| C-B|=|0-(-3)|=|0+3|=|3|= 3 units. 

From the following figure › complete : 

x Y 2 Е E 
ههه‎ MÀ. э e+ + 
-6 -5-4-3-2-10 12 3 4 5 O 7 

[a] XY = vs [Ы] XZ = <... 
[c] YE =. [d] XF = —— 
[е] ZE = ——— [f] YF =~ 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

Unit Three 

Graphing points in the coordinate plane 

The position of any point in the coordinate plane is determined by 
a unique ordered pair. 

For example : 

[1] To graph the point A (2 53) » 
follow the following steps : 
* Start at 0 
* Move 2 units to the right. 
* Then , move 3 units up. 

[2] To graph the point B (- 4 »— 2) » 
follow the following steps : 
* Start at O 

* Move 4 units to the left. 
* Then , move 2 units down. 

@ The horizontal line xx is called the "x-axis" 
@ The vertical line yy is called the "y-axis" 

@ The distance between two points in the coordinate plane _ 
To calculate the distance between two points in the coordinate plane د‎ 

do as follows : 

[1] Determine the line segment joining between them. 

[2] If it is parallel to OX (or хх) » calculate the distance as on a horizontal 
ray (or a straight line) and if it is parallel to oY (or yy) > 
calculate the distance as on a vertical ray (or a straight line). 

otio 02)‏ شی tonto‏ 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


For example : 

[1] In the opposite figure : 

(1) AB // OX 
7 AB=B-A 
= 6-1 = 5 units. 

(2) AC // OY 
= 4—1 = 3 units. 

[2] In the opposite figure : 

(1) AB JI xx 
г. AB 2|B-A|2|]4- (- 3) 
= |4 + 3|= 7 units. 

(2) DC // уу 
ЮС 2|C - D|2|3- (- 5)] 
=|3 + 5|= 8 units. 

[Example © 
In the coordinate plane : 

[1] Determine the position of the following points : A (5 » – 1) , В (5 , 3), 
C (7-253), D )- 2 ›— 1) and mention the name of the figure ABCD 
[2] Find the area and the perimeter of the figure. 

[3] Determine whether the shape is symmetric or not ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 


[1] The figure ABCD 
is a rectangle. 
[2]АВ -|B-A|*|3- (- 1| 
=|3+1|=|4|= 4 units. 

-. AB = CD = 4 units. 


=|5+2|=|7|=7 units. 

г. ОА = BC = 7 units. 

2. The area of the figure = L x W = 7 x 4 = 28 square units. 

»the perimeter of the figure = (L + W) x 2 = (7 + 4) x 2 = 22 units. 
[3] The shape is symmetric. 

Example (3 
In the opposite coordinate plane : 
ABCD is a rhombus. 
[1] Find the coordinates of each of 
the points A. B , C and D 

[2] Find the area of 
the rhombus ABCD 

Solution | 
»С (1,7) and D (4 .2) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

[2] • The length of AC =|C -A|2|7 – (C 3)| 2|7 + 3|=| 10| = 10 units. 
• The length of BD -|D - B| |4- (- 2)] 2]4 + 2|=|6|=6 units. 

• The area of the rhombus ABCD = i x AC x BD 

i x 10 x 6 7 30 square units. 

In the coordinate plane » determine the position of each of the following 
points : A (- 1 »—3) و‎ B (4 ,- 3) and C (- 1 و‎ 2( , then complete : 

[а] AB = --------- units. و‎ AC د‎ units. 

[b] The type of the triangle ABC with respect to its side lengths is ~- 

the type of the triangle with respect to its angles is 

[c] The area of A ABC = square units. 


Now at all bookstores 

e GE 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Distance between two points 
in the coordinates plane 

ÛÎ From the school book 
(E) From the following figure, complete : 
x Е F G H 


-B -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 =1 0 1 2 

b دوع‎ 

Locate the points A (0 ,4) , 
B (2 , 1) and C )- 2 , 1) ; then 
Find the length of BC (Giza 2017) 

E] in the opposite coordinate plane : 


@ Determine the position of the 
following points : А (—3 .—3) ٠ 
В )-3 ,2) ,C )5 ١ 2) and D (5 ,– 3) 
and mention the name 
of the shape ABCD 

Find the perimeter and the area 
of the shape ABCD 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TERS‏ 

In the opposite coordinate plane : 
a Determine the position of the 
following points : A (- 4 »— 4) 
> В (2 ,—-4) ,C (2.2) and 
D (- 4 ,2) and mention the 

name of the shape ABCD 

b Find the perimeter and the area of 
the shape ABCD 

с Determine whether the shape is symmetric or not ? Why ? 

Ш In the opposite coordinate plane : 

a Determine the position of 
the following points : 
L(-1;1) MG of 
N (1 »8) and E (- 1.8) 
Find the perimeter and the 
area of the shape LMNE 
Determine whether the shape 

is symmetric or not ? Why ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

In the opposite coordinate plane : 
( Determine the position of the 

following points : 

A(-15-4). B(- 1.3) and 

С (5 »—4) » then find : 
а The length of each of AB and AC 
b The type of the triangle ABC 

with respect to its sides and angles. 

€ The area of A ABC 

[7] n the opposite coordinate plane : 

EFGH is a rectangle ; complete : 

а The coordinates of the points 

с The area of the rectangle = =- square units. 


EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 


( a £n the opposite coordinate plane : 
ABCD is a rhombus. 
a Complete the coordinates of the 

following points : 

(Suez 2015) 

The area of the rhombus ABCD can be calculated by using the length 
of its perpendicular diagonals › where : 

The length of AC = =~ 
»the length of BD = -~-= 
The area of the rhombus = --------:- 
Ю in the opposite coordinate plane 
ABCD is a square ; then complete : 
3 The coordinates of the points : 

b The length of AC 
» the length of DB. 

€ The area of the square ABCD = ---------- 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 



GNO Tl «C7 

Sa C = 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح ан ш:‏ را p I‏ 
н] f‏ سمس M‏ 

You have known that , there are three types of the geometric % 
transformations which are shown іп the following diagram : 8 

a nii Li \' 

Reflection - C Translation h Rotation 2 

R|A te | (RS 


You have studied last year "The reflection" and a general idea about 
geometric transformations. 

Now ; you will study with more details " 

(QV in Y ايتداتى / تيرم‎ ١/ رياضيات لفات‎ wall (129) 





| Prelude 

If a car moved in a straight line a distance 
of 25 metres forward. In this case , we 
can describe the movement of the car as 

a translation of 25 metres forward. 
This movement changed the place of the 
car without changing its orientation. 

i.e. To determine the new position of the car after its movement د‎ 
we should know two important elements which are : 

The magnitude of the translation (25 metres). 
The direction of the translation (forward in a straight line). 

Definition : The translation is a geometric transformation which slides a shape 
from а place to another place (image) such as every point of the original shape 
moves the вате distance in the same direction to form the image. 

• To find A which is the image of A 
by translation MN in the direction 
of MN › we do as follows : 


Draw from A a ray parallel to MN and in the сате direction. 
By the compasses in A ae a centre with radius length = MN > 
draw an are to intersect the ray drawn from A at the point A 
(AA = MN and AA // MN) 

А is the image of A by translation of 
magnitude MN in the direction of MN 

тел: | 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Unit Three 

l Example (1) 
Find the image of the point A by 
translation of magnitude 3 cm. 
in the direction of MN. 


[1] Draw from A a ray parallel to MN 
and in the same direction of MN 

[2] By the compasses in A as a centre 
with radius length = 3 cm. , draw an arc to 
intersect the ray drawn from A at the point А 

s the image of A by translation of 
magnitude 3 cm. in the direction of MN 

* To find the image of AB by translation 
MN in the direction of MN › we do as 
follows : 

Find the image of the Similarly › ше find the 
point A by translation MN : image of the point B by 
in the direction of MN ae : translation MN in the 
we mentioned before , say A | direction of MN » say B. 

Oraw AB to be the image 
of AB by translation MN 
in the direction of MN 

Check that : AB = AB and AB // AB 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

» To find the image of a geometric shape by a given translation, 

translate each vertex by the same given translation as shown 
before in (A). 

The opposite figure shows the image of 
a triangle by a certain translation. 

Every point of the shape must move : 
• The same distance. 
* In the same direction. 

ШЫ acce 

Using the geometric tools, draw the image of 

Original shape 

АВ by translation MN in the direction of MN 

Second Translation in the s plane 

In the opposite graph : 

If A ( Ell - El) is a point in the orthogonal 
coordinates plane and to find its image A 
by translation with magnitude El length 
units in the direction of OX followed by 

a translation with magnitude Ё length 
units in the direction of OY , we get A to 
be the point (5 » 5) 

ie A( B+ E: +B) 

Й‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 

Unit Three 

According to this : 

f The image of the point A (x y) BY translation (a >b) the point À (x+ a sy + "| 

i.e. Translation in the orthogonal coordinates plane transforme each point A in the 
plane into ite image А in the same plane by a displacement (a) in the direction 
of the x-axis followed by a displacement ei in the direction of the y-axi 

| Example © 
Find the image of the line segment AB where A (- 4 » 3) , B (2, 0) by 
the translation (X » y) حب‎ (X + 2» y — 3) 

'. (X ¥) (xX + 2 ,у-– 3) , then : 
٠ The image of A (- 4 , 3) 

БА (-4+2,3-3) 

ie. Ã2 0) 
• The image of B (2 , 0) 

6 В (2+2,0-3) 

їе. В (4 ,— 3) 

The translation (x » y) — (x + 2 » y — 3) transforms each point to 
another point by a horizontal displacement of 2 units to the right and 
a vertical displacement of 3 units downwards. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Example (3 ) 
Draw оп a square lattice A ABC where A (4 » 4) و‎ B (0 » 2) and C (6 »— 2) 
و‎ then find its image by the translation (X »y) هب‎ (X- 4 »y + 1) 


Its image by 
the translation 

(Х ›у) (x-4»y*1) 
A(4 54) А (0,5) 
в(0›2) B(-4 3) 
C(65-2) @(2,-1) 

The point 

^ ABC is the image of A ABC by 
the translation (X , y) —» (X —4 »y + 1) 

i L| 

E3 4 f 
-ABNA > Hê Bê and АС/АС | | 

-АВ=АВ „ BC=BC and AC=AC | || 
| ل‎ nB) =m (ZB). and mcs m حر‎ 

The translation (X » y) ——» (X + a › y + b) can be written simply : 
"The translation (a » b)" 

For example : 

The translation (X و‎ y) جه‎ (X + 2 » y — 1) can be written simply : 
"The translation (2 »— 1)" 

On a square lattice , draw A ABC where A (- 3 , 2) ; B (- 1 » 1) and 

С (- 2 , 0) , then find its image by the translation : 
(Ху) ——» (X +2 sy +1) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

Example (4 ) 

On a square lattice و‎ draw the rectangle ABCD where A (4 » 3) و‎ B (4 » 1) 
و 1( © و‎ 1) and D (1 » 3) و‎ then find its image by the translation (- 2 »— 3) 


The point 

Its image by the 
translation (- 2 .— 3) 

A (4 ,3) А (2,0) 

В (4,1) В (2 5-2) 
C(t») CC ED 
D (153) D (-150) 

2. The rectangle ABCD is the image of 
the rectangle ABCD by translation (- 2 , – 3) 
Example ( 5) 
If the image of the point A (— 3 و‎ 2) by translation in the Cartesian 
coordinates plane is A (2 »— 2) : 
[1] Find the rule of translation. 
[2] Find the image of B (1 , – 3) by the same translation. 

Solution | 
[1] By noticing the opposite graph 

» we find that the translation which 

makes A (2 ,— 2) the image of 

А (- 3.2) is equivalent to : 

* Horizontal displacement of 5 units 
to the right (5) 

* Vertical displacement of 4 units 
downwards (— 4) 
-. The rule of translation is 
(x :y)— (X +5 ,у-– 4) 

[2] B(1,-3) جه‎ B (14 5.—3—4) 
i.e. B (6-7) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Example (6) 
If A (7 »— 2) is the image of A by the translation 
whose rule is (X » y) (X-— 3 ,y + 1) »find A 

Let A be (X , у) q 
“A(X sy) — À (х—3»у+ 1) G2emember that : 
STA 2) (ху) = (a ob) > 
s(x-3.y*1)2(75.-2) thenx=a>,y=b 
1 х-3=7 


ЛА (10 ,-3) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сту‏ 

Geometric transformations (Translation) 

EQ From the school book 
[1] In the following shapes determine the type of the geometric transformation 
(reflection , translation or rotation) : 

` FF cE ЯЕ 


Determine which of the following shapes is symmetric and which is not 
symmetric د‎ then draw the axes of symmetry : 

a | b | e 


OAL Y رياضيات لغات /3 ابتدائى / تيرم‎ walsell аз? 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Teese]‏ 


Complete the following table : 

The point The translation The image 

(253) (X5»y)—-(X*35y*1) 

— M" (х,у) —+ (Х+2,у- 1) 

(0 ,- 3) (X s y)— (X+ yt 

EAEN (Xy) — (X+3 sy +1) 

E complete each of the following : 
a Two elements must be known for the translation : 

b The image of the point (2 , 5) by translation 
(х,у) جح‎ (x *2.y*1)is 
The image of the point (— 5 , 4) by translation 
(Ху) —» (Х+4,у- 5) іѕ 
The image of the point (3 , 2) by translation 
(X*35y-2)is- . (Giza 2013) 
The image of the point A (— 5 , 2) by translation 
(-15-3)isA( (El-Sharkia 2011) 
The image of the point (2 , — 1) by translation 

(-355)is (Assiut 2016) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

The image of the point A (4 ; 5) by translation 

The image of the point A (2 , — 1) by translation 

(x-15y*3)is --------- (Suez 2016) 
The image of the point (0 , 2) by translation 

(X*15y*3)is( (Alexandria 2011) 

The image of the point (— 2 . — 5) by translation 
(X5 y) حب‎ (x-2;y)is = 

The image of the point (3 , — 2) by translation 
(х,у) —+ (х,у *3)is 

The image of the point ·-------- by translation 
(X sy) ——» (X-2 sy + 3) is (7 , 4) 

The point (a , b), its image is (5 ›— 4) by translation (2 , – 3) , then the 
coordinates of the point (a » b) = ===- (El-Kalyoubia 2017) 

If the image of the point (3 › 2) is the point (6 , 1) , then the translation 
rule is (X و‎ y) جه‎ (5 

The image of the point A (3 , 6) by translation 3 units in the negative 

direction of X-axis is - 

If À is the image of A by translation of magnitude (MN) in the direction 

of MN » then AA = <... (El-Monofia 2011) 
In the opposite figure : 

А is the image of A by translation. 

Its magnitude is 7 uiii RN 

in the direction of -——- (Red Sea 2011) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Choose the correct answer : 
( а The image of the point A (1 , 2) by translation (1 ,— 1) is 
(а) (2 > 1) (b) (2 » 3) (с) (1-1) (9) (1,3) 
b £ The image of the point A (— 4 , 3) by translation (– 1 ,— 4) 
i (Damietta 2017) 
(а) (735-1) (b)(-7 ,3) (с) (-5 »-7) (9) (-5 »-1) 
The image of the point (3 , — 2) by translation (4 » 2) 
i (El-Kalyoubia 2015) 
(а) (-7 »0) (b) (7 »0) (с) (- 1.4) (d) (1,7) 
The image of the point (3 , — 2) by translation (— 3 , 2) 
i (El-Beheira 2016) 
(a) (0 » 0) (b) (2 » 0) (с) (3 0) (9) (6,4) 
The image of the point (4 , — 3) by translation (— 2 , 3) 
is (Ismailia 2012) 
(a) 2 »0) (b) (6 ,—6) (с) (-6 ‹6) (d) C2. -1) 
If (X › y) is the image of the point (3 , — 2) by translation (1 , 3) 
»then the point (X 5 y) = з 
(a) (2 51) (b) (2 4) (с) (1 »4) (d) (4,1) 
The image of the point A (3 , – 4) by translation (X + 1 » y + 4) 
i (Giza 2012) 
(a) (4 ,0) (b) (4.8) (с) (3 » 8) (d) (3,0) 
The image of the point A (5 ; 1) by translation (X — 1 sy — 1) 
i (El-Kalyoubia 2011) 
(а) (4 +0) (b) (6 +2) (c) (4.2) (9) (- 4 5-2) 

If A (1 , 2) , then the image of A by translation (X + 1 ¥ — 1) 
(Suez 2013) 
(а) (2 » 3) (b) (2,1) (с) (1,1) (d) (1,3) 
CA The image of the point (3 , 5) by the translation (X + 2 , y — 1) is 
(a) (6,6) (b) (5 > 4) (с) (1 »4) (9) (1,6) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

К & The image of the point (- 1 , 2) by translation of magnitude of З units 
in the positive direction of the x-axis is 

(а) (1 , 5) (b) (2.2) (с) (2,2) (d) (- 1.3) 

| The image of the point (— 3 , 4) by translation of magnitude of 4 units 
in the negative direction of the y-axis is (El-Beheira 2015) 
(а) (- 3.0) (b) (- 7 »4) (с) (- 3.8) (9) (- 14) 

m The image of the point (3 ; 0) by translation of magnitude 3 units in the 
negative direction of X-axis is ·--------. 
(a) (0 0) (b) (3 » 3) (с) (3 ,– 3) (d) (0 ,– 3) 

n The image of the point (2 , — 1) by translation of magnitude 3 units in 
the positive direction of y-axis is 
(а) 2:2) (b) (5 :-1( (с) (5 2) (d) (2-4) 

© If A (3 , — 3) is the image of A by translation (х,у) —+ (xX-1,y-4), 
then the point A is 
(а) (2 ,– 7) (b) (4 , 1) (с) (4 ,– 1) (d) (2,1) 

Find the image of each of the following figures by the indicated translation : 

(х,у) —+ (х-3.у- 4) (х,у) —+ )<+ 2 ,у +3) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

by translation (3 , – 4) 

translate 1 unit to the right 
and 4 units downwards. 

а the opposite figure : 

Find the image of the line segment 
AB where A (1 , 2), B (-2 .— 1) by 
translation (X + 2 , y — 2) 

(South Sinai 2011) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

B EQ In the opposite coordinate plane : 
( a Determine the image of DE where 
D (2 : 0) and E (- 1 , 1) by translation 
(х,у) —+(X+3,y +2) 
b What is the name of the shape 
DDEE ? Why ? 

ABCD is a rectangle where A (4 ; 3) , 
B(4.1).C(1.1)andD (1,3) 
Find its image by 

translation (X — 2 » y — 5) 

a Determine the coordinates of 
the following points : 

Find the image of the parallelogram 
ABCD by translation 

(х,у) حب‎ (X *2»y-4) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

( (ED) С^ ın tne opposite figure : 

a Determine the coordinates 
of the following points : 

Find the image of the A ABC by 
translation (X ; y) مت‎ (X +2 sy + 3) 
The length of BC 

The length of AB = 

Is A ABC symmetric or not ? Why ? 

n the opposite coordinate plane : 

Determine the following points : 
A(25;-2).B(1;1)andC(15,6) | 
Find À which is the image of the 
point A by translation (2 , – 1) 

Find BC which is the image 

of BC by translation (3 » 0) 

Find BC and BB 

Calculate the perimeter and 

the area for the shape BBCC 

(B ما لع‎ the opposite figure : 
Find the image of the point A by 
the translation ME 
in the direction of MN 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

Using the geometric tools , draw the image of each of the following by 
translation MN in the direction of MN as shown in each case : 

M А M N 

| A 

Fig. (1) Fig. (2) 

Using the grid , draw the image of LI 
the figure ABCD by the translation | 
of 4 units in the direction of BC - 

bah LIC 
[16] Determine in the coordinates plane the image of the line segment AB 
where A (2 , 3) and B (- 2 ; 0) by translation (X + 3 لاو‎ — 2) (Alexandria 2012) 

In the coordinates plane : 
Draw the А ABC where A (0 , 1) ,В (2 , 3) and C (- 1 , 4) » then find its 
image by translation (X + 2 لاو‎ + 3) (Damietta 2013) 

Ba Draw А ABC where A (1 , 1) د‎ B (- 3 ,– 1) and C (0 , —5) ,then 
determine graphically its image by translation (5 » 0) 

Plot the points O (0 , 0) B (2 , 0) and C (0 , 2) on the coordinate plane , 
then find : 

a The length of OB 

b The image of the triangle OBC by the translation (x + 2 ,у + 2) 

(Cairo 2015) 

EB Determine in the coordinate plane the following points A (- 3 , 4) , 
B (1 ,4) and C (1 , 2) , then find: 
a AB = .......... ВС 

b The image of A ABC by the translation (0 , — 3) (Et-Sharkia 2017) 

QAO) Y ابتدائى / تيرم‎ V رياضيات لغات‎ vals 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

( O Represent the points A (2 , 3) B (4 +3) and C (4 , 7) in the lattice 5 
then find : 
a BC- ~ length unit د‎ AB = --------- length unit 

b The image of A ABC by translation (0 »— 4) (Port Said 2016) 
€ The area of AABC 

Determine in the coordinates plane the rectangle ABCD image where 
A (2 +3) >B (2 » 1) >C (-2 » 1) , D )- 2 »3) by translation (X + 3 لاه‎ + 3) 
What is the type of the resulting figure ABCD ? (El-Fayoum 2011) 

n the coordinates plane : 
Draw the rectangle ABCD where A (4 , 2) »B (4 ,4) C (1 ,4) and D (1 » 2) 
a Draw its image by translation (X + 2 ,у + 2) 

b Calculate the perimeter of the image of rectangle ABCD (Cairo 2013) 

(El Fina the image of each of the following points by the translation 

(х,у) جب‎ (x + 2 › y — 3) followed by the translation 
(х,у) حب‎ (х-3 ,у +1) 
а (4,-2) b (1,3) с (0,2) 

|25 Use the translation (X و‎ у) —— (X + 2 ,у + 3) to locate the point whose 
image is (2 :3( 

£A The image of (a ; b) by translation (2 »— 3) is (5 »— 4) » find (a » b) 

(Matrouh 2017) 

If the image of the point A (1 » 1) by translation in the plane is А (2.2) 
» find the images of the points О (0 , 0) , B (- 1 » 3) and C (—3 , 5) by the 

same translation. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit Three 


If A (- 3 , 1) and B (1 »— 2) , write the rule of the translation that makes 
B the image of A 

The point A (3 , — 3) is the image of the point A by the translation 
(X » y) حب‎ (X - 1 » y — 4) Locate A , then by the same translation › 
draw the image of A ABC where B (5 , 0) and C (- 1 ,— 2) 

In the opposite figure ; 
Copy the graph , then draw the triangle ABC 

whose image is A ABC by the translation 
(х,у) —- (x *2.y +3) 

State whether the graph shows a reflection and name the line of reflection 
oratranslation and describe the translation : 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 


3 Area of the circle 
0 You have studied before what is a circle, and what we mean by a circular sector. 4 
P You have known that : : 
{ A circular sector is a part of a surface of a circle bounded by an are and two | | 9 
| radii passing through the ends of the arc. | X 
x ы 1 b 
For example : 

The coloured part in the opposite circle 
represents the circular sector AMB 

Finding the area of j n 
• The figure below shows the surface of a circle divided into equal circular [^ ١ 
sectors. These sectors were arranged in a certain way to form a shape E 

similar to a parallelogram. 
4 | 

کا ما خاس برق اکر تعب دس تيه ل برق نر اك 
. | الصف السادس الابتداثى | M LII үк‏ 

Unit Three 

* If the number of circular sectors increases; then the shape will be closer to 
a rectangle. 
C1 The width of the shape is the radius length 

The length of 
the shape is half 
the circumference 

3 7-Half circumference (л x r)— 

The area of the circle = the area of the resulted rectangle 
= Length x width 
= half the circumference x radius length 
= 1(2лг)ухг=лгхг=лг? 
So, The area of the circle - r? m= 22 23.14 

| Example (1) 
Find the area of a circle whose radius length is 14 cm. (Consider т = 22) 

A= 2x7? = 22 x (14)? = 616 cm? 
Example ( 2 ) 

Find the area of each of the following circles (Consider 1 = 3.14) : 

э t С 

Fig. (1) Fig. (2) Fig. (3) 
Fig. (1): A= x r? = 3.14 x 52 = 78.5 cm? 
Fig. (2):А = xt r? = 3.14 x 62 = 113.04 m? 
Fig. (3): d= 15 cm. 
те »ا } دل ل‎ 15 - 7.5 ст. 
г. A =T r? = 3.14 x (7.5)? = 176.625 cm? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى FEE]‏ 

| Example (3 
In the opposite figure за circle M of a radius length 

14 cm. » is divided into eight equal circular sectors. 
Calculate the surface area of one sector. 

(Consider x = 22) 
ب.‎ A= 2 = 22 x (14)? = 616 cm? 
^, The area of one sector = 616 + 8 = 77 cm? 

[Example (4) 
In the opposite figure » find the area of 
the coloured part. (Consider X = 3.14) 

Solution | 

‘~ The area of the greater circle = л r? = 3.14 x (7.5)? 
= 176.625 cm? 
„the area of the smaller circle = zt r? = 3.14 x (4.5)? 
= 63.585 cm? 
2. The area of the coloured part = 176.625 — 63.585 = 113.04 cm? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 


In the opposite figure و‎ find the area of 
the coloured part. (Consider I = 3.14) 

*- The area of the square = 20 x 20 = 400 cm? 
»the area of the circle = zt г? = 3.14 х 10? = 314 cm? 
-. The area of the coloured part = 400 — 314 = 86 cm? 

Example (6 
Calculate the area of the opposite figure. 
(Consider 7 = 22) 
| Solution 10 cm. 
* The area of the rectangle = L x W = 10 x 7 = 70 cm? 
» the area of the semicircle = 4 Tes i x 22 x (3.5)? = 19.25 cm? 
7. The area of the whole figure = 70 + 19.25 = 89.25 cm? 

"E acce 

In the opposite figure : 

ABCD is a rectangle its length is 14 cm. 
and its width is 10 cm. A circle is drawn 
to touch the sides AB and CD 

Calculate the area of the coloured part. 
(Consider 7t ع‎ 3.14) 

Example (7 
Calculate the area of the circle whose circumference is 44 cm. 
(Consider л = 22 ) 

7 The circumference = 2 tr 
.. د جه‎ 2, 22 xr 445 44 xe 

7 7 
44х7 ш -A= = 22 2 = 2 
T ك‎ 7 от. A= 7 х 72 = 154 cm? 


EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Area of the circle 
LI From the school book 

(GB Find the area of each of the following circles (Consider = 3.14) 
b сш 

Area = eee 
(Suez 2014) 

Area = oo 

Area = с Area = с 

EJ Find the area of each of the following circles for the given radius. 
Round your answer to the nearest hundredth (Consider 7t = 3.14) : 

а г=8ст. | b r=3.6m. с г= 5 кт. 

d г= 14 т. е г= 6.3 тт. f r2 78.4 dm. 

Find the area of each of the following circles for the given diameter. 
Round your answer to the nearest hundredth (Consider 7 = 3.14) : 

b d-21m. | с d=1.4cm. 

е d-18.8dm. | f а= 28km. 

а а= 16cm. 
d d=40 mm. 

(Souhag 2015) 

Calculate the area of a circle of radius length 7 cm. (Consider Jt = 22 ) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى FEES‏ 

Unit Three 

(B^ circle with radius length 4 cm. Calculate its area. (Consider л = 3.14) 

(Luxor 2011) 

Ш A circle › its diameter is 12 cm. Calculate its area. 
(Consider 7 = 22 or 3.14) (Et-Sharkia 2016) 

Ga circle د‎ its diameter length is 20 cm. Find its surface area. 
(Consider 7 = 3.14) (Souhag 2017) 

[ 5] Find the area of a circle with diameter of length 17.5 cm. (Consider л = 22) 

D^ circle › its diameter is 14 cm. Calculate its surface area and its 
circumference. (Consider 7t = 22 ) (El-Monofia 2015) 

E C2 In the opposite figure : 
A circle M of radius 4 cm. ; is divided into 
five equal circular sectors. 
Calculate the surface area of one sector. (Consider zt = 3.14) 

[11] In the opposite figure : 
A circle M of radius length 7 cm. ; is divided into 
eight equal circular sectors. 
Calculate the area of one sector. (Consider 7t -22) 

(Matrouh 2015) 

QJ A circular birthday tart the diameter of its 
upper base equals 25 cm. is divided into eight 
equal circular sectors , then find the area of 
one sector "Approximating the result to the 
nearest integer" 

(Consider л = 22 or 3.14) 

wall (53‏ رياضيات لغات /\ ابتدائى / تيرم Qr D Y‏ 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 



Find the area of each of the following figures (Consider л = 22) : 
(а) ш (bo ca о 

«Souhag 2014» 

10.5 cm. 

5 In the opposite figure : 
Circle M is drawn inside a square of side length 14 cm. 
and touches its sides. 
Calculate the area of the coloured part. 
(Consider xt = 22) 

In the opposite figure : 
ABCD is a rectangle its length 12 cm. and its 
width 7 cm. Calculate the area of the coloured 
part. (Consider 7 = 22) «El-Kalyoubia 2017» 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

[16| In the opposite figure : 
A rectangle where its length = 34 cm. and its 
width = 15 cm. , and a semicircle of centre M 
Calculate the area of the coloured part. 
(Consider Л = 22 ) “Red Sea 2013» 34 cm. 

Find the area of the coloured part of each of the following figures 
(Consider Jt = 3.14) : 


«Ismailia 2011» 

( Complete : 
(a)The surface area of the circle = <... «Cairo 2012 - Matrouh 2015» 

(b) The radius length of a circle is 14 cm. , then its circumference = --------- ст. 
and its area = 0. cm? (Consider л = 22) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى ]1525 

The diameter of a circle is 20 cm. , then its circumference = = 
and its area = ست‎ cm? (Consider x = 3.14) 
The surface area of the circle of radius length 7 cm. = + zt cm? 
(Beni Suef 2016) 
A circle, its area is 25 л cm? , then the length of its radius is 
(Damietta 2016) 

If the circumference of a circle is 30 л mm. , then the area of this circle 
equals =-= 

m. —‏ 12 م 

The opposite figure is formed of a quarter of 
a circle and a triangle ; then its area = — cm? En C 
(Consider 7 = 3.14) 

The area of the opposite figure 
= ст? (Consider zt = 22) 

The area of the coloured part 
cm? (Consider zt = 22) 

The area of the coloured part 

mee cm? (Consider zt = 22 ) 

k The area of the opposite figure 
= = om? (Consider 7 = 3.14) 

Choose the correct answer : 

а EQ The area of a circle = ------- (Qena 2017) 
(лг or xr? or 2xr or 2712) 

b The circumference of a circle = --------- 

(лг or 2r or xi? or 2712)‏ 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

A circle, its radius length is 3.5 cm. , then the surface area = - cm? 
(Consider x = 22) (Et-sharkia 2012) (11 or 22 or 38.5 or 384 ) 
A circie with radius length = 1 cm. ; then its area = cm? 
(ismaitia 2011) (Ж or 276 or $n or x?) 
The area of the circle whose diameter length is 8 cm. "TX cm? 
(E-Menia2015) (4 or 8 or 16 or 64) 
A circle › its diameter length is 6 cm. , then its surface area = ·......... cm? 
(üsmaiia201242 ) 3 IU or 6л or 9л or 367) 

The circumference of a circle is 44 cm. ; then the length of its diameter 
is ست‎ cm. (Consider л = 22 ) (14 ог 22 ог 44 ог 154) 

The perimeter of the opposite figure = --------- cm. (Souhag 2017) 1 
(2л or 5л or 2+4 or 4n+4) 

The area of the opposite figure = .........٠: cm? 
(16% or 47 or 27 or 472) 

The area of the coloured part = ст? 
where r = 2 cm. 
(2-% or 2-2 or 2-25 or 2+ 27( 

(Ba circle its circumference is 14 л m. Calculate its area. 

йл circle its circumference is 2 zt cm. Calculate its area. 

£ A circle its circumference is 88 cm. Find its radius length and its area. 
(Consider л = 22 ) (Alexandria 2015) 

( ©2 A circle its circumference is 62.8 cm. Calculate its area. 
(Consider 7 = 3.14) (Е(-Веһеіга 2012) 

LJ A circle its circumference is 44 cm. Calculate its area.(Consider л = 22) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

£3 In the opposite figure : 
Find the area of the coloured part. (Consider Jt = 3.14) 

B Ш A table its surface in the form of a circle , its 

/ diameter is 1.5 m. Its surface is wanted to be 
covered by a sheet of glass equal to its surface. 
Calculate the cost price if the square meter 

of the glass costs L.E. 60 (Consider t = 2? or 3.14) 

If the length of the outer diameter of a computer CD is 
12 ст. › and the length of the inner diameter is 1.5 cm. 
Find the area of this CD. (Consider zt = 3.14) 

(Б) A garden » whichis circular in shape sits 
circumference is 132 metres »find : 
a The length of diameter of the garden in metre. 
b The area of the garden in square metre. 
(Consider 7t = 22) 

E C2 In the opposite figure : 
Mis a circle of radius length 5 cm. » a rectangle is 
drawn inside it , its length is 8 cm. and width is 6 cm. 
Calculate the area of the shaded part. 
(Consider л = 22 or 3.14) 

Calculate the coloured area of the opposite figure if 
the radius of the large circle is 6 cm. and the radius 
of each of the small circles is 2 cm. (Consider 7 = 3.14) 

For Excellent Pupils 

a circle its area is 616 cm? Calculate its radius length and its circumference. 
(Consider 7t = 22) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

жа 4 

) 1 
| Definitior 
Я | • The lateral area of a solid is the eum of the areas of all ite faces that are not bases. ў 
(e The total area of а solid is ће вит of the areae of all ite faces included the bases. \' 
Rear acu au »4 
كه‎ @ 
[emember that: ——— — — 6 faces | ده‎ uu — ] 
| | 
8 vert ! | 
@ The cube has б faces › each face is нн | } n 
2 a square and all faces are equal in area. 2 
So , the area of one face = the area of the square + 2 n 
O 3 Length 55 4 
I9 4 = the edge length x itself ! 
(©) The cube has 8 vertices and b \ 
@ The cube has 3 dimensions : “length » width and height" and they are 4 
equal in length. ^» 
© The volume of the cube = The edge length x Itself x Itself $ 
= J 
: D 
ez 159 № 

هذا as‏ خاس يموقع cll ly Sal‏ وا يسع بتداوله ШЖ‏ == 

sated! oie, كمع‎ «йу 5 2525) 

If we have a carton box in the form of a cube, and we want to see how to 
find the lateral area and the total area of a cube, we can unfold the box as 
shown in the figure below : 


• The lateral area of a cube is the sum of the areas of its four lateral faces 
(1) » (2) › (3) and (4) which are perpendicular to the base of the cube. 

So, The lateral area of a cube = The area of one face x 4 
7 Edge length x Itself x 4 

When the faces of the cube were unfolded » 
the rectangle ABCD was formed from the 
lateral faces. 

* The length of this rectangle 
= The sum of the edge lengths of the four 
lateral faces (1) » (2) › (3) and (4) which 
represents the perimeter of the base of 
the cube. 


* The width of this rectangle = The height of the cube 

So, The lateral area of the cube = Perimeter of the base x Height 

* The total area of a cube is the sum of the areas of all the faces of the cube. 

So, The total area of a cube = The area of one face x 6 

Edge length x Itself x 6‏ = 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit Three 

The lateral area 
The total area 

@ The area of one face = pex = t 

@ The area of one face = = 1 x (the lateral area) 

x (the total area) 

[Example (1) 
A cube-shaped Бох » whose edge length is 3 cm. Find : 
[1] The lateral area. 

[2] The total area. 


The area of one face = 3 x 3 = 9 cm? 
[1] The lateral area = the area of one face x 4 = 9 x 4 = 36 cm? 
[2] The total area = the area of one face x 6 = 9 x 6 = 54 cm? 

Example (9) 

The lateral area of a cube is 28 cm? Find its total area. 


The area of one face 

3 2 
4 7 cm: 

The total area = the area of one face x 6 = 7 x 6 = 42 2 

= the lateral area _ 2 

| Example (3) 

If the perimeter of a face of a cube is 20 cm. 
Find its lateral area and its total area. 

The side length of a face = the perimeter + 4 = 20 + 4 = 5 cm. 
The area of one face = 5 x 5 = 25 cm? 
The lateral area = 25 x 4 = 100 cm? 
The total area = 25 x 6 = 150 cm? 

Qr 0 Y ابتدائى / تيرم‎ а رياضيات‎ wall 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

If the sum of the edge lengths of a cube is 108 cm. ; find : 
[1] The lateral area. 

[2] The total area. 


The edge length of a cube = 108 + 12 = 9 cm. 
The area of one face = 9 x 9 = 81 cm? 

[1] The lateral area = 81 x 4 = 324 cm? 
[2] The total area = 81 x 6 = 486 cm? 

[1] A cube of edge length 7 cm. 
Find its lateral area and its total area. 

[2] If the sum of the edge lengths of a cube is 96 cm. 
Find its total area. 

a and total area of a cuboid 

fuus that : — ————— 6 faces 

B vertices 

@ The cuboid has 6 faces د‎ 12 edges 
each face is a rectangle and each 
two opposite faces are equal in area. Length 

So, the area of one face = The area of the rectangle = Length x Width 
©@ The cuboid has 8 vertices and |2 edges. 

@ The cuboid has 3 dimensions : "Length , Width and Height" 
© The volume of the cuboid = Length x Width x Height 

= Base area x Height 
EE ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit Three 

If we have a carton box in the form of a cuboid, and we want to see how to 
find the lateral area and the total area of a cuboid. we can unfold the box as 
shown in the figure below : 


EE. Unfolded Haight i 

A B A 


• The lateral area of a cuboid is the sum of the areas of its four lateral faces 
which are perpendicular to the base of the cuboid. 

i.e. The lateral area of the cuboid (in the diagram) whose base is 
the rectangle ABCD 

= The area of ABFE + The area of BCGF + The area of CDHG 
* The area of DAEH 


= (АВ + BC + CD + DA) xh 

= The perimeter of the base x The height 

So, The lateral area of the cuboid = The perimeter of the base x The height 

and we deduce that : 

8 _ The lateral area of the cuboid 
The бе опа rr. perimeter of the base 

The lateral area of the cuboid 

* The perimeter of the base = Tha height 

<5 Ж 
EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

• The total area of the cuboid is the sum of its lateral area and the areas of its 
two parallel bases. 

So, The total area of the cuboid = The lateral area + 2 x (The area of the base) 

If a cuboid without a lid » then : 
the total area = The lateral area + The area of one base 

| Example (5 
A cuboid-shaped box is 6 cm. long » 
4 cm. wide and 7 cm. high 5 find : 
[1] The lateral area. 
[2] The total area. 

Solution | ват 
[1] The perimeter of the base = (L + W) х 2 = (6 + 4) х 2 = 20 cm. 
The lateral area = The perimeter of the base x The height 
= 20 x 7 = 140 cm? 
[2] The area of the base = 6 x 4 = 24 cm? 
The total area = The lateral area + 2 x (The area of the base) 
= 140 + 2 x 24 = 188 cm? 

The inner dimensions of a swimming 
pool are 24 m. » 16 m. and 3.5 m. ; it is 
necessary to cover its inner floor and 
sides with square-shaped ceramic 
tiles of side length 20 cm. 

How many tiles are needed ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى ]1525 

Unit Three 


The perimeter of the base = (L + W) x 2 = (24 + 16) x 2 = 80 m. 
The lateral area = the perimeter of the base x the height 
= 80 x 3.5 = 280 m? 

The area of the base = L x W = 24 х 16 = 384 m? 
Since , the swimming pool without a lid د‎ 
Then د‎ the total area = the lateral area + the area of the base 

= 280 + 384 = 664 m? = 6 640 000 cm? 
The area of one tile = 20 x 20 = 400 cm? 

total area of swimming pool 
the area of one tile 

= $620 000 - 16 600 tiles. 

Then the number of tiles = 

Example (7 
A room has a square floor of side 
length 4 m. and height 2.8 m. 

It has a door of width 90 cm. and 
height 2.2 m. and two windows 

each of dimensions 1 m. and 60 cm. 
The walls and ceiling of the room 
are painted. If the cost of one square 
metre to be painted is P.T. 475 

Find the cost of painting the room و‎ 
approximated to the nearest pound. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Solution | 
The perimeter of the base = 4 x 4 = 16 m. 
The lateral area = 16 x 2.8 = 44.8 m? 
The area of the ceiling = 4 x 4 = 16 m? 
The total area = 44.8 + 16 = 60.8 m? 
The area of the door = 0.9 x 2.2 = 1.98 m? 
The area of the two windows = 2 (1 x 0.6) = 1.2 m? 
The total area of the painted part of the room - 60.8 — (1.98 * 1.2) 
= 57.62 m? 
The cost = 57.62 x 4.75 = 273.695 =L.E. 274 

[1] A cuboid of length 8 cm. , width 6 cm. and height 7 cm. 
Find its lateral and total area. 
[2] A cuboid-shaped box with a square base whose side length 

is 5 cm. and its height is 10 cm. 
Calculate the lateral area and total area. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Lateral area and total area for 
each of the cube and the cuboid 

(GB Calculate the lateral area and total area for each of the following cubes : 
а m 

©) From the school book 

15 cm. 

A cube of edge length 6 cm. 
Find its lateral area and its total area. (El-Fayoum 2017) 

A cube of edge length 8 cm. Calculate its lateral area and its total area. 

If the edge length of a cube is 1.5 cm. Find its total area. 
Find the total area of a cube whose face area is 49 cm? 

(2 If the lateral area of a cube is 36 cm? Find its total area. (Assiut 2012) 

a nd the lateral area of a cube whose total area is 48 m? 

B The sum of the edge lengths of a cube is 48 cm. Find : 
a The edge length of the cube. b Its lateral area. 

© Its total area. (Beni Suef 2013) 

The sum of edge lengths of a cube is 84 cm. Find : 
a Its lateral area. 

b Its total area. (El-Gharbia 2014) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tenes]‏ 

The sum of edge lengths of a cube is 120 cm. Find : 

a The lateral area of the cube. 

b The total area of the cube. 

© The volume of the cube. (Cairo 2013) 

(EI) The perimeter of one face of a cube is 24 cm. Find : 
a The edge length of the cube. 
b The lateral area of the cube. 
€ The total area of the cube. 

Ш The perimeter of the base of a cube is 28 cm. 

Calculate its lateral area and total area. 

KE] The total area of a cube is 384 cm? Find : 

a Area of one face of this cube. 

b Its edge length. 

€ Its lateral area. (El-Dakahlia 2011) 

[Bir the total area of a cube is 216 m? Find its lateral area and its volume. 

LS _‏ للح سم 
CJA cube is of edge length 8 cm. Calculate the ratio between its lateral‏ 
area and its total area. (El-Gharbia 2017)‏ 

CA When folding the opposite shape : 
a The formed solid is 
b The lateral area of this solid is 

© The total area of this solid is 

@ Complete the following table considering the unit length measured by cm. : 

Cube Edge length | Lateral area | Total area 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

( B Complete : 
а The lateral area of a cube = ~- ы (Luxor 2012) 
The total area of a cube = ·--------- (Kafr El-Sheikh 2014) 

The edge length of a cube = 5 cm. 
»then the area of one of its faces = =- 

A cube of edge length 6 cm. ; then its lateral area = =-=- cm? 

(El-Gharbia 2014) 

The total area of a cube of edge length 4 cm. = .......... cm? 

(Cairo 2015) 
The edge length of a cube is 50 mm. ; then its total area is 
The base area of a cube is 36 cm? , then its lateral area is =-=- 

If the area of one face of a cube = 5 cm? , then the total area 

of this cube = =- cm? (Alexandria 2011) 
The sum of the edge lengths of a cube equals 72 cm., then the length 
of the edge equals =- cm. 

The sum of the edge lengths of a cube = 24 cm., then the area of one 
face = ст? (Assiut 2016) 

If the perimeter of one face of a cube = 12 cm., 
then its total area = ~-= cm? (Et-Menia 2016) 

The face area of a cube is 4 cm? , then its volume = <... cm? 
(El-Monofia 2016) 

The lateral surface area of a cube is 100 cm? , then its volume 

equals 5 (Cairo 2012) 

If the volume of a cube is 1000 cm? , then its total area = cm? 
(El-Dakahlia 2015) 

The ratio between the area of one face of a cube and its lateral area = 

The ratio between the area of one face of a cube and its total area = 

The ratio between the lateral area and the total area of a cube = — 

If the ratio between the edge lengths of three cubes is 1:2:3, 
then the ratio between their lateral areas = ---------- E 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Choose the correct answer from the given ones : 
а The lateral area of the cube = Area of one face x -= (south Sinai 2013) 
(а) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8 
b Асире of side length 4 cm. , then its lateral area = . cm? (Beni Suef 2012) 
(a) 32 (b) 64 (c) 84 (d) 96 
€ Acube of edge length 6 cm. ; then its total area = ·--------- cm? 
(a) 36 (b) 72 (c) 144 (d) 216 
d If the perimeter of one face of a cube = 4 cm., then its total 
area = -......... em? (Et-Dakahlia 2011) 
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (9) 6 

е The area of base of a cube is 49 cm? , then its lateral area 

(Cairo 2017) 

(Alexandria 2014) 
(a) 392 (b) 294 (c) 196 (d) 98 
f Acube of total area 150 cm? , then the length of its edge is ст. 

(Luxor 2015) 
(а)5 (b) 6 (c) 15 (d) 10 
9 If the total area of a cube is 24 cm? , then its volume = <... cm? 
(El-Fayoum 2012) 
(а)8 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 16 
h A cube its lateral area = 36 cm? , then its volume = = cm? 
(Souhag 2013) 
(a) 27 (b) - 27 (c) - 1 (d) 2 
i Acube: its volume is 1000 cm? , then its lateral area = ст? 
(Damietta 2016) 
(a) 600 (b) 500 (c) 400 (d) 200 
j Acube-shaped box ; without a lid , has 
(а) 4 (b) 5 (с)6 
k А cube without a lid of edge length 3 cm. ; then its total area = 

(a) 54 (b) 45 (c) 36 (a) 9‏ 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Three 

! The area of one face of the cube = -------- its total area. (Kafr El-Sheikh 2011) 
(а) } Ы $ 4 (i 

m If the edge length of a cube equals the side length of an equilateral 
triangle whose perimeter is 18 cm. , then the lateral area of this 
cube m? 
(a) 36 (b) 144 (c) 216 (d) 180 

Ш A container water tank is in the form of 

a cube whose inner length is 1.5 m. 

It is wanted to paint it to prevent the rust. 

The cost price of one square metre is L.E. 15 
Calculate the cost of painting. (Giza 2017) 

In the opposite figure : 
A solid consists of two sticking cubes: the length of 
the edge of one of them is 2 cm. and that of the other 
is 1 cm. ;then find the total area of the solid. 

BA factory has a quantity of carton paper of area 120 m? It is required 
to make cube-shaped boxes of it › each box is of edge length 30 cm. 
Find the number of boxes which can be obtained given that 10 96 
of the area is lost. 

Calculate the lateral area and total area for each of the following cuboids : 
a m b ш 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

PL] The perimeter of the base of a cuboid = 24 cm. and its height = 10 cm. 
Calculate the lateral area. (Giza 2014) 

ГЕ] A cuboid ; its length is 6 cm. , its width is 4 cm. and its height is 8 cm. 
Find its lateral area and its total area. (Alexandria 2017) 

19 Calculate the lateral area of a cuboid , its base is a square of side length 
6 cm. and its height is 10 cm. (El-Kalyoubia 2015) 

EI] ^ cuboid of a square base with side length 8 cm. and its height equals 10 cm. 
Find : 
а Its lateral area. b Its total area. (Et-Dakahlia 2012) 

13 A cuboid-shaped box with a square base whose side length is 9 cm. 
and its height is 20 cm. Calculate the lateral area and the total area. 
(El-Fayoum 2012) 

Т] A cuboid whose total area = 132 cm? and its lateral area = 112 cm? 
Find the area of its base. (Giza 2016) 

(a cuboid whose lateral area is 160 cm? and the dimensions of its base are 
7 cm. and 3 cm. Find its height. (Ismailia 2014) 

EI] A cuboid with a square base whose perimeter is 20 cm. and its height is 8 cm. 

Find : 
a The lateral area. b The length of its base side. 

€ The total area. (Ismailia 2012) 

EJ The perimeter of the base of a cuboid = 32 cm. and its height = 10 cm. ; 

if the length of the base = 9 cm. Find the lateral area and the total area of 
the cuboid. (El-Gharbia 2015) 

£ A cube is of edge length 10 cm. and a cuboid whose length is 8 cm. » 
its width is 5 cm. , and its height is 17 cm. 
Calculate the difference between their lateral areas. 

Tues] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit Three 

Ba tin, shaped as a cuboid without a lid , іѕ 18 cm. long and 7 cm. 
wide and its height is 12 cm. Calculate its lateral area and its total area. 

(Ismailia 2011) 

LJ A box without a lid whose length is 16 cm., its width is 7 cm. and its 
height is 19 cm. Calculate its lateral area and total area. (El-Kalyoubia 2016) 

ЕА cuboid base is a square of side length 32 cm. and its height is $ the side 
length of its base. Find its total area. 

Е The volume of a cuboid is 180 cm.? and the dimensions of its base are 
5 cm. and 1.2 dm. Find its total area. 

When folding the opposite figure › complete : 
a The formed solid is 

b The lateral area of the solid = 

€ The total area of the solid = =-=- 

(Souhag 2013) 

(ED complete the following table considering the unit length measured by cm. : 

Cuboid Width Length Height | Lateral area | Total area 

A 6 9.5 | 8 
5 dias 4 120 
C н 7 220 

Complete : 

а The lateral area of the cuboid = Б nt (Souhag 2017) 

b The total area of the cuboid = ~--~ (Ismailia 2014) 

€ Ifthe perimeter of the base of a cuboid = 20 cm. . 

and its height = 9 cm. ; then its lateral area = -Cm  (El-Dakahlia 2011) 

d A cuboid of length 6 cm. , width 4 cm. and height 10 cm. د‎ 
then its lateral area = ст? (Cairo 2013) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

A cuboid has a square-shaped base with side length 20 cm. 
and a height 25 cm. ; then its lateral area > =-= cm? 

If the lateral area of a cuboid is 60 cm? and its base area is 8 cm? » 
then its total area = =-= cm? 

А cuboid of length 7 cm. , width З cm. and height 8 cm. د‎ 
then its total area = cm? 

If the lateral area of a cuboid = 120 cm? and the dimensions for the 
base are 4 cm. and 6 cm. ; then its height = --------- ст. (Alexandria 2012) 

4 hoose the correct answer from the given ones : 

a The lateral area of the cuboid = the perimeter of the base x 
(Suez 2016) 

(a) height (b) width (c) length (d) volume 

b The lateral area of the cuboid with length is 3 cm. , width is 2 cm. and 
height is 4 cm. = - 5 (El-Beheira 2013) 
(a) 20 (b) 24 (c) 40 (d) 52 

€ The lateral area of a cuboid with base in the shape of a square with side 
length 8 cm. and the height of the cuboid is 5 ст. = + cm? 
(a) 40 (b) 80 (c) 160 (d) 240 
The total area of the cuboid with length is 12 cm. د‎ width is 6 cm. and 
height is 4 cm. = - cm? 
(a) 216 (b) 36 (c) 360 (d) 288 
The height of the cuboid whose lateral area is 120 cm? and the 
dimensions of its base are 6 cm. and 4 cm. -Cm.  (El-Gharbia 2014) 
(a) 5 (b)6 (c) 12 (d) 2.5 
If the total area of a cuboid = 32 cm? and its lateral area = 12 cm? , 
then the area of one of its bases = =-=- cm? 
(a) 32 (b) 20 (c) 18 (d) 10 
The dimensions of a base of a cuboid are 4 cm. and 3 cm. and its lateral 
area = 140 cm? , then its volume = cm? 

(a) 1680 (b) 120 (c) 168 (d) 60 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Unit Three 

A swimming pool whose base is of dimensions 40 m.. 10 m. and its height 
equals 2.5 m. Calculate : 

2 Its lateral area. b Its total area. (El-Monofia 2011) 

(O The cuboid-shaped box of a truck with inner 
dimensions 4 , 2.5 and 1 metres, as shown in 
the figure, is painted internally. If each square 
metre of the box to be painted costs L.E. 8 
Calculate the paint cost. 

ДД] EJ A truck box is in the form of a cuboid, whose 

inner dimensions are 5 m. , 2.5 m. and 1.6 m. 
It is wanted to paint the inner box with paint د‎ 
the cost price of one square metre is L.E. 12 

Calculate the cost of paint. 

Ш A truck box for carrying goods is in the form of cuboid whose inner 
dimensions are 4 m. , 2.5 m. and 1.8 m. It is wanted to cover its sides 
and ceiling with a sheet iron, the cost price of square metre is L.E. 15 
Calculate the cost of required sheet iron. 

А cuboid-shaped box without а lid has a base with inner dimensions 

1.6 m. long د‎ 1.5 m. wide and 80 cm. high. We want to cover it from inside 
with iron sheets that cost L.E. 10 per square metre. 
Find the cost of the iron sheets needed. 

EDA water tank is in the form of a cuboid of inner dimensions З m. ,2 т. 
and dd m. The required is to paint it internally. If the cost price of each 
square metre is L.E. 10 , then calculate the cost of painting of all the inner 

0 هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE]‏ 

surface of the tank. 

: (4) 
L3 A room whose length is 5 m. ; its width is 4 m. , and its height is 3.2 m. 
It is wanted to paint its lateral walls and ceiling. The cost price of one 

square metre to be painted is L.E. 8 Calculate the required cost knowing 
that the room has 2 windows and a door whose areas are 8 m? 

CJ A room of a squared floor whose length is 4 m. and its height is 3 m. 

It has a door whose width is 90 cm. د‎ and 2 m. high. It has two rectangular 
equal windows of length 100 cm. and width 61 cm. 

Calculate the cost of painting of the walls + given that the cost price of 
painting one square metre is L.E. 9 

Ga room has a square floor of side length 5 m. and height 2.8 m. 
It has a door of width 90 cm. and height 2.20 m. and two windows each of 
dimensions 1 m. and 60 cm. The walls and ceiling of the room are painted. 
If the cost of one square metre to be painted is L.E. 10 
Find the cost of painting the room. 

(EJ The inner dimensions of a swimming pool 
are 25 , 12 and 2.25 metres. It is necessary 
to cover its inner floor and sides with 
square-shaped ceramic tiles of side length 
25 cm. How many tiles are needed ? 

EJ rhe inner dimensions of a swimming pool 
are 25 m. , 16 m. and 3.5 m. It is necessary 
to cover its inner floor and sides with 
square-shaped ceramic tiles of side length 
20 cm. How many tiles are needed ? 

LJ A swimming pool whose base is with dimensions 40 m. , 10 m. and its 
height equals 205 cm. It is needed to be covered by ceramic with square 
shape of side length = 25 cm. Find : 

@ The number of boxes of ceramic is needed if each box contains 

25 units of ceramic. 
EE "هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit Three 

b The total cost if the price of one square metre of ceramic = 45 pounds 
and the cost for covering 1 square metre by ceramic = 5 pounds. 

L3 Youssef used a piece of cardboard in the form of a rectangle ; its length 
is 1.2 m. and its width is 80 cm. to form a cube-shaped box whose edge 
length is 30 cm. Calculate the remained paper area after forming the box. 

If we double the dimensions of a cuboid , what is the ratio between the 
new total area and the initial one ? 

If the total area of the cuboid is 400 cm?. and the side length of its 
square-shaped base is 10 cm., then find its height. 

бе REEL 
E The sum of the lengths of the edges of a cuboid is 136 cm. and the ratio 
between the dimensions of its base is 3 : 5 , if its height is 1 dm. 

Find its total area. 

=) A cuboid in which : its length + its width = 16 cm., its width + its height = 14 cm. 
and its height + its length = 18 cm. Find its lateral area and its volume. 

The height of a cuboid-shaped water tank is 4 m. 
` andthe perimeter of its base is 20 m. and the 
ratio between its base dimensions is 3 : 7 

Find the cost of painting the outer surface of 

the tank د‎ without its base with special paint 

that costs L.E. 5 per square metre. 

The total area of a cube-shaped piece of metal is 384 cm? It is melted and 
shaped like a cuboid whose base dimensions are 16 cm. and 2 cm. 
Find the total area of the cuboid. 

A cube with edge length 12 cm., a part of it is Zi g 

cut to form a cuboid whose side lengths are fd 
3 ст.» 2 cm. and 1 cm., find the total area of 

the remained part of the cube. 

стат ә يسان ر‎ ciii, gall (177) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 

Test оп Unit Three 

Answer the following questions : 
Е Choose the correct answer : 

а The total area of the cube = area of one face х === 
(4 or 6 or 8 or 12) 

b The image of the point (3 , — 4) by translation (X — 1 ,у + 4) is ==- 
((4 +8) or (2.0) or (2.8) or (3,0) ) 
€ IfA(6 , 1) and B (6 , 4) , then the length of the line segment 
AB = units. (—4-or 4 or 5 or 3) 
d The area of the circle whose radius length is 7 cm. = cm? 
(Consider x = 22) (88 or 44 or 49 or 154 ) 
© The lateral area of the cuboid = the perimeter of the base x =. 
(height or width or length or volume ) 

B Complete each of the following : 

The area of the circle = --------- 

A cuboid of length 6 cm. , width 4 cm. and height 10 cm. ; then its 

lateral area = ---- em? 

The total area of a cube of edge length 7 cm. = cm? 
The image of the point (2 , 3) by translation (— 1 ; 1) is ~ 

In the opposite figure : 

Ais the image of A by a translation 
» its magnitude is «< ст. in the 
direction of 

22| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ D 

Unit Three 


A circle; its circumference is 88 cm. , calculate its surface area. 
(Consider 7 = 3.14) 

In the coordinates plane, draw the triangle ABC where A (0 › 1) 
> B (2.3) and © (- 1.4) , then find the image of the triangle ABC by 
translation (2.3) 

A case in the shape of a cuboid its base is a square of side length 8 cm. 
and the height of the case is 22 cm. Calculate its lateral area and its 
total area. 

In the coordinates plane ; draw the rectangle ABCD where A (4 , 2) » 
B (4 ,4) , © (154) and D (1,2) » then : 
(1) Draw its image by translation (X + 2 , y + 2) 

(2) Calculate the perimeter of the image of the rectangle ABCD 

The sum of edge lengths of a cube is 60 cm. Find : 
(1) The lateral area of the cube. 
(2) The total area of the cube. 

(3) The volume of the cube. 
In the opposite figure : 
XYZL is a rectangle, its length is 10 cm. د‎ 

its width is 7 cm. Calculate the area of the 
shaded part. (Consider л = 22) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Rar ca 


м ho we Ф 072‏ د 

% g 


Sa COCA 2 
mM <> 9 


Technology of Unit Three 

Activity. Finding the lateral area and the total area of the cuboid 

by using Excel program 

The dimensions of cuboid 
Lateral area | Total area 
The length The width The height 

4cm. З cm. 5 cm. 

10 cm. 8 cm. 6 cm. 

6 cm. 6 cm. 12 cm. 

12 cm. 4.5 cm. 5 ст. 
| 9.6 cm. 7.5 cm. 6.3 cm. 

Procedures of activity : | 

[1] Click "Start" button from 
the task bar. 

[2] From the menu 
"All programs" select 
"Microsoft Office" . then 
select "Microsoft Excel". | 

[3] Write the dimensions of 2 
each cuboid in the defined 12 
cells in the excel sheet as 
figure (1) 

length width height Lateral area 

3 5 
8 6 
в 12 
45 5 
T5 63 
Fig. (1) 

TEE العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا یسح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ m 

Total area 

а. Pe‏ كناب اتمساصرا 

Unit Three 

[4] To calculate the lateral area 
and the total area of cuboid 
First : select O4 cell and 
type = (R4 + Q4) #2* P4 , 
then press enter key. 
Second : select N4 cell and 
type = O4 + 2*R 4« Q4 
»then press enter key. 

[5] To calculate the lateral area 

and the total area of the 
other cuboids , select the 
two cells O4 and N4 then 
drag to apply the properties 
of O4 and N4 on the other 
cells , then the results will 
be shown as in the figure (3) 

The dimensions of a cuboid 
length width height Lateral area Total area 
4 3 5 70 94. 
10 8 в 
6 6 
12 5 

The dimensions of a cuboid 
length width height Lateral area — Total area 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Activity of Unit Three 

(1. C1 Bring a sheet of cardboard (Bristol) , 
then cut a square from each corner whose 
side length is 15 cm. to form the opposite 
figure. Fold the shape and use the glue to 
form a cuboid without a lid. Use your 
instruments to calculate its lateral area 
and its total area. 

The opposite figure represents an unfolded 
cube. Copy the shape with the same given 
dimensions on a lattice. Show how you 
can fold it to get a cube : then calculate : 
a Its total area. 
b Its volume. 

' هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ст‏ 


Statistics and 


Lessons of the unit : 
1. Representing the statistical data by using the circular sectors. 

2. Random experiment. 

3. Probability. } n 
Test on unit four. 

© Technology of unit four. 7 
© Activity of unit four. 9 

By the end of this unit, student should be able to 
+ recognize the circular sector (minor - major). ^ ^ recognize the random experiment and the 1 

+ know that the sum of measures of the sample space 
accumulative angles at the centre of the circle + write the sample space of a random experiment. | إلى‎ 
is 360° © à 

cognize the event in a random experiment. 

represent the statistical data by using the = calculate the probability of occurrence of 
circular sectors (a pie chart). an event. Ф 



EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ ju 

Woe oe (ERES 


Representing the statistical data 
by using the circular sectors 

* You have studied before how to represent data by bar graph , broken line 9 
9, graph or double bars graph. ' 

* Now; we are going to present another type of graph called "pie chart" in q 1 
which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the X 
А ў 
\ 4 whole. It is a good way to show relative size of data. 4 
{ —— x 

* When different items of data are presented on a pie chart, you can easily 
do a quick comparison between these items, and also between any item 
| and the total. 
For example : i 

4 In the opposite figure : 

Each of the coloured part and the uncoloured part of ву 
the circle M represents a circular sector , where : 

* The coloured part AMB is called "minor sector" Í 

p م‎ 

because its area is less than 4 the area of the circle. ` / 

^ ت 
The uncoloured part AMB is called "major sector" [^‏ * 
У because its area is more than + the area of the circle. 4‏ 
| 5 
184 6 

ТЕШЕ أ هذا العمل خاس بموقع ذاكرولى التعليس ولا سمج بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ ١ 
I LIC الصف الما كنات‎ 


Unit Four 

(1) Each circular sector has an angle whose vertex ie the centre 
of the circle which is called a “central angle”. 

(2) The sum of the measures of angles accumulating around at 
a point as the centre of the circle ie equal to 360° 

(3) © A quarter ( 1 ) of the area of а circle represente 25 % 
of the whole data. 

* م‎ half ( z ) of the area of a circle represents 50 % 
of the whole data. 

* Three quarters ( 2 ) of the area of a circle represent 75 % 
of the whole data. 

Example (1 J = 
The opposite figure represents the different 
activities which Sally does during a day. 
Study the figure » then answer the following 
questions : 
[a] Find the percentage of the time that Sally spends at school. 
[b] Find the percentage of the time that Sally spends in sleeping. 
[c] Find the percentage of the time that Sally spends in other things. 

[a] 20 % [b] 30% 
[c] 100 % — (30 % + 20 96 + 10 % + 10 96) = 30 % 
[d] Studying : playing (or : sleeping » other things) 

(rein ۲ ترم‎ / шшш \/ әш رياضيات‎ wala! (185) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

The opposite figure represents the percentages of 

the favourite subjects of 200 pupils in a school. 

Answer the following questions : 

[a] What is the ratio of the pupils who prefer English ? 

[b] What is the ratio of the pupils who prefer Science ? 

[c] What is the ratio of the pupils who prefer Mathematics ? 

[d] Which sector represents the greatest ratio ? 

[e] Which sector represents the smallest ratio ? 

[f] Find the measure of the central angle of Maths in degree. 

[g] How many pupils prefer studying English ? 


[a] 20% [b] 10% 

[c] 100 96 — (15 % + 20 96 + 25 % + 10 96) = 30 % 
[d] Maths [e] Science 
[f] The measure of the central angle of maths = 30 96 of 360° 

= Ж x 360° = 108° 

[g] The number of pupils = 20 % of 200 = E x 200 = 40 pupils. | ————— 

The opposite figure shows the percentages of time 
that Enas spends in studying different subjects. 
Complete : 20% 

[a] The ratio of the time that Enas spends in 
studying maths is 

[b] The measure of the central angle of science in degree is --- 
[c] The subject that needs more time is 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit Four 

Example(3 — — 

The following table shows the percentages of the number of hours 
that Marwa studied in different subjects in a week : 

Subject Arabic Maths Science English 
Percentage 10% 40% 20% 30 % 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 


First :Find the measure of the central angle which represents 
the percentage of each sector as the following : 

* The measure of the central angle for Arabic — 19, х 360° = 36° 

* The measure of the central angle for Maths = p x 360° = 144° 

* The measure of the central angle for Science = 20; x 360° = 72° 

* The measure of the central angle for English = ES x 360° = 108° 

Draw a circle of a suitable radius › with centre М 

: Draw the radius MA , use your protractor to draw the central angle 
AMB with the measure of 36° The sector AMB represents Arabic. 

Similarly . draw / BMC of measure 144° 
The sector BMC represents Maths , 
using the same method , draw the other 
two sectors ; then you will have the 
opposite figure. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Example (4 
The following table shows the favourite TV programs for some pupils : 

TV program Sports News Series Movies 

Number of pupils 15 5 10 30 

Represent this data by a pie chart. 

Solution | 
The sum of pupils = 15 + 5 + 10 + 30 = 60 , then: 
* The measure of the central angle for sports 
= 15 ° = 90° 
= 60 * 360° = 90 
* The measure of the central angle for news = a x 360° = 30° 

* The measure of the central angle for series = 19 х 360° = 60° 

• The measure of the central angle for movies = 30. „360° = 180° 

The following table shows the percentage of the production of egg 
in three farms monthly : 

Farm | Fist | Second | Third 
Percentage of egg production | 50 % 20% 30 % 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Exercise 1H 

Representing the statistical data 
by using the circular sectors 
LJ From the school book 

п The opposite figure shows the percentages of sales of different types 
of books. Complete : 

а The sales percentage of science books is =- 

b The least sales percentage is in ıı... 

€ The ascending order of books types according to 
the percentage of sales 

The opposite figure shows the percentages of family spend in different 
purposes. Study the figure » then answer the following questions : 

a Whatis the ratio (in fraction) of clothing to house rent ? 
b What is the ratio (in fraction) of clothing to food ? 
€ Whatis the ratio (in fraction) of clothing to savings ? 

d Find the measure of the central angle of clothing 
in degrees. 

B {Ш The opposite figure shows the favourite hobbies for the pupils of one 
of the classes in the sixth primary » study the figure » then answer : 

What is the ratio of the theatre with respect 
to all hobbies ? 

What is the ratio of the broadcast with respect 
to all hobbies ? 

What is the ratio of the rangers with respect to 
all hobbies ? 

d What is the measure of the central angle of the sector of the music ? 
e What is the hobbies that the least pupils prefer ? 

What is the hobbies that the most pupils prefer ? , 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

a {1 The opposite figure shows the distribution of the natural components of 
the earth's surface » study the figure » then complete the following table : 

The components of | Water natural 5 е 
5 Vallies Mountains 
the earth’s surface supplies 

The percentage of 
the forming 

What is the component which represents 

the smallest ratio of the earth's surface ? 

What is the component which represents 

the greatest ratio of the earth's surface ? 

What is the measure of the central angle Hills E] Water E] 
of the sector of the vallies ? Mountains [E]. Vallies 5 

at the zoo. Study the figure • then answer the questions : 
a Which animal site is favoured by almost 
half of the people ? 

b Which two animals are favoured by almost 
the same number of people ? 

с What is the percentage of lion site ? 
d Whatis the percentage of donkey and snake sites ? 

[6] Forty students were surveyed about their favourite fruit. The opposite 
figure represents the outcome of the survey. Study the figure » then 
answer the question : 

a How many students like apples ? 

b How many students like bananas and peaches ? 

с Whatis the ratio (in fractions) of students who like 
apples and oranges ? 

d Arrange the percentage of students in a descending 
order according to their favourite fruit. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

The following table shows the percentage of the production of meat in 
( 3 slaughter houses during a month : 

Slaughter house 45 gnd 3rd 

The percentage 20% 30% 50% 

Represent these data by circular sectors. (Red Sea 2016) 

a 1 The following table shows the percentage of the egg production in 
three farms , a merchant collected these eggs to distribute them on the 
grocery stores , represent these data by using the circular sectors : 

The farm First | Second | Third 
The percentage of the production | 25% 35% 40% 

(Alex. 2014) 

LA The following table shows the ratio for producing electronic sets : 

Set kind n and зч | سه‎ | 

The ratio of production | 30% | 15% | 40% | 15% | 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

5 Ш The following table shows the percentage of the production of one 

factory of 4 kinds of electric sets : 

TV Washing 

Type of the set machine 

Refrigerator | Cooker 

Amount of the production 35% 20% 15% 30% 

Represent these data by using the circular sectors. (Damietta 2011) 

The following table shows the percentage of the students participated in 
the school activities : 

Activity Cultural Sport Social Art 

Percentage of students 5% 45% 15% 35% 

Represent these data by a pie chart. (El-Menia 2017) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

( The following table shows the percentage of the favourite subjects for 

the sixth primary in one of the schools through their questionnair : 

Subject : Arabic Maths | Science | Social studies 

The percentage of 

% 2 25 % 159 
the number of the pupils 9979 5% 5 S 

Represent these data by circular sectors. (Ismailia 2014) 

The following table shows the percentage of the time Ayman spent 
studying some subjects : 

Subject Arabic Maths Science | Social studies 

Percentage 25% 35% 15% 10% 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

ij The following table shows the percentage of the favourite sports of 

students in your class : 

| The favourite sport | Football | Basketball | Volleyball | Swimming | Ping-Pong 
| Percentage | 45% | 9% | 24% 10% | 12% 

Represent the previous data by using the circular sectors. 

The following table shows the product of 4 farms in a month : 

The farm | 1” gral ач 

Percentage | 40% 25% 20% 

a Represent these data by using the circular sectors. 
b If the total product of these farms in a month was 1200 chicken. 

Find the product of the 1° farm in this month. (Qena 2013) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Unit Four 

The following table shows the rate of the score of 200 students in one 
school of Cairo governorate : 

Excellent Good Pass 
25 96 10% 

Rate Weak 

15% 50 % 


а Represent these data by a pie chart. 

b Find the number of excellent students. 

The following table shows the percentage of chicken production for three 

farms during October : 

First Second Third 

50 % 

The farm | 
The percentage of production | 25% 

a Complete the previous table. 
b Represent these data by the circular sectors. 

(El-Fayoum 2013) 

The monthly income of a family is 480 pounds , the table shows the 
percentage of its expenditure : 

Expenditure Rent Food Others | Saving 
Percentage 20 % 60% | 5* |: 

a Complete the table. 
b Represent these data by a pie chart. 

8 The following table shows the percentages of the time Waleed spent 

studying some subjects during a week : 
Arabic Maths Science 
40% 15% 

Subject Social studies 

Percentage 25% 

a Complete the table. 

b Represent these data by a pie chart. 
(тез تيرم ؟‎ шы! \/ رياضيات لغات‎ wall (493 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Б K1 The following table shows the ratio for producing chickens in four farms 
in a month : 

Farm 4st 2nd ard 4th 

The ratio of production 

a Complete the table. 
b Represent these data by a pie chart. (El-Kalyoubia 2011) 

(E) The following table shows the ratio for producing chicken in four farms : 
1e E 38 4th 

The farm 

The ratio 30 % 40% 

a Complete the table. 
b Represent these data by the circular sectors. 
€ Which farm produces more chicken ? (Kafr Et-Sheikh 2011) 

Anania is a clerk in an institution. She contributes with her husband by her 

salary as follows : 
25 % for house rent , 50 % for food and expenses and 25 % for savings. 

Represent those data by using the circular sectors. (The New Valley 2011) 

The monthly income of a family is L.E. 1200 . the family spends 25 % of its 
income on rent , 50 % on food . 15 % on others and saves the rest : 

a Represent these data using a pie chart. 
b Find the capital which this family saves monthly. 

ea KJ One of the families spends its salary as the following : 40 % for food 

» 20 % for house rent , 30 % for expenses and saves the remainder د‎ 

represent these data by using the circular sectors . then answer the 

following : 

* If the family monthly income is L.E. 900, so how much does the family 
save in the year ? 

» Another family spends its monthly salary by the same way and saves 
L.E. 70 monthly . so what is the monthly salary of that family ? 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit Four 

The following table shows the number of studying hours that Mohamed 
has done in a week : 

Subject Arabic | Maths | Science | English | Social studies | Total 

Number of hours 9 10 6 ГА 4 36 

Represent these data by a pie chart. (Souhag 2013) 

LJ The following table shows the favourite TV programmes which 
the pupils of one of the classes in the primary six watch as the following : 

Number of hours 9 5 4 7 11 

Kind of programme | Entertaining | Cultural News Drama Sport 

Represent the data by using the circular sectors, then answer the following 
questions : 

What is the programme that the most of pupils prefer. also the least of 
pupils prefer ? 

(The following table shows the Suez Canal income in million Egyptian 
pounds during some years : 

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 
The income in million 120 180 175 525 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

The following table shows the percentages of success in a Maths test in 
five different classes of grade six : 

Grade six classes 6A 6B 6c 6D 6E 
Percentage of success | 95% 90 % 75% 80% 65% 

Represent the percentage of success of each class by a separate pie chart 
» then answer the following questions : 

a Which class has the greatest percentage of success ? 
b Which class has the lowest percentage of success ? 

с What do you suggest to raise the percentage of success of the class 
having the lowest percentage ? 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Complete each of the following : 

a The sum of the measures of the accumulative angles around the centre 
of the circle = =- ? (Et-Katyoubia 2014) 
The measure of the angle of the circular sector whose area 
represents i from the area of the circle = === 2 (Beni Suef 2013) 
The measure of the angle of the circular sector whose area 
represents + from the area of the circle = ---------- و‎ (Qena 2017) 
The measure of the angle of the circular sector whose area 
represents 4 from the area of the circle = E (Ismailia 2016) 

The measure of the angle of the circular sector whose area 
represents 4 from the area of the circle = :........ е (Assiut 2012) 

In the opposite figure : 
The measure of the central angle of 
the shaded circular sector equals 

(Cairo 2016) 

Ш The opposite figure represents the percentages 
of distribution of the sports activities for the pupils 
of a school , their number is 960 pupils. 

(1) The percentage of the pupils 

participated in handball = <... % vie 

(2) The number of pupils who participated in football activity 
يع‎ pupils. 

(3) The measure of the central angle of the sector representing 
the pupils who are participating in volleyball activity 

(Aswan 2015) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

M ILC eem] 

box contains 3 balls ! Í Abox contains‏ م 
(red, green, black) 3 3 red balls‏ 

l'm not sure Ay p ^y 
if the selected ball Y: begh 2 УХ ‹ 
چ‎ N that the selected ball \ 
| UR 1 will be red. \ | 

1 or black i 

Ф This is 4 ы: This is NOT 1 
a random experiment a random experiment 

| Definitions : | 
* The random experiment : 
It ig an experiment in which we can determine all ite possible outcomes before 

carrying it out » but we can't predict in certainty which of these outcomes will 
occur when the experiment ie carried out. 

| * Sample space (outcomes space) : 
It ig the set of all possible outcomes for a random experiment. 
lt ig ugually denoted by the symbol (S) and the number of all elements of 
the sample space ig denoted by n (S) 


E على مواقع أخرى‎ Ан يسع‎ MY eda sif العمل خاص بموقع‎ m 
| كتاب اتمعاصر‎ | [той الصف السادس الايد اتآ‎ |0" 

Examples of random experiments : 

Tossing a coin is a random experiment, because before 
tossing the coin you do not know the result. 

Rolling a die is a random experiment; because before 
rolling the die you do not know the result. 

Drawing a marble from a bag containing marbles different 
in colour (or size) is also a random experiment. because 
before drawing the marble you do not know the result. 

Example (1) 
Write the sample space of each of the following random experiments 
and give the number of its elements : 

[a] Tossing a coin once and observing its apparent face. 

[b] Rolling a die once and observing the number appearing 
on the upper face. 

[c] Drawing one card from five cards numbered from 10 to 14 and 
observing the written number on the card. 

[d] Drawing a ball from a bag containing : one black ball , one red ball » 
one yellow ball and one white ball and observing the colour of 
the drawn ball. 

[e] Playing a football match between the team of your school and the team 
of another school , and observing the possible results of the team of 
your school. 

[f] Choosing a prime number less than 18 

Solution | 

[a] The possible outcomes are : head (H) or tail (T) 
58= {н.т}, п (5) =2 

[b] The possible outcomes are: 1,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 6 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

Unit Four 

[c] 5 = (10. 11.12.13 ,14( مء‎ (S) =5 

[d] S = {black , red , yellow , white} >n (5) = 4 
[e] S = {win , loss , draw] مه‎ (S) = 3 

[f] S2 ( 11.13. 17] »n(S)=7 

Example (2) —— — 
Write the sample space of tossing two distinct coins once and give 
the number of its elements. 

Solution IS соп 2" coin bei] 
We can get the elements of the sample кы нн 
space by using the tree diagram as 
shown in the opposite diagram. 

.. S= (HH; HT TH , TT} 5n(S)=4 

Where : 

HH means that the result of tossing the coins in 
the first coin is head and the second is head, 

HT means that the result of tossing the coins in 

the first coin is head and the second is tail and so on. 

o The sample space of tossing two distinct coins (different in colour or 
size or shape ; ...) simultaneously is the same as the sample space of 
tossing one coin twice one after the other. 

© The sample space of rolling two distinct dice is the same as the sample 
space of rolling a die two consecutive times. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


Write the sample space of each of the following random 
experiments and give the number of its elements : 
[a] Drawing a ball from a bag containing : one white ball , one green ball | 

and one red ball and observing the colour of the drawn ball. 
[b] Tossing a coin twice. 


| Example (3 
A box contains three balls. One of them is white , the second is red and 
the third is black. 

The experiment is drawing two balls one after the other with replacement 
and observing their colours. (st 2m Sample. 
State the sample space and give the drawing drawing space (S) 
number of its elements. 


Let W denote the white ball , B denote the 
black one and R denote the red one. 

Using the opposite tree diagram: we get : 
S = {WW , WR; WB, BW; BR ; 
ВВ , RW , КК , RB} ,п (5) = 9 


| Example (4 
From the set of digits (4 , 5) › a number is formed from two digits. 
Determine the sample space of this experiment 

Tens Units Sample 
and give the number of its elements. 

digit digit space (S) 

Solution | * ы 
Ee @ x 
From the opposite tree diagram : 

S = {44,45,54 ,55} >n (S)=4 


84| 4 
55 5 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

_ wwwizakrooly'com | | Maths | (MESSI 
Exercise 15 

Random experiment 

LJ From the school book 

п Determine the sample space of each of the following random experiments › 
and give the number of its elements : 

a Choosing a card from 5 cards numbered from 3 to 7 and 
observing the written number on the card. 

Choosing one of the digits of the number 23791 
Choosing an even number included between 21 and 29 
Choosing a prime number included between 10 and 20 

Drawing a ball from a bag containing : one green ball , one yellow ball 
and one black ball and observing the colour of the drawn ball. 

LH A box contains 9 identical cards having the same 

colour and numbered from 1 to 9 9 4 Pun 

Write the sample space for this experiment. 5 2 

E^ bag contains 4 identical cards having the same colour and numbered 
from 30 to 33 Write the sample space for this experiment. 

u LA If the random experiment of visiting one of your relatives to know 
the gender of his newly-born child. 
Write the sample space of this experiment. 

E Write the sample space of tossing a coin twice in succession and 
observing the sequence of heads and tails showing the number of its 

[e] {п the experiment of selecting a ball from a box containing 3 red balls, 
4 yellow balls all of them are equal in volume: observing the colour of the 
selected ball , write the sample space of this experiment. 

(en تيرم ؟‎ / uas ١/ йш رياضيات‎ аја (201) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا یسح بتداوله على مراع أخرى тз‏ 
١‏ 1 

In an experiment of getting a 2-digit number using the digits 1 and 2 
/ Write the sample space of this experiment. 

a From the set of digits [3 ,4 ,9} .a number is formed from two digits. 
Determine the sample space of this experiment and give the number 
of its elements. 

О л family has three children (there are no twins among them). 
Write down the sample space (S) of the gender (boy or girl) 
of each of them ordering them according to their ages. 

Determine the sample space of tossing three distinct coins once and 
observing the sequence of appearance of heads and tails. 

[11] A die is designed such that two faces have the number 1 , two faces have 
"the number 2 and two faces have the number 3 , this die is thrown once 
and the apparent number on the upper face is observed. 

Write down the sample space and give the number of its elements. 

Ba coin is tossed , then a die is thrown and the upper faces of the coin and 
the die are observed. 

Write down the sample space. 

Complete each of the following : 
a LƏ The random experiment is ·------:-- 
b «is the set of all possible outcomes for a random experiment. 
(Suez 2015) 

In the experiment of tossing a regular coin and observing the appearing 
face , set of sample space S = =-=- , n (S) = ==- (Giza 2012) 

d The sample space for tossing a coin twice = =- 
е The sample space for rolling a dice once = ·------· 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 



| The event : In a random experiment, an event is а subset of the sample space. y 

For example : 
In the random experiment of rolling a die once and observing the apparent 
x number on the upper face , we have : 
NI 8-(,2,3,4,5,6) 
D Any subset of S can be considered as an event as : 

* {5} is the event of getting 5 on the upper face of the die. 
© * (2,4.,6) is the event of getting an even number on the upper face of the die. 
* (I, 3 , 5) is the event of getting an odd number on the upper face of the die. 

Oy Probability of occurrence of an event 

In a random experiment with a sample space S if each element of S 
ё ( hae the same chance to occur, and if A C S , then the probability that | 
the event A will occur is : 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى 
الصف السادس الابتدانى | (ARR)‏ | كتاب alas‏ 

ple (1 
If a fair die is thrown once and we observe the number on the upper 
face , find the probabilities of each of the following events : 
[a] A is the event of appearance of a number greater than 4 
[b] B is the event of appearance of an even number. ав а 
[c] С is the event of appearance of the number 5 
[d] D is the event of appearance of the number 7 
[e] E is the event of appearance of a number less than 7 = 

[ајА = {5,6} ,п(А)=2 А P(A) = 

[b] = {2,4,6} ,п (В) * 3 ТР (В) = 

oj- ماه‎ olv 

[c] C= {5} » n (O) - 1 ЕР (QE 
[d]D={ }or ® ,n (0) = zero 

- P(D)= 2 = zero (The impossible event) 

(E) = $ = 1 (The certain event)‏ من 

E атта 

A fair die is thrown once. Find the probability of each of the 
following events : 

[a] А: The event of getting the number 6 

[b] B : The event of getting a number less than 3 

[c] С: The event of getting an odd number. 

[d] D : The event of getting the number 8 

[e] E : The event of getting a prime even number. 

[f] F : The event of getting a number greater than 1 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Unit Four 

@ The impossible event is the event which cannot occur. 

• The impossible event = Ø while the probability of the impossible 
event = zero 

.. P(g)-0 

©) The certain event (sure event) is the event whose outcomes are all 
the possible outcomes. 
٠ The certain event = S while the probability of the certain event = 1 
4s P(S)=1 

e The possible event : some of outcomes of the experiment. 

i.e. The probability of the possible event proper fraction. 

So; the probability of any event is not less than zero and it is not more than 1 

i.e. For any event A , we found that : 0 > P (A) > 1 


A jar contains 9 similar balls “4 of them 
are white » 3 are red and 2 are black" 

A ball is drawn randomly. 

Calculate the propability of each of 

the following events : 

[а] А: The drawn ball is white. 

[b] B : The drawn ball is red. 

[c] С: The drawn ball is green. 

[d] D : The drawn ball is white or black. 
[e] E : The drawn ball is not black. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


The number of white balls _ 4 
The number of all balls ^ 9 

[a] P (A) = 

The number of red balls _ з 

[b] P (В) = тһе number of all balls ^ 9 

The number of green balls _ o 
The number of all balls 9 

[c] P (С) = 0 

[d] P (D) = The number of white balls and black balls 4*2 6 - 
= The number of all balls | 9 9 

The number of balls which are not black _ 9-2 7 

[e] (Е) = The number of all balls ^ 9 9 

Example (3) 
From the set of digits {3 .4 . 5] , form all possible two-digit numbers . 
then find the probability of each of the following events : 

[a] A "the event that the units digit is odd" 

[b] B “the event that the tens digit is even" 

[c] C “the event that the two digits are odd numbers" 
[d] D "the event that the sum of the two digits = 8" 

[e] E “the event that the product of the two digits = 20" 

5 = {33 ,43 , 53 , 34 , 44,54,35 , 45 , 55} .n(S)- 9 

[a] A= {33 ,43 ,53 ,35 ,45,55},п(А)=6 .. P(A)= 
[b] = {43,44,45} >n (B) =3 .. P درق‎ 
[c] C = {33 ,53 ,35 , 55) >n (C)=4 2 P(C)= 
[d] D = {53 ,44 ,35} ,n (D) =3 2 P(D)= 

[e] E = (54 , 45} ,n (E) -2 ^ P(E) =‏ 
هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

€|w «|o oja ow وات‎ 

Unit Four 

@ The probability can be written as a fractional form , decimal form or in 
the form of percentage. 

i.e. if the probability of an event = H „it can be written as 0.4 or 40% 

© The sum of probabilities of all outcomes of a random experiment = 1 
e If the probability of occurrence of an event A is P (A) 

» then the probability that it doesn't occur = 1 — P (A) 

For example : 

If the probability of success of a student is 35 > 

" 5 5 TAE 
then the probability of his failure = 1 — 16 = jo 

Example (4 2 E 

A card is selected randomly from 30 cards numbered from 1 to 30 
Find the probability of each of the following events : 

[a] A : The selected card carries a number divisible by 5 

[b] B : The selected card carries a number divisible by 9 

[c] С: The selected card carries a number satisfying the equation : 2 X + 3 = 15 
[d] D : The selected card carries a number satisfying the inequality : X — 5 2 22 
[e] E : The selected card carries a number satisfying the inequality : 6 « X s 12 


S=4{1,2,3,4,- 30} .. n (S) = 30 

[a] A= {5 , 10, 15 ,20 ,25 ,30} .n(A)=6 PAHS 
= = 5 = 3 

[b]B={9,18,27}.n(B)=3 Р (B) = 35 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

v2Xt*3215 є&2х=12 
мХ=6 .. The S.S. = {6} 
С={6},п(С)=1 = P (C) = зу 
v X-5222 x227 

г. The S.S. = {27 , 28 ,29 , 30} 

.. D = {27 , 28 , 295 30}>n (D)=4 

2Р0) = 35 =% 


г. The S.S. = (7 8,9, 10,11, 12) 
nE-(7:859.10,11,12) م‎ (E) -6 

АРЕ) = 

6 =1 
30 5 

Example (5 ) 
A bag contains 45 similar marbles. Wael drew one of them randomly 
and found it green. If the probability of drawing a green marble = З. 
Find the number of green marbles in the bag. 


The number of all marbles = 45 
Let A be the event of drawing a green marble , then P (A) = 3 

. The number of green marbles _ з 
The number of all marbles = 5 

. The number of green marbles _ 3 
45 5 

2. The number of green marbles = 3 x 45 = 27 marbles. 

FEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Unit Four 

Example (6 
Two players play in a football team. 
During training » one of them kicked 
20 penalty kicks and he scored 14 goals › 
and the other kicked 25 penalty kicks 
and he scored 18 goals. 

Which of them should you choose to 
kick a penalty kick in the game? why? 


* The probability that the first player scores а goal = i$ =0. 

The probability that the second player scores a goal = i =0.72 

50.72 > 0.7 

.. The second player should kick the penalty because 

his probability is greater. 

(Y SD Y تيم‎ gal V әш رابات‎ wall] (209) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

mance) | Maths | (ESI 
Exercise 16 


L From the school book 

п While throwing a fair die and observing the upper face , complete the following : 
The probability of appearance of a number greater than 2 = (El-Gharbia 2017) 
The probability of appearance of a number less than 3 = (Alexandria 2012) 
The probability of appearance of an odd number = ===: (ei-Gharbia 2015) 
The probability of appearance of the number 5 = = (Beni Suef 2016) 
The probability of appearance of the number 6 = .......... (Aswan 2013) 
The probability of appearance of the number 7 = =- 
The probability of appearance of a number less than or equal to 6 = =-=- 
The probability of appearance of a prime number = -........ 
The probability of appearance of a prime even number =. 
The probability of appearance of a number divisible by 5 = 
The probability of appearance of the number 5 or the number 6 = +--+ 

B A fair die is rolled once and the number of dots on the upper face is 
observed , write down the sample space ; then find the probability 
of the following events : 

a Getting a number greater than 6 
b Getting a number satisfying the inequality: 1 < X < 6 
с Getting a number satisfying the inequality : 2 « X « 4 

LA In the experiment of tossing a regular die once and observing 
the number of dots on the upper face ; find the probability of : 
a The event A , where A is the event of appearance of 
a number less than 5 
b The event B , where B is the event of appearance of 
a number satisfying the inequality : X 2 3 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

Unit Four 

LLI A box contains 8 white balls and 12 red balls all of them are symmetric د‎ 
( a ball is selected without looking inside the box ; find the following probabilities : 

a The selected ball is white. b The selected ball is red. 

c The selected ball is blue. (South Sinai 2014) 

A box contains 4 white balls , 3 blue balls and 8 red balls , all of them 
are symmetric د‎ a ball is selected without looking inside the box ; find the 
probability that the selected ball is : 

a green. b notred. (Damietta 2013) 

Ga box contains 8 white balls د‎ 5 red balls and 7 blue balls , all balls 
identical د‎ if a ball is chosen randomly. Find the probability of : 

a The chosen ball is white. b The chosen ball is not red. 

с The chosen ball is white or red or blue. (Cairo 2013) 

a A bag contains 25 balls (4 balls are yellow , 7 balls are red and the 
remainder is black). If a ball is drawn randomly د‎ find the probability that 
the drawn ball is : 

a black. b yellow or black. 
c not yellow. d green. 

e neither black nor yellow. 

B CJ In the experiment of selecting a card at random from 7 equal cards 
numbered from 1 to 7 , write the sample space , then find the probability of : 

а The event A , where A is the appearance of a number less than 4 
b The event В ; where B is the appearance of an odd number. 
c The event C , where C is the appearance of a number more than 5 

(Matrouh 2015) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


(E A box contains 10 identical balls numbered from 1 to 10 , one ball is drawn 
at random. Write the sample space . then find the probability that the 
drawn ball has : 

а an even number. 
b a number divisible by 5 

с a prime number. (Cairo 2014) 

Ш A basket contains 15 balls numbered from 1 to 15 , if one of the balls is 
chosen randomly ; write the sample space for this experiment , then find 
the probability that the chosen ball : 

a carried an odd number. 

b carried a prime number. 

€ carried a number divisible by 3 (El-Beheira 2017) 

C3 A box contains 10 cards numbered by the even numbers from (2 to 20). 

one of the cards is selected at random. Calculate the probability of : 

a The event А: appearance of a multiple of the number 4 
b The event B : appearance of an even number. 

с The event С: appearance of a number that is divisible by 3 

(B^ number is chosen randomly from the numbers 1 ,2 535 
Find the probability of the following events : 
a A:the chosen number is a multiple of 3 
: the chosen number is divisible by 7 
: the chosen number is greater than 16 and less than 25 
: the chosen number is a prime number less than 16 
: the chosen number is divisible by 2 and 3 

: the chosen number has 7 as a units digit. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

C3 By using cardboard ; cut 10 squared or rectangular equal cards 
and have the same colour , then write a number in each one of them from 
the numbers (1 to 10) , then put them in a bag that is not transparent and 
mix them carefully ; choose one of them at random. 
Calculate the probability of the following events : 
a The event A : appearance of a number more than 7 
b The event C : appearance of an odd number. 
c The event В: appearance of a number that satisfies the inequality : 
d The event D : appearance of a number that satisfies the equation : 

C3 If the experiment of a student is chosen at random from a class of 
40 students د‎ 32 students succeeded in Maths test , 35 students 
succeeded in Arabic test , find the probability of : 

а The event A , where A is the event that he succeeded in Arabic. 
b The event C ; where C is the event that he failed in Maths. 

In the ideal student competition of one of the schools 63 students applied 
for the competition . if the probability that one of the girls is an ideal student 

is $ Find the number of girls who participate in the competition. (souhag 2013) 

ЦЈ A box contains 80 similar balls. Some of them are red and the rest is blue. 
If the probability of drawing a red ball is i > find the number of blue balls. 

Ш ما‎ a meeting for discussing the problems of the workers in a factory د‎ 
100 workers were attending from men and women. If the probability of 
a man standing to show the problems of the workers is = 

Calculate the number of the men and women in this meeting. 

| Pe 

mplete the following : 
The event is a subset of the ·--------- (Souhag 2013) 

In an experiment of throwing a fair die once , the event of getting 
a number less than 2 is { (Giza 2014) 

The probability of the impossible event = ~--~ 
and the probability of the certain event = =- (Beni Suef 2012) 

d For every event A „ we find that <P (A) = 

If S is the sample space of a random experiment ; then P (S) = = 
(Matrouh 2017) 

If n (S) = 12 , n (A) = 4 where AC S; then P (A) = (Ismailia 2012) 

If a fair coin is tossed once ; then the probability of appearance of 

a tail = 0... 

In an experiment of forming a number from the two digits (2 , 3} » 

the probability of getting an even number = ==- (El-Monofia 2017) 

If the probability of occurrence of the event Ais 5 + then the probability 

of non-occurrence of it = ---------- (Et-Fayoum 2017) 

If the probability that a pupil solve a problem is 0.7 د‎ then the number of 

problems expected to be solved from the same kind from 20 problems 

= (El-Menia 2016) 

KE) Choose the correct answer from those given : 




If Ais an event of the sample space of random experiment 
„then : 0 s P (A) < (Giza 2012) 

(а) Ø (b)- 1 (c) 2 (d) 1 

If P (A) = 1 » then Ais called event. (Ismailia 2012) 
(a) a random (Ы) ап impossible (с) a possible (d) a certain 
£ Ø is the empty set , then Р(@) = ~- (Port Said 2015) 
(a)0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0.5 

IfA=S , then P (А) = (Kafr El-Sheikh 2016) 
(a) zero (b) 1 (c)2 (d)3 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

Which of the following can be a probability of an event ? (El-Beheira 2017) 
(a) zero % (b) 1.2 (c) 45 (d) 101 96 

A coin was tossed once ; then the probability of getting a head 

IS + x (Red Sea 2014) 
(a) zero (b) 2 (0i (d) 0.25 

A fair die is thrown once ; then the probability of appearing on the 
upper face the number 3 = ---------- (Suez 2016) 
(a) 0 (b) + (c) 2 (d) 1 

If a fair die is rolled once; then the probability of getting 

a number > 3 = eee- (South Sinai 2012) 
(a) 1 (52 (e) 1 (9 1 

LJ In the experiment of rolling a fair die once ; if A is the event of 
getting a number less than 4 , then P (A) = =-=- (Qena 2013) 
(a) 5. (b) 2 (oi (d$ 

LJ If a fair die is rolled once , then the probability of getting 

a number > 6 = =- (Et-Katyoubia 2017) 
(а) 2 (b) zero (i (9) i 

When tossing a fair dice once ; then the probability of getting a number 
divisible by 2 equals .......... (Red Sea 2017) 
(a) zero (b) $ (c) 1 (d) 0.5 

A bag has 5 red balls and 3 white balls. If the balls are similar and 

a person draws a ball randomly , then the probability that the drawn 
ball is white = -------..- 

(a) 2 (b) 3 (e) 3 (a) $ 

A basket contains cards numbered from 1 to 20 ; if a card is drawn 
randomly , what is the probability that the number written on it is 
divisible by 6 ? 

(а) 53; (Ы 3 (с) & (9) 5 

If the probability of success of a student is 70 % , then the probability 
of his failure = ---------- 

(a) 0.7 (b) 0.07 (c) 0.3 (d) 0.03 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


о Ш A regular coin is tossed 1000 times د‎ then the most expected 
number to get a head equals (Alexandria 2013) 
(a) 496 (b) 503 (c) 600 (d) 999 

£3 In the experiment of forming a 2-digit number from the set of digits {5 » 6} 
What is the probability : 

a The event A : the units digit is an odd number. 
b The event B : the sum of the two digits is 11 
c The event C : the two digits are equal. 

In one of the factories that produce saving energy electric bulbs ; if the 
average of the daily production is 600 bulbs and the ratio of the damaged 
bulbs is about 5 % of the production. 

Complete : 

а The number of the damaged bulbs during the daily production = =- 

b The number of the working bulbs during the daily production = === 

с The probability that the bulb is working = =: 

d The probability that the bulb is damaged = ---------- 

e If the production of the factory during few days is 2500 bulbs, so the 
number of the damaged bulbs 

(EB The set (2 ,3 , 5} is used to write a 2-digit number. 
Find the probability of the following events : 

a The tens digit is odd. b The units digit is odd. 
c The sum of the two digits is 7 d The product of the two digits is 15 

[23] Ш In the experiment of forming a number consisting of two digits without 
( repeating the number using the set of numbers {1,2,3} Find : 

a The probability of getting an odd prime number. 
b The probability of getting an even number. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

A cube is designed such that each two opposite faces carry one of the 
digits 1 , 2 and 3 , the cube is rolled and the apparent face is observed : 
a Write the sample space. 

b What is the probability that the number we get on 

the upper face is 2 ? ШР 

c Whatis the probability that the number we get on 5 
the upper face is odd ? 

LJ A class of 40 students has got a maths exam whose maximum mark 
is 50 , if 30 students got less than 40 marks , and 10 students got 
(40 up to 50). Calculate the probability of : 
а The event А: where A is a student who has got less than 40 marks. 

b The event B : where B is a student who has got a mark satisfying 
the inequality : B 2 40 

LJ In one of the fitness centres ; 10 ladies suffering from over weight were 
waiting to meet the specialized doctor , if the weights of 4 of them are 
between 100 , 110 kg. , the weights of the others are between 110 . 120 kg. 
Find the following probabilities : 

a Entrance of a lady of weight less than 110 kg. 

b Entrance of a lady of weight more than 110 kg. 

с Entrance of a lady of weight 90 kg. 

In a class of 42 students , we found that 20 students play football , 
8 students play basketball and the rest of students play other sports. 
One of those students is chosen randomly ; find : 

a The probability that the student is one of those players who play 

b The number of students who play other sports if the total number of 
students at school is 600 

pals! (217)‏ رياضيات لغات ایتداتی / تيرم Y‏ (۳: ۲۸) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Two players play in a football team. During training » one of them 
kicked 21 penalty kicks and he scored 18 goals and the other kicked 
32 penalty kicks and he scored 25 goals. Which of them should you 
choose to kick a penalty kick in the game ? Why ? 

[29] The opposite figure represents a spinner game : 
a Find the probability that the pointer stops at : 
(1) the red colour. 
(2) the green colour. 
(3) the yellow colour. 
b Find the probability that the pointer does not stop at the red colour. 

[30] In the arrow and target game , the target was on the form of a square 
divided into the parts shown in the given figure and 
the player was advised (asked) to throw the arrow at 
(towards) the target without falling in an area on a certain 
distance away from the target : 

а Find the probability that the arrow hits area (D) 
b Find the probability that the arrow hits area (A) 
c Find the probability that the arrow hits the area (B) or (D) 

[E The following table shows a sample formed from 200 TV viewers of TV 
programs, they were asked about their prefered program : 

Program Sports News Series Films Songs 
Number of viewers 70 20 45 35 30 

If a viewer is chosen at random , what is the probability that he is a viewer оғ? 

a News. b Songs. с Sports. d Series. e Films. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

(EB The marks for the students of a class in Math exam is recorded in 
( the following table , if one of the students is chosen randomly. 

Find the probability that this student got "good". 
Excellent Very good Good | Раз5 Weak 
8 12 te | 12 8 

(In one of the classes of the sixth primary ; the teacher of Maths 
classified the levels of the students in his subject into (weak - intermediate 

- advanced) their number is 40 students and recorded his data in the 
Number of 

opposite table : 
One of the students in this class is ihe level the students 

chosen at random. Weak 5 

Calculate the probability of : Intermediate 25 

Advanced 10 
The sum 40 

a The event А: where A is a weak 

b The event B : where B is an advanced student. 

€ The event C : where C is not an intermediate student. 

| опе of those companies that produce fridges made a survey about its 
production for a group consists of 500 women to get their opinions about 

the sizes of these fridges ; the results were as follows : 
12 14 16 Total 

Size of the fridge in feet 6 10 

Number of women 25 90 165 130 90 500 

If a woman is chosen randomly; what is the probability that her fridge's 

size is : 
a 6 feet. b 10 feet. 

(Ba class has 50 students. The number of girls is less than the number of 
boys by 10 ; if one student is chosen randomly ; find the probability that 

c 12 feet. d 14feet e 16 feet. 

the student is a boy. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Test on Unit 

Answer the following questions : 

п Choose the correct answer : 

a The sum of measures of the accumulative angles about the centre of 

a circle = : (90° or 180° or 270° or 360?) 

A regular die is tossed once ; then the probability of appearance 

ап even number = = (1 or Т or i or 

The opposite figure represents 

the percentages of distribution of 

the sport activities for the pupils in Basketball 
a class of a school , their number р КЦ 
is 40 pupils , then the number of 
pupils who participated in 
basketball = ------- pupils. (20 or 12 or 8 or 5) 
The measure of the central angle of the circular sector whose area 
represents i from the area of the circle = =- R 

(30 or 45 or 60 or 90) 

e The probability of the impossible event = .......... (Ø or 1 or 0 or 2) 

Complete each of the following : 

а In the experiment of tossing a regular coin once , then the set of 
the sample space (5) = = 

b In the opposite figure : 
(1) The percentage of the members who 
prefer art is i % 
(2) The measure of the central angle of 

cultural = ------------ 


ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Unit Four 

с Aclass of 50 pupils , if the probability of success for those pupils in the 
end year exam is 0.8 , then the expected number for the pupils who will 
succeed - 

d If Sis the sample space of a random experiment . then P (S) = ---------- 

е Abasket contains 15 balls numbered from 1 to 15 » a ball is drawn 
randomly ; then the probability that the drawn ball carries a number 
divisible by 5 is 

(Bie following table shows the percentages for chickens production in four 
farms in a month : 

Farm 4st | gnd | 3 4h 
Percentage of production | 30% | 
(1) Complete the table. 

(2) Represent these data by a pie chart. 

Ba box contains 4 white balls , З blue balls and 8 red balls › all of them are 
symmetric ; a ball is selected without looking inside the box. 
Find the probability that the selected ball is : 
(1) Blue. (2) Not red. 
(3) Green. (4) Blue or red. 

(Be following table shows the number of studying hours that Tamer done 
in a week : 

Subject Arabic | Maths | Science | English | Social studies | Total 
Number of hours 6 10 7 9 4 36 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

| Activity } Using Excel program to represent data by a pie chart. 

Example & 

The following table shows the percentages of time spent by Hassan 

Lu ~ © 
W с> 9 2 


studying different subjects during one week : 4n; 

Subject Arabic | Maths | Science Art Social studies £ 
The percentage | 30% | 27 % 19% 7% 17% W 

Use the “Excel program” to represent these data by using the circular sectors. JF 

Procedures of activity : 6 
[1] Click "start" جه‎ “All programs" ___, select "Microsoft Excel". \ 1 

[2] Write the data of the previous table as shown in figure (1) 

BK - ١ Ф 2 



A [se Ic] о T7 ع‎ ШЫ ) 
Subject Arabic Maths Science Art Social studies А 
The percentage 30% 27% 19% 7% 17% E 

9 % 

el ? 


Fig. (1) 

$t C> 
wq с> 9 

أهذا العمل خاس بموقع p‏ التعليى ولا يسمح بتد وله على مواقع أخرى M PERSE]‏ 
Iouem] GES) [a ae |‏ \ 

Unit Four 


"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

[5] From the dialogue box of "chart wizard - chart type" select "pie" as shown in 
figure (4) 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Unit Four 

Char Area 

А. Н ишегим шы 7 LET F 
Subject — [Arabic Maths Science Art Social studies 
The percentage] 30% 27% 19% 7% 17% 



Urn تيرم ؟‎ / uus V رياضيات لغات‎ waked! 225, 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

ty of Unit Four 

а Ask your classmates about their times of getting up from the following times : 

(Before 6 : 00 a.m. - at 6 : 00 a.m. - at 6 : 30 a.m. - at 7 : 00 a.m.) 

Then tabulate the data you get in a simple frequency table and represent 
these data by a pie chart using Excel program; then print the sheet. 

@ 10 Toss a coin 30 times; record what you have got in the following table : 

a Calculate the probability of 
the event A where A is the event of 
appearance of a head. 

Calculate the probability of 
the event B where B is the event of 
appearance of a tail. 

The event 

The tally 




The sum 


с What is your expectation about the chance of appearing of each of the 
head and the tail if the number of tossing times increases to be : 

100 times - 500 times - 1000 times. 

ДЕШЕ] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

© О > 

A "WW 



S 4 

6 A 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ ٠ 
i 0 

TIMSS“ Questions 

Choose the correct answer : 
1 4 СА 
(а) 90 (b) 80 (c) 50 (d) 40 

2 In which of the following are the angles ordered by measure , from 
smallest to greatest ? 


025 0265 
(5 2.9 S.R.P.Q 
3 Twice the number y subtracted from it 4 the symbolic expression for this 
situation is с 
a)y-4 b)2y-4 у+4 1) 2у+4 
4 |f the pattern 3 , 6 „9 , 12 was continued , which of these numbers 
would be one of the numbers in the pattern ? 
)26 b) 27 c) 28 )29 

ж TIMSS : Trends of the International Mathematics and Science Studies. 

TIMSS Questions 

How many lines of symmetry does 

the opposite figure have ? 
(a)4 (b) 3 
(с)2 (d) 1 

The smallest prime number is -- (El-Fayoum 2017) 
(a) zero (b) 1 (d)3 

How much do the apples weigh 

in grams ? 

(a) 200 (b) 202 

(c) 210 (d) 220 

In which number does 8 have the value of 800 ? 

(a) 1468 (b) 2587 (c) 3809 (d) 8634 

Which of the following figures the shaded area represents 2 of the square ? 
(Cairo 2016) 


10 Which fraction is not equal to the others ? 
(а) i (b) $ () 2 (9 2 

11 Mariam stacks these boxes in the corner of 

the room , all the boxes are the same size. 
How many boxes did she use ? 

(a) 25 (b) 19 
(c) 18 (d) 13 
12 Salma paid L.E. x for buying three pens , then the price of each pen 
(Et-Dakahlia 2016) 

e ož ()3x (d)3+x 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى 152551 


13 The highest common factor for the two numbers 18 and 24 is 
(a)6 (b)3 (c) 2 (d)4 

14 Which number is 100 more than 5432 ? 
(а) 6 432 (b) 5 532 (с) 5 442 (9) 5 433 

15 3... {1 533 535} (Ismailia 2017) 
(€ (b) (ос (e 

16 The perimeter of a rectangle is 16 cm. ; its width is 3 cm. , then its 

area = om? (Red Sea 2016) 

(a) 15 (ط)‎ 9 (с) 48 )0( 4 
17 The angle between the two hands of the clock is right when the time is 
. o'clock. 
(a) 12 (b)6 (c)3 (d)2 
18 54.76 =- (to the nearest tenth) 
(a)50 (b) 55 (c) 54.7 (d) 54.8 
19 The number of symmetry lines of the isosceles triangle = ~~ 
(Beni Suef 2016) 
(a)3 (b)1 (c)2 (d) zero 
20 All numbers are divisible by 2 
(a) even (b) odd (c) prime (d) decimal 

Second : Complete each of the following : 

1 The smallest odd number is ·---- 

2 The side lengths of a triangle are 3 cm. . 4 cm. and 5 cm. ; then its 
perimeter = ==- cm. (Et-Sharkia 2016) 

3 The place value of the digit 5 in the number 256 374 is --------- 
- = 8 253 
5 Pentagon is a polygon of -- 
Tues] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

TIMSS Questions 

In the opposite figure : 

AD ل‎ BC , then the length of AD is 
called =- of A ABC (Damietta 2017) 

If {3 ,X} = 15 ,3} , then X + 1 = -------- 

The lowest common multiple for the two numbers 10 and 15 is =- 


The opposite graph shows the 
number of cartons of milk sold 
each day of week at a school 

» the number of cartons of milk 
the school sold on Wednesday 

à 8 i à 
10 The number of lines of symmetry of the rhombus = (North Sinai 2017) 
11 3 105 + = = 3 
12 A prime number between 1 to 10 is (Souhag 2016) 
13 One day and two hours = hours. 
14 3.26 km. = m. (South Sinai 2017) 
15 Six sevenths = 
16 8 +8 + ق‎ +8 = 8 х ----.-.... 
17 3.75 + 2,5 = --- zo (to the nearest 45 (Ei-Menia 2016) 

18 ї 9 
The opposite calendar for December DECEMBER 

Jana's birthday is on Thursday د‎ Su Tu We Th F 

December 2 , she is going on a trip 1253 
7 *& э то 
exactly 3 weeks later , then she will 14 15 16 17 
21 22 23 24 
go on the trip on the date ~- 28 29 30 31 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

TIMSS Questions 

19 8925 z ......... (to the nearest tenth) «Aswan 2016» 

201((2,3.,5) 0 {5,7,3} = 3] > then X= =- 

Third : Answer the following questions : 

1 In Sara's class , there are twice as many girls as boys ; there are 8 boys 
in the class. What is the total number of boys and girls in the class ? 

Bassem is arranging squares in the following way : 

ч MEN 

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 
How many squares [ | would Bassem need to make figure 15 ? 

Amgad ate i of a cake and Amal ate i of the cake. How much of the 
cake did they eat altogether ? 

In a football league , teams get : 

3 points for a win , 1 point for a tie , 0 points for a loss 

Stars team has 11 points , what is the smallest number of games Stars 
team could have played ? 

George practiced tennis six days a week. 

For 3 of the days he practiced for 45 minutes each day. 

For 3 of the days he practiced for 20 minutes each day. 

In hours and minutes; what is the total amount of time George practiced 
on these six days ? 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

27 على مواقع أخرى‎ Agl هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح‎ d. 

able to 


according to 

















backward is 
belong to 
board لوح / لافتة / كرتون‎ 
طامط‎ э 
bound مرتبط‎ 

bulb بصلة‎ 


ينتمى إلى 

calculator الحاسبة‎ 2%! 
cardboard مقوى‎ dos / كرتون‎ 
carry يحمل‎ 
carton علبة كرتون‎ 
case Ue / ile 


























coordinate NI 
copy ينسخ / نسخة‎ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


correspond to 




















electronic إلكترونى‎ 
element عنصر‎ 
elevation ارتفاع‎ 
energy طاقة‎ 
entrance دخول / مدخل‎ 
equality تساوى‎ 











6 sti 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


fridge > 


imi ممت‎ oR 




Иш с See 1 
їйеа! "n 




























loss خسارة‎ 

rei Y تيرم‎ / uis V old رياضيات‎ укай 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


mention 4 painting طلاء / دهان‎ 
merchant Xt pair زوج‎ 
midnight > рап КИЗ: 
тїпог 3 parallel يوازى / موازى‎ 
missing parallelogram متوازى الأضلاع‎ 
most participate يشارك‎ 
mountain "7 particular > 
move pattern 

movement peach 

multiplicative ١ penalty 
LE | percentage 

natural = perform 

nearest perimeter 

necessary : pie charts 

negative ы plane 

neutral d pointer 

news >i polar 

next pool 

non-negative position 

non-positive positive 

numerical possibility 












هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسم بتداوله على مواقع أخرى آ22 


quantity 3 
quotient خارج القسمة‎ 

3ك" سر Hp‏ 
أنصاف أقطار الدائرة radii‏ 
نصف قطر الدائرة radius‏ 
يرفع raise‏ 










respect to 








هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


دورة / حول 



















هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 


ts on unit (1) and unit(2) 

on unit(3) and unit(4) 


on unit (D and unit (2) 

EEE العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ y. 
Mb ححاب تمماصر]‎ | Baan 3 

On lesson 1 unit 1 

E Complete each of the following : 
[а] Z' N ZT = e [b] | - 131= 
[c] The opposite of 7 is ===- [d] Z-N- 
[e] NN Z = e 

Ө Put the suitable sign "E, ¢ Cor": — 
а-7 [ ] x m3 [ |z 
ыт [|м 111-351 |w 
ен [| |Z 

Write an integer to represent cach situation : 
[3] A temperature of 2 degrees below zero. 
[b] An increase of L.E. 7 

[c] 9 m. above the sea level. 
[d] A loss of P.T. 80 
[e] A bank deposit of L.E. 95 

B rina the result of each of the following : 
[а] 3 *|-3|*- [ь]125|+|-5|= 
[e] |-11|+ 22 = . [9]1-61х131= 
[е11-91х0= ~ 

Represent the following numbers оп the number line : 
[a] -3 [511-51 
[е] - 121 га {7,8,9} 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [стз‏ 

[1] Put the suitable relation "> , = or <": 
[a] – 8 4 [b] 0 

]| [ 

[c] 5 1-51 [d -3 

Ie]l - 91 -|-10| 

[a] Arrange the following numbers in an ascending order : 
—6515,0;|-9|and—- 18 

[b] Arrange the following numbers in a descending order : 
—9 -|و 17 و‎ 9 | »— 15 and 16 

Complete each of the following : 
[a] The number ~- is neither positive nor negative. 
[bD]- 45-35-22 55 (in the same pattern) 
[d] The smallest positive integer is 
Ie]l - 12] * 1-21] 7 - 

Write : 

[a] The previous integer and the next integer of — 27 

[b] The integers between the two integers — 5 and 3 

B write using the listing method each of the following sets : 
[a] The set of integers greater than — 4 
[b] The set of integers smaller than — 1 
[c] The set of non-negative integers. 

[d] The set of integers smaller than 5 and greater than — 6 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

From Lesson 1 unit 1 
to lesson 3 unit 1 

Find the result of each of the following : 
[а] (-7)+2=- 
[b] )- 4) + (-5) = 
[c] 14-27= 
[9] 16 - (- 3) = 

B write the property of addition in Z in each of the following : 
[a] (- 5 + 6) + 9= =5 + (6 + 9) 
[Ы (= 8) + 7 = 7 + (-8) 
[ce] 11 +0 = -1 
[d] 14 + (- 14) =0 

B Complete each of the following : 
[a] 4 + (-7)-2= 
fe] |-7|+ 

[e] The additive inverse of (- 5) is ---------- 

[а] Use the properties of addition іп Z to find : 
[a] - 15 + 29 + 15 
[b] 55 + (- 255) + 45 + 255 

Arrange each of the following in an ascending order : 

[а] 131,5 ,-3 ,„Оапа4 

[b] 1,11, 1and- 41 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

From Lesson 1 unit 1 
to lesson 4 unit 1 

(E Complete : 

[a] The product of two negative integers is 
[b] 17 x = = (-5)x 17 

[c] |- 2 | = ——— 

Id Z* U {O} = —— 

[e] 5 х (= 2) = eee 

Find the result of each of the following : 
[a] 9 x (- 3) [b] (- 36) + (- 4) 
[с] [8 + 5)] x6 [4]6х[-2+(—7)] 
[a] Use the properties of multiplication of integers to find each © 

of the following : 
(1)50 x 14 x 2 (28x(-9)x125x3 

[b] Use the distributive property to find the result of each of the following : 
(2) 112 x 98 + 112 x (– 97) 

Use the distributive property to find : 
[a] 54 x 101 
[b] 73 x 99 

[a] Write using the listing method each of the following sets : 

(1) The set of integers greater than — 3 
(2) The set of integers included between — 4 and 2 
[b] Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
(1)5 +4 +(—5) (2)45 + 36 + 55 + 64 
Qo Yes {әх | (Worksheets & Examinations) رياضيات‎ зіч! @) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Sheet Ө | 

From Lesson 1 unit 1 
. to lesson 5 unit 1 "P -- 

1] Choose the correct answer : 
[a] - 7) (€ or € or С or ¢) 
[b] The additive inverse of (- 2 is (9 or З or —3 or -9) 
[e] (— 9)2 = sss... (—81 or —18 or 81 or 18) 
[d] f| - 4 | 2 X then x= б (4 or –4 ог 16 or – 18) 
[e] #-7 +п= —7 > then - (1 ог 7 or -7 or 0) 

Find the value of each of the following : 
la] 54 х 53 = للق.......‎ 
[b] 99 + 97 =... 
[c] 8? x 8 x 8? 



Simplify each of the following : 


(p Se 
a Put the suitable relation "> ; = or <": 
[a] - 12 - T 
Ib] c 1) 
[c] = لعي‎ ( 10e" 
Id) |-6 |+ 5)? 

А табора) 

апа 2‏ 1(15 -) و *)3 -) و 4)0 -) و 29 -( 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE]‏ 

[1] Complete іп the same pattern : 
[31256 10, 14, Е 
[b] 154.9; 
[d] 10 000 و‎ 1 000 , 100 ;- 

[e] -2 s032 yÅ 5 08 

Describe the pattern , then complete in the same pattern : 
[a]5 » 13.2129 , 

[b] 25 , 21,17,13 ›- 

[c] 1 25458516 5 зс 

Look at the pattern of dots د‎ then answer : 

[a] Draw the 4* and the 5' shapes. 
[b] How many dots will be there in the 4'^ and the 5th shapes ? 

[а] Arrange each of the following numbers іп an ascending order : 
[a] )- 4)? »-5.|- 51.056 and - 14 
Ib] 11:50 ,-|7].— 11 +0 and 3? 

Choose the correct answer : 
(€ or є or C or $) 

[b] If mx 7 = 0 » then m = ------------ (1 or 0 or 2 or -7) 
[c] 8 + ~- -2 (6 or —10 or 10 or -6( 
[d NUZ- = (Z or Z* or {0} or N) 
[e] 6-(-9) = (-3 or 3 or 15 or – 15) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

[1] Find the solution set of each of the following equations : 
[a] X + 5 = 12 sif the substitution setis: {3 55 58 57} 
[b] 3 X—4 = 8 , if the substitution set is : {3 5 26} 
[c] 2 X + 1 = X —8 , if the substitution set is: (2 »4 ;— 1 »- 4] 
[d] 3 (X — 2) =- 6 » if the substitution set is : {— 1 0 >t} 

B Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 
[a] 3 X + 5 > 2 , if the substitution setis: {-2 »— 1,0,1} 
[b] 3 X— 1 >—2 > if the substitution setis: [-2 »—1 031 2} 
[c] 5 X— 1 > 4 sif the substitution setis: (2 3 4.5 +6} 
[d] X + 3 > 5 » if the substitution set is: [051 2 ,3,4} 

Considering the set of substitution is A = (0 +1 +2 3} 
Find the solution set of each of the following : 

[a]2X-7 2-1 [b] Х+4>5 

[а] Complete : 

[a] The additive inverse of — 4 = === 

[b] | -9 | + 3 = 0 

[c] 15254585 16 5 2 

Id 2* N ZT = ----- 

[e] The multiplicative neutral element in Z is 

a [a] Simplify : s х 5 

[b] Determine the degree of each of the following equations : 
(1)-4b= В — — (2yx3— 9X2 4 
eys (4) x^ «3 x5- 9 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

(Ва the solution set of each of the following equations іп N : 
[al2x-1=9 [b]j3X*2-7 17 
[c]3x-4=11 [d]4x-3=-7 

(rina the solution set of each of the following equations in Z : 
[alx+8=-3 [b]3 X * 2 » — 19 
[c]2X * 42-4 [d]2 X * 1 = 13 

[Еўсотрее # 
[a] The degree of the equation : 3 X? + 4 х—1 = 0 is - 
[b] If | X| > 7 then X = ог = ممت‎ 
[o]Z* 0 ZT = eee 
[d] The number is neither positive nor negative. 
[e]3 59 , 27.81 ; (in the same pattern) 

[a] Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
(1)25 + 13 + (- 25) 
(2)5 + (-3)+7+(-9) 
[b] Arrange ascendingly : 
-5 5|-5| (-2)} , 0 and - (3? 

[a] Use the multiplication properties of integers to find : 
(1) 50 х (-31) x2 
(2) (— 25) x 9 x (- 4) 


b] Simplify : 
[bl Simplify : 2—2 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

[1] Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 
[a] 2X + 1 > 7 » where XEN 
[b] 2X- 325 where X EZ 
[c] 3 X + 1 = 13 , where XEN 

B Find the solution set of the inequality X + 2 < § where : 
[a] X€N 
[b] XEZ 

» then represent the solution set on the number line. 

Use the distributive property to find the result of each of the 
following : 
[a] 23 x (- 121) + 23 x 21 
[b] (= 35) x (- 72) + (- 35) x 2 

[а] Complete : 

[а] The degree of ће equation: 2 X + 1 = 5 is م‎ 

[b]The additive inverse of (— 8 is = 
[c] 35 + 35 = .......... 
[d] The greatest negative integer is =-=- 

[e] 27 ١ و1‎ c (in the same pattern) 

Use the multiplication and addition properties of integers to find : 

[b] - 15 + 15 + 9‏ 
٠‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 


on unit (3) and unit (4) 

]هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 
ema E‏ | ححاب تمماصر] Mb‏ 

A(15—1) و‎ B (4 ,-1) and C (4 , 5) » then find : 

[a] The length of each of AB and BC 

[b] The type of the triangle ABC with respect to its side lengths and its angles. 
[c] The area of the triangle ABC 

[1] Determine the position of each of the following points 

(Bine opposite figure : - 
ABCD is a rhombus ; complete : 

[b] The length of AC = 
[c] The length of BD 
[d] The surface area of the rhombus ABCD = ~=. "A 

Determine the positions of X (2:2) » Y (-25—-3) › Z(3.-3) 
and L (3 , 2) » then find : 

[a] The name of the shape XYZL 
[b] The perimeter and the area of the shape XYZL 
[c] The number of axes of symmetry for the shape XYZL 

(Bl Determine the positions of L (—2 ,- 1) > M(1s-1) > N(153) © 

and P (- 2 »3) » then find : 
[a] The length of each of LP and PN 
[b] The perimeter and the area of the shape LMNP 

(El on a square lattice , draw A QRS where Q 1.73) > (3-3) га 3 

and S (1 , 6) » then find : 
[a] The length of QR 

| TRe"typerof‘thertriangle"@RSaccording"torits"side"lengths? 
[c] The number of axes of symmetry for the triangle QRS 

: )© 
| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى |1822 

_ From Lesson 1 unit 3 
to lesson 2 unit 3 

Bon a square lattice د‎ draw A ABC where A (5 , 3) د‎ В (1 , 1) апа 
C (6 »— 3) د‎ then find its image by translation 
(х,у) —» (X-4 »y +1) 

On the coordinate plane ; determine the points A (1 52) » B(-2;2) 
and C (- 2 ,— 4) » then find : 
[a] The length of AB 
[b] The length of BC 
[c] The image of A ABC by translation (3 »— 1) 

If A (1 »—1) and B (- 1 » 3) » write the mapping rule of the translation 
that makes B the image of A 

Go a lattice د‎ plot the vertices of the triangle ABC where 
A(151) و‎ B(-3 ›– 1) and C (0 ,—5) » then draw its image 
by translation (X + 4 ,у + 1) 

On a square lattice ; draw A MNT where М (1 ,– 3) و‎ N(-3;1) 
and T (— 2 ,— 5) و‎ then draw its image by translation of magnitude 

3 units in the positive direction of y-axis. 

(Yee Гол | (Worksheets & Examinations) رياضيات‎ жача 62 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [стз‏ 


«o9 me, 

From lesson 1 unit З т 
to lesson 3 unit 3 

In the opposite figure : 
A circle M of radius 10 cm. is divided 
into 8 equal circular sectors. 
Calculate the area of one sector (consider Jt = 3.14) 

(8) If the length of the diameter of a circle is 14 cm. Calculate : 
(1) The circumference of the circle. 
(2) The surface area of the circle. (consider 7t = 22) 
(b) Find the area of the opposite figure 
(consider xt = 22 

я In the opposite figure : 
Find the area of the shaded part. (consider 7t 7 3.14) 

(8) Determine in the coordinates plane the image of the line segment 
AB where A (2 +3) و‎ 8 )- 2 0) by translation (X + 3 ,у- 2) 

(b)A circle ; its circumference is 88 cm. 
Calculate its radius length and its surface area. (consider w= 22 ) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

From lesson Ї unit 3 
to lesson 4 unit 3 

Ю @ A cube-shaped box is of edge length 5 cm. Find : 
(1) Its lateral area. 
(2) Its total area. 
(b) A cuboid is with length 7 cm. » width 5 cm. and height 8 cm. Find : 
(1) Its lateral area. 
(2) Its total area. 

(а) If the sum of the edges of a cube is 108 cm. 
Find its lateral and total area. 

(b) A cuboid is with square base of side length 3 cm. and height 6 cm. 

Find its lateral area and total area. 

5 The perimeter of the base of a couboid is 20 cm. and its height is 6 cm. 
Calculate the lateral area of the cuboid. 

Ф If the lateal area of a cube is 100 cm? Find its total area. 

@ A cuboid with a square base whose perimeter is 20 cm. 
and its height is 8 cm. Find : 
(1) The lateral area. 
(2) The length of its base side. 
(3) The total area. 

(b) Find the area for the circle with diameter length 14 cm. (consider = 22) 

В @ A cuboid whose total area = 132 cm? and its lateral area = 112 cm? a 

Find the area of its base. 

(B) A cuboid whose lateral area 140 cm.? and the dimensions of its base are 

6 cm. and 4 cm. Find its height. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

lunt4á — — 

)1[ The following table shows the rate of the score of 300 pupils 
in one school : 

Rate | Excellent | _ Good Pass Weak 
Percentage | 20% | 45% 25 96 40 96 

[a] Represent these data by a pie chart. 
[b] Find-the number-of-excellent-pupils.- — 

B8 The following table shows the percentage of the time Ayman 
spent studying some subjects during a week : 

[ Subject | Arabic | English 
[ Percentage | 30% | 

[a] Complete the table. 
[b] Represent these data by a pie chart. 

B The monthly income of a family is L.E. 1800 , the family spends 25 % of its G2 
income on rent » 40 % on food » 20 % on others and saves the rest. NS 
[a] Represent these data using the circular sectors. 
[b] Find the capital which this family saves monthly. 

[а] The following table shows the number of studying hours that ^W 
Mohamed has done in a week : 

| Subject Arabic | Maths | Science | English | Social studies | Total 
[Number ofhours| 9 10 6 z 1] 4 |] 36 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

( [EJ tal A cuboid › its length is З cm. د‎ its width is 2 cm. and its height is 4 cm. G 
Find its total area. 5 

Calculate its surface area. (Consider w= 3.14) 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 

From lesson 1 unit 3 25 
to lesson 2 unit 4 

[1] A bag contains 8 equal cards د‎ have the same colour د‎ numbered from 

1 to 8 Write the sample space for this experiment. 

(E From the set of digits {1 »5 , 7} د‎ а number is formed from two digits د‎ 

determine the sample space of this experiment showing the number of its 

Determine the sample space of tossing three distinct coins once 

and observing the sequence of appearance of heads and tails. 

[а] [а] In the coordinates plane د‎ draw the rectangle ABCD where © 

А(4,2) » B(4:4) » С(1,4) and D(1 ,2) sthen: 
(1) Draw its image by the translation (X + 2 »y + 2) 
(2) Calculate the perimeter of the image of the rectangle ABCD 

Ib] Find the area of a circle with diameter length 28 cm. (Consider zt = 22) 

B [a] Find the total area of a cuboid with square base of side length 6 cm. 

and height 8 cm. 

[b] The following table shows the percentage of production of electric sets : 

Sst | + zd | ss 4^ | 
Percentage | 40 96 1596 | 30% 15% J 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

[стз هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

From Lesson 1 unit 3 
to lesson 3 unit 4 

[1] А bag contains 15 cards numbered from 1 to 15 , if one of the cards is 
chosen randomly ; write the sample space for this experiment and the 
number of its elements ; then find the probability that the chosen card : 
[a] Carried an even number. 

[b] Carried a number divisible by 4 
[c] Carried a number satisfying the inequality : 3 s X 1 «9 

B A bag contains 25 balls (4 balls are yellow د‎ 9 balls are red and the 
remainder is black) د‎ if a ball is drawn randomly ; find the probability 
that the drawn ball is : 
[a] black. [b] yellow or black. [c] not black. [d] brown. 

A bag contains 20 similar marbles. Tarek drew a marble randomly e 

and he found it red. If the probability of drawing а red marble = $ 
Find the number of red marbles in the bag. 

(EE [a] The спо of a cuboid is 3 cm. » its width is 2 cm. and its height is 4 от. (С 
Find the total surface area of the cuboid. 

[b] In the opposite figure : 
A circle of radius length 7 cm. is divided Va 
into 8 equal circular sectors. Find : D ANS 
(1) The area of one circular sectors. (Consider л =22 ) NS 

(2) The measure of the central angle of sector. 

a] If the perimeter of one face of a cube is 20 cm. 
Find its lateral and total area. 
[b] The following table shows the ratio for producing chickens in 
four farms in a month : 

Farm 4th 
The ratio of production 

Represent-these-data-by-a-pie chart. 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

BED Ae التصل‎ 


(— — 4 Summary of Unit One y 

The set of integers "Z" - {- 26,6 2 = I „О, 22459.) 
It ie formed from the union of three sets Z , {O} and z* 

ie. Z ={-,-8,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,-} 
J | E 9 

" U (o) U а a8 

e0Z*' and غ06‎ z- 

+ The set of non-negative integers = {0 » 1,2, ..} = {0} U Z*=N 

• The set of non-positive integers = 10 -و‎ 1 »— 2 »= 35 -—-}={0}U Z7 
e The set of odd integers = {... 3-و‎ ,—1 5153 .-- 

• The set of even integers = {... [...و 032,4 2—» 4 دو‎ 

Representation of the integers on the number line 

Positive integers “Z+ " 
are the right of O 

Negative integers “ Z7” 

are the left of O ighe тор 

5 4 3 

[ Opposites (inverses) and absolute value 

On the number line , any two numbers that are at the same distance from O 
and on two opposite positions of it are called opposites or inverses. 

For example : 
; 5 unite : 5 unite 

-6 -4 =3 2 -[ © t 
i.e. The opposite of 5is- 5 апі 

EE "هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 


The absolute value 

The absolute value of a number is its distance from О on the number line. 
The absolute value of any number X ie denoted by | X | 

The absolute value of any number (except О) ie always positive. 
Examples :* | 41= 4 1-41=4 О-О 

| Ordering and comparing integers 

e For any two integers a and b» if the point representing a is to the left of the 
point representing b »then a « b 
For example : 

а b 

-5 €4-3 -2 С) о | 
because the point representing — 4 lies on the left of the point representing — 1 

Any positive integer is greater than any negative integer. 
e Zero is smaller than any positive integer and is greater than any negative integer. 
e The least positive integer is “1” and we cannot determine the greatest 

positive integer. 
• The greatest negative integer is “— 1" and we cannot determine the least 

negative integer. 

GEER audition 

o To add integers have the same sign د‎ keep the same sign and add the 
absolute value of each number. 

For example: ٠ 5 +4 = 9 ۰)-5( + )-4( = - 
© To add integers with different signs د‎ keep the sign of the number with the largest 
absolute value and subtract the smallest absolute value from the largest. 
For example : • (-8)+6=-—2 (because |—8|>|6 |) 
*9+(-3)=6  (because|9|»|—- 3l) 

)4: زم‎ Yes [os | (Worksheets & Examinations) رياضيات‎ walsell (55) 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 


e The division is not always possible іп 2, 

е The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive. 
Le. (9 + © -)© and © -© - © 

The quotient of two integers with different signs is negative. 
Le. «Q-O аа О+@®=© 

e The quotient of zero divided by any non-zero integer is zero. 

e Division by zero has no meaning. 

e The division operation in Z is not commutative. 

• The divison operation іп Z is not associalive. 

١ Repeated multiplication 

e Ifa is an integer and n GZ* د‎ then a x a x a x ... to n times = a" where a is 
called the base and n is called the power » index or exponent. 

Power‏ جسم 
3x3x3x3 =3‏ 

Any number to the first power is that number itseif. 
For example : «9! - 9 e(-3)'=-3 
• Any number except 0 to the zero power is 1 
For example : ه‎ 5? = 1 e(-7921 
e If the base is one and n CZ » then 1^ = 1 
For example : • 15 = 1 6172 =1 

For example : 

(а)" if nis even 

elf a €Zandn €Z* » then (- а)" = s 
- (а) ifnisodd 

i.e. • А negative integer raised to the power of an even integer gives 
a positive integer. 

A: negative integer raised tothe-power-of-an-odd.integer-gives 
a negative integer. 

Tess] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ В 


Rules of power 

Rule 1 

Ifa€z-(0) ın €Z*,m EZ” , then: | a" xa"=a"*” | 

For example : 
„32 × 3? = 32*3 = 35 = 243 oa? x a5 = а3+*5 = аё 

If a is an integer and a #0 ,n €Z* , тЄ2* ,mz n , then: 
For example : 

٠25 + 22 = 25-2 = 23 =8 

| Numerical patter 

e Numerical pattern is a sequence of numbers according to a particular rule. 
Describing of the pattern is discovering the rule of the pattern and expressing it 
in words. 
For example : 
*3 *3 +3 +3 

> 4 175. По 07135016 

Description of the pattern 

Each number ig more than ite preceding by 3 

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 
" s ml am ал ى‎ 

3 > 6 » 12 » 24 » 48 » 96 

Description of the pattern 

Each number ie twice of ite preceding. 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

A Summary of Unit Two 

It is a mathematical statement that has two experssions separated by an equal sign. 
One (or both) of the expressions contains one unknown (or more). 
For example : 
X + 5 =—7 is an equation د‎ the letter "X" is called the unknown or the variable. 

The degree of an equation 

It is determined by the highest power of the unknown (symbol) in the equation. 
For example : 
+3 х— 1 = 815 an equation of the first degree in one unknown X 
+a? —2b- 10 = 0 is an equation of the second degree in two unknowns a and b 

Solving first degree equation in one unknown 

The solution of the equation is the number which satisfies the equation. 
i.e. which makes the two sides of the equation equal. 

[Example )- ا‎ 

Find the solution set of the equation : 
xX + 4 = 6 if the substituion setis {—3 51 » 2} 


Substitute in the left hand side of the equation for X by the elements of the 
substitution set as follows : 


.. The left hand side = - 3 + + - 1 #6 

When X = 1 

^. The left hand side = 1 + 4 = 5 66 

When عد‎ = 2 

2. The left hand side = 2 + 4 = 6 

-. The solution set of the equation is 12 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 


Find the solution set of the equation : 
3x-1=-7 > where X GZ 


v3x-1-2-7 (Adding 1 to each of the two sides) 
..3X=-6 (Dividing each of the two sides by 3) 

=6 „х= 5 = 
‚== ب‎ X=-2E% .. The S.S. = (- 2) 

| The inequality 

It is a mathematical statement that has two expressions separated by an inequality 
sign (< or >). One (or both) of the expressions contains one unknown (or more). 

For example : 
°2Х+1>7 ٠3-8 

| The degree of an inequality 

It is determined by the highest power of the unknown (symbol) in the inequality. 

For example : 
2 X+ 1 > - 8 is an inequality of the first degree in one unkown X 

| Solving first degree inequality їп one unknown 
Example ) 

Find the solution set of the inequality : 
х- 3 > 1 if the substituion set is {6 5554 53} 


When X = 6 
г. The left hand side = 6 — 3 = З is greater than 1 

When x-5 
2. The left hand side = 5 — 3 = 2 is greater than 1 

EEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 


When х=4 

2. The left hand side = 4 — 3 = 1 is not greater than 1 
When X= 3 

-. The left hand side = 3 — 3 = 0 is not greater than 1 
-. The solution set = (6 , 5} 

Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities : 
@2x-325 > where X EZ 
@1-2x>-7 » where XEN 
@-5<3x+1s10 „where X EZ 


[О] v2X-325 (Adding 3 to each of the two sides) 
S AREG (Dividing each of the two sides by 2) 
2X ? 
ene e X24 
.. The S.S. = {4555657 >+} 
v1-2X»-7 (Subtracting 1 from each of the two sides) 
.-2Х>-8 (Dividing each of the two sides by — 2) 

BIA es 
2х<4 2 The 8.8.={3,2›,1›,0} 

v-5«83x-*1s10 (Subtracting 1 from each of the three sides) 

0-6 > 3 9 (Dividing each of the three sides by 3) 

9 <3%< 5ت . 

“а 3 8 
3 {TOTTI} 

Summary of Unit Three y 
| The distance between two points on the number line 

The distance between two points on the number line = | Number of the ending point 
— number of the starting point | 
For example : 
In the opposite figur- : 
MN =|2-(—1)|=12 + 1 |= 3 units. 

Graphing points in the coordinate plane 

The position of any point in 

the coordinate plane is determined 
by a unique ordered pair 

as in the opposite figure. 


The distance between two points in the coordinate plane 

For example : 
In the opposite figure : 
+ AB I xx 
2 AB=|B-Al=|2-(-3)] 
=12+3|= 5 units. 
“CDi yy 
А CD=|D-C|=|-4-2] 
=|— 6 |= 6 units. 

| Geometric transformations 

There are three types of the geometric transformations which are shown in the 
following diagram : 

(9: ei | حب‎ | (Worksheets & Examinations) رياضيات‎ yalsdl (эз) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 


The geometric transformations 

- ( Reflection )-. "| Translation B )م‎ Rotation. J-. 

The translation is a geometric transformation which slides a shape from a place to 
another place (image) such as every point of the original shape moves the same 
distance in the same direction to form the image. 

| First | Translation in the plane 

с Finding the image of a point by a given translation 

А is the image of A by translation of 
magnitude MN in the direction of MN 

Ga Finding the image of a line segment by a given translation 

= M 
AB is the image of AB by translation of 
magnitude MN in the direction MN 

Check that : AB = АВ and AB // АВ ] 

The opposile figure shows the image of 
a triangle by a certain translation. 
Every point of the shape must move : 
• The same distance. 
* In the same direction. 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

Original shape 


( e Translation in the coordinates plane 

The image of the point (х » y) C4 translation (a »b) | the point A (X + a sy +b) 


On a square lattice , draw A ABC where : 
А )-3 1) و‎ 8 (0 »5) and C (2 د‎ 3) , then find its image by the translation 
(х,у) جه‎ (X + 4 » y — 2) "The translation (4 »— 2)" 

A(-35,1) — A(-3+4,1-2) 
Le. A (15-1) 

B(0,5) جه‎ В (0+4,5-2) 
i.e. B (4 ,3) 

C(2.3) —- 6(2*4,3-2) 
їе. С (6 » 1) 

A ABC is the image of A ABC 

by the translation (X » y) — (X + 4 ,у-– 2) 

| Area of the circle 

The area of the circle = tr? where 7 = 22 ~3.14 

| Lateral area and total area for each of the cube and the cuboi 

Solid Lateral area (L.A.) Total area (T.A.) 
Area of one face x 4 Area of one face x 6 
Cube = Edge length x itself x 4 | = Edge length x itself x 6 

i Lateral area * 2 x 
Cuboid Peri i 
ه0101 سے‎ of Бана НӘШ (the area of the base) 

e If a cube without a lid » then : 

The total area = The area of one face x 5 = Edge length x itself x 5 
e If a cuboid without a lid » then : 

The total area = The lateral area + the area of one base. 

© Ҝ 
[её] "هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

| Representing the statistical data by using the circular sectors 

e Each circular sector has an angle whose 
vertex is the centre of the circle which 
is called a central angle. 

The sum of the measures of the angles accumulating Central 
around at a point as the centre of the circle is equal to 360° angle 

Example ) 
The following table shows the percentage of the production of a factory of 
house electrical sets : 

The kind of set | Washing machine | Heater Oven Mixer 

ercentage 20% 15% | 40% | 25% 
Represent these data by circular sectors "pie chart". 

Solution ) 

The measure of the central angle ca 
i =20 °=72° 
of washing machine = 455 x 360° = 72 Va 

The measure of the central angle of heater = 45. х 360° = 54° a T 

The measure of the central angle of oven = £ x 360° = 144° 

The measure of the central angle of mixer = E x 360° = 90° 

| Sample space "outcomes space" 

It is the set of all possible outcomes for a random experiment. 
It is usually denoted by the symbol (S) and the number of all elements of the 
sample space is denoted by n (S). 

Write the sample space of each of the following random experiments and 
give the number of its elements : 

© Rolling a die once and observing the number appearing on the upper face. 
@) 20. 
© Tossing two distinct coins once. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 


Solution CIEN E 
(0s-2(1,2,3.45,5.6) ,n(S)=6 
Q@s= {2535557511 513517 19) »n(S)=8 Ae 
@s = {HH HT TH TT} »n(S)-4 oe 

| Proba y of occurrence of an event 

ie number of elements of 
The number of elements of S 

• The impossible event = Ø while the probability of the impossible event = 0 i.e. P (2) = 0 
e The certain event = S while the probability of the certain event = 1 Ї.@. P (S) = 1 
• The probability of the possible event = proper fraction. 

e For any event A د‎ we found that : 0 S P (A) S 1 

e The sum of probabilities of all outcomes of a random experiment = 1 

• If the probability of occurrence of an event A is P (A) » then the probability that it 
doesn't occur = 1 — P (A) 

25 cards are numbered from 1 to 25 › a card is drawn at random ; find the 
probability that : 
@ The number is even. © The number is divisible by 5 

G The number is less than 26 © The number is 30 

Solution ) 
© The probability that the number is even = E 
( © The probability that the number is divisible by 5 = 

© The probability that the number is less than 26 = (Sure event) 

@ The probability that the number is 30 = Ê = 0 (Impossible event) 

Й‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 


2 / 
A © Model Examinations of the School Book P 
1 (2 models + model for the special needs students) 
È \ 
7 © 20 Schools’ Examinations from Different Governorates. 1 
25 هم‎ 
ا‎ 9 
5 4 
ez К 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعايمى ولا بسح بتداوله على مواقع u (EELA‏ 
LI m] Gaara‏ \ 

Answer the following questions : 
[1] Choose the correct answer from those given : 
(1)Cc 094 ( 1) E er (zero or —1 or 1 or 2) 
(2) The image of the point (— 3 › 4) by translation (x » y — 4) is . 
))-3.0( or (-7>4) or (-3.8) or (-1.4)) 
(€ or € or c or z) 
(4) When tossing a die once ; then probability of getting a number on the 
upper face more than 6 = + (2 or zero or 4 or 1) 
Complete the following : 
(2) #х+6=2 , x€Z , then X = verse 
( 3 ) In the opposite figure : 
ABCD is a rectangle 
»then the area of A ABC 
EM cm? B 
(4) A box contains 5 white balls , 3 blue balls and 8 red balls all of them 

are symmetric. One ball is drawn from the box at random. Then the 
probability that the drawn ball is red = 00-00 



[a] Find the result of : 4 х 32 + 32-73 
[b] Find the solution set of the inequality: X— 223 و‎ xe€z 

height is 7 cm. Calculate the lateral area. 

[b] The circumference of a circle is 88 cm. Calculate its area. 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE‏ 

Final Examinations 

( [a] Find the solution set of the equation: 3 Xx 9-3 .و‎ xEZ 

[b] The following table shows the percentage of the production of 
а factory of house electrical sets : 

[The kind of set | Washig machine | Heater | Oven | Mixer 
[The percentage 30 96 | 15% | 40% | 15% 
Represent these data by circular sectors. 

6 Model 

Answer the following questions : 
E Choose the correct answer from those given > 
(1) If2 x=—6 , then X E (М or @ or ZF or Z) 
(2) The circumference of the circle = -~ 
(г or 2r or г? or r+2) 
(3) When tossing a die once ; then the probability of getting the number 5 
( zero or $ or 5 or 1) 
(4) The number which satisfies the inequality : x > — 2 is 171- 
(—1 or —2 or -3 or -4) 

[2] Complete the following : 
(1) 252 = 
(2) The set of counting numbers (C) 
(3)A cube of total area 150 cm? , then the length of its edge is 
(4) In a 6" primary class , the marks of the students are given in the 
following table : 
Excellent | Very good Good Weak | 
8 18 16 6 | 

If one of students is эле chosen ; then the probability that this 
pupil got good degree is ٠ “ 

B [a] Find the result оѓ: 6 x — 5 – (2 x 3) + 3 
[b]-Find-the-solution-set of-the-inequality--x — 2 23 where oc EL 
»then represent it on the number line. 4 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Final Examinations 

a [a] Find the solution set of the equation : 2 x + 9 = 5 , where x cz 
[b] In the opposite figure : A 
ABCD is a rectangle where its length = 8 cm. 

and its width = 7 cm. 


Calculate the area of shaded part. B 

[a] In a Cartesian coordinates plane د‎ locate the points А (2 , 3) , B (4 , 3) 
and C (4 »7) » then find : 

(1) The length of BC 
( 2) The image of A ABC by translation (0 , — 4) 

[b] The following table shows the number of students partcipating in the 
school activties : 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 

(1:) ابتدائي/تيرم ؟‎ s / (Worksheets & Examinations) sw صا رياضيات‎ |! 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

| Model examination for the special needs students 

Answer the following questions : 
[1] Complete the following : 

(1)1312 = 
(2) The probability of the impossible event = === 

(4) The perimeter of the base of a cuboid is 10 cm. د‎ its height is 4 cm. 
» then its lateral area = ~- cm 

B Choose the correct answer from those given : 
(1)25 x 22 =... (27 ог 4' or 1) 
( 2) The surface area of a circle = U x ===- (r or г or 2r) 
(3)z* U {O} = ee (Z or N or Z) 

(4 ) When tossing a fair die once , then the probability of getting an odd 

number = -------------.. ( t or i or 4 ) 

(EB Put true (и) or false (x) : 

(3) The probability of the sure event = zero 


(4 ) In the opposite figure : E m 

The distance between the points A and B - 2 units. 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

Join from column (A) to column (B) : 


(1) The sum of the measures of the angles of the 

sectors about the centre of the circle = -------------- 

(3) The solution set of the inequality : X +2 < 5 , 
where x EN is 

(4) The image of the point (3 , 2) by transtation 

[а] Complete the following : 
The length of the edge of a cube is 4 cm. Calculate its total area and 
lateral area : 

The total area > 6 x 
The lateral area = 4 x vee 
2° x (-2) 

[b] Find the result of : 25 

TEE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ А 

Model Examinations 

Answer the following questions : 
C Choose the correct answer : 
(1) А fair die is thrown once د‎ then the probability of appearing me потег 
3 equals eo or Ра ) 
(2) The solution set of the equation : 2 X  — 6 in Nis ---- 
(1-3) or (3) or (2) or 2) 
(3) (I-13]] 2 (€ or @ or C or 9) 
(4) Ifx+522,thenxe (3 ог -3 or 7 or -7) 
(5) The integer that lies between — 4 and — 1 is eM 
(=2 or -5 or 3 or -4) 
(6) (5)? х Qe (10° or 10 or (10)? or (10) 
(7 ) If Ais an event in a sample space S , P (A) = 1 » then Ais event. 
(impossible or simple or sure or independent) 
(El complete each of the following : 
(2) 14 + 213 + (- 14) 
(3) The sum of PNE tom. of a cube is 84 cm. د‎ then its lateral area 
equals ~~ - cm? 

(4) The image of the iod (2 »— 1) by translation 3 units in the positive direction 
of y-axis is -. ^ 

(5)Ifx*6- Suis SEE siet xn 
(6) (4х3 +3) – (7 х3) = eree 
(7)IfX2|-3| و‎ у=-2,ћеп2ху= ---. 

(8) i з 2 345. 4 diu (in the same pattern) 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1) The multiplicative identity element іп Z is .... 

(-1 or 1 or 0 or 2) 

(DIZNE =~ ({0} or @ or z or zero) 

(3) The surface area of the circle = ---- 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

(лг or лг? or 27r or 2712) 

Final Examinations 

(4)5—-:-8[- (0 or 1 or 3 or 6) 
(5) The additive inverse of (— 5)? is (25 or 5 or -5 or -25) 
(6)27+(—3)?2= (-9 or 24 or 3 or 81) 
( 7 ) The measure of the angle for the sector of third of a circle is 

(90° or 120? or 180? or 270") 

ü Answer the following : 
(1) The circumference of a circle is 88 cm. Calculate its area. (Consider m= 2 ) 

(2) Find the solution set of the inequality : 2 X + 1 < 7 where X EZ 

(3) In the cartesian coordinates plane ; locate each of the following points 
A(1 +1) ,В (351) and C (3 ,3) » then find the image of A ABC by 
translation (X — 2 لاو‎ + 2) 

(4) The following table shows the percentage of egg production in three farms › 
a merchant collected these eggs to distribute them on the grocery stores : 

First Second Third 

3596 4096 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Final Examinations 


Answer the following questions : 
[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1) #х+2 3 then x= (-1 or 1 or 5 or ~5) 
(2) ZEN U c (2* ог 27 or {0} or Ø) 
(3) If the lateral area of a cube is 36 cm? و‎ then its total area = 7 cm? 
(144 or 81 or 54 or 96) 
(4)-8 -- 2 (€ or € or C or ¢) 
(5)I-51* (2 or zero or 7 or 12) 
(6) B 22 ree (3 or -1 or -3 or 1) 
(7 ) If S is the sample space of a random experiment د‎ then P (S) = зз 

(Ø or zero or =1 or 1) 

Complete each of the following : 

(1)At throwing a fair die once ; then the probability of appearing an even prime 
number = ............... 

(2)1,4,7,10, ............... (in the same pattern) 

(3)A cuboid its lateral area 120 cm? and the perimeter of its base 20 cm. ; then 
its height = ст. 

(4) fX (-4 ›1)апаҮ (-4 ›—3) , then the length of XY = — و‎ 

(5) The measure of the angle of the sector whose area represents $ the 
surface area of the circle = d 

(7) The image of the point (2 د‎ 4) by the translation (x — 1 و‎ y*1)is 
(8) The equation 2 x? + 2 x= 1 is of the ~ == degree. 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1)An integer between — 1 ,2 is 

(-2 or 3 or zero or -3) 
(2) The set of counting numbers ·- (€ or € or C or ¢) 

(0 or 1 or -1 or 2) 

(4)I-111 (> or > or = or 5) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Final Examinations 

(5) The number that satisfies the inequality x < — 2 is 
(-3 or -2 or -1 or 0) 
(5* or 2^ or 10? or 10*) 
(7) {1}? , (zer0)?} ~ (€ or € or C or ¢) 
a Answer the following : 

( 1) Find the solution set of the equation : 2 x 3 = — 9 where X EZ 


(2)A cuboid box with a square base of side length 6 cm. and its height is 10 cm. 
Calculate its lateral surface area and its total surface area. 

( 3) Use the distributive proberty to find the result of : 32 x 117 – 32 x 17 

(4) The following table shows the degrees of a classroom in maths test in 
one month : 

°“ Assessment ` Excellent 
umber of pupils 9 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Final Examinations 


Answer the following questions : 
[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1) The image of point (3 , — 2) by translation (4 > 2)is 
(05.0) or (-750) or (-154) or (1 ,7)) 
(2) The measure of the angle for the circular sector of a quarter of the 
Circle = sk (30° or 45° or 60° or 90°) 
(3) Which of the following can be probability of an event ? 
(12 or 17 ог 5° or 101%) 
(4) The number which satisfies the inequality x — 2 > 3 is 
(3 or 4 or 5 or 6) 

(5)A class of 50 pupils. If the probability of success for those pupils at the end 
year exam is 0.9 , then the expected number for the pupils who will success 
equals E. (50 or 45 or 25 or 9) 

Каса (zero or 5 or 1 or 50) 
(7) ELLA (€ or # or C or ¢) 

Complete each of the following : 
(1)1£X (-3 52) >Y (-3 ›— 4) » then the length of XY = -- 

(3) (4 x 3 + 3) (7 x 3) = = 
(4) The surface area of the circle of diameter 20 cm. = --........... X cm? 

(5) In the opposite figure : 

The percentage of the shaded circular By 
sector equals 

(6) ( 1)2 — 1 = ee yy 

(7)25 521517513, ..... (in the same pattern) 
(8)If2y=8 ,theny+3=--- 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعلیمی ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [сте‏ 

Final Examinations 

(B choose the correct answer : 
(2) #х+1=2 ,ћепх= -- 
(4) NZ = 

(zero or 1 or -6 or 6) 
where XEN (3 or 1 or -1 or -3) 
(37 or 310 or 33 or 32) 
(Z or Z* or N or Ø) 

(5) The number of integers between — 1 and 3 is === 
(-2 or -1 or 3 or -3) 
(6) {zero} = (€ or € or C or t) 

(7) The equation : 2 X — 1 = 15 is of the 

(first or second or third or fourth) 

a Answer the following : 

(1)A box without a lid ; in the form of a cuboid its length is 16 cm. 
» its width is 7 cm. and its height is 19 cm. 
Calculate each of its lateral area and its total area. 

(2) In the experiment of forming а 2-digit number from the digits (3 » 5} 
Write the sample space , then find the probability of each of the following : 
[a] The envent A is the units digit equals the tens digit. 
[b] The event B is the tens digit is an odd digit. 

[c] The event C is the units digit is an even digit. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(3) In the corrdinates plane د‎ find the image of the line segment AB where 
A (2 »3) B (- 2 » 0) by translation (X + 3 +y - 2) 


(4) The following table shows the percentage of the production of a factory of 
house electrical sets : 

The kind of set Heater | Oven | Mixer 
The percentage 15% 40% | 25% 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 


Answer the following questions : 

C] Choose the correct answer : 
(1)92. caf 
(2) If zero E 15 و‎ x-2]) then x = ~-~ 
(3) C 18 = = 
(4) The circumference of the circle = - 

(> or « or = or 2) 
(zero or -5 or 2 or -2) 
(-2 or 1 or О or 2) 

(лг or 712 or 2xr or 27:12) 
(5) The multiplicative neutral element in Z is ....... 

(0 or 1 or 2 or -2) 
(6) The probability of getting a tail when throwing a coin once is 

(0 ог} or 1 or 1) 
(7 ) A circle is of diameter length 10 cm. د‎ then its area = 2 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

(50 or 100 or 78.5 or 25) 

Final Examinations 

B Complete each of the following : 
is the set of all possible outcomes for a random experiment. 
(2) 02) x )- 1(2 «85 — 
(3) 4 > 4 > 5 > zs 7 (in the same pattern) 
(4) dne measure of the central angle of the circular sector whose area represents 
H from the surface area of the circle = ------------° 
(5)If X + 2 =|—- 4| then the solution set = ---------- 
(6)If 2y26,theny-5--- 
(7)-4[s* - 1] = =- 
(8) The solution set of the inequality x + 1 < 5 , where X EN is <. 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1) The number that satisfies the inequality X > — 4 is === 
(—5 or -6 or -4 or -3) 
(2) The image of the point (4 »— 2) by translation (X + 2 لاو‎ — 1) is ==- 
((2:-1) or (65-3) or (25-2) or (25-3)) 
(3) C 100) =... (—100 or 100 or zero or 1) 
(4) 1-41-14 | = rrr (zero or 1 or 8 or -8( 
)5( |] ع معطاء 2 >1 +ع‎ where XEN (3 or 1 or -1 or -3) 
( 6 ) A cuboid with a square base ; its lateral area is 224 cm? ; its height is 14 cm. 
„then the side length of its base iS ............... ст. (14 or 4 or 2 or 3) 

(32 — E 7 (€ or Ё or C or dc) 

a Answer the following : 

(1) Find the area of the opposite figure : C UN 

(consider x = 22 

(2) Find the solution set of the inequality : 2- X> 3 , where X EZ 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Final Examinations 

:43 х 44 + 43 x 56 
( 3 ) Use the distributive property to find the result of 

ite sports in one 
(4 ) The following table shows the percentage of four favorite sp of 

a youth center : 

(The favorite sports Lr m | Swimming 

20% | 15% was 8р 

| The percentage of players | 40% 

Complete the table » then represent these data by circular sectors. 

Answer the following questions : 

[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1)If3xz-9,Xx€Z;thenx*12-- = (-3 or -2 or -1 or 4) 
(2) The lateral area of the cube = area of one face x ... 

(6 or 5 or 4 or 3) 
(3)IfX (2 » 1) and Y (3 › 1) د‎ then the length of XY = - 

(0 or 1 or 3 or 5) 

(4) If Ø is the empty set د‎ then P (Ø) = - (zero or 5 or 1 or 2) 


(15 or —15 or 8 or -8) 
(6)97 + 95 =............. 

(9772 or 92 or geo ор 935) 
(7) The next number in the pattern: 2 ,3,5,8 » 13 is -... 

(18 or 19 or 20 or 21) 

( Complete each of the following : 

(1) The measure of the angle of the sector Whose area represents 
surface area of the circle = -* 

22 هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Ж the 

Final Examinations 

(2) If the probability of success of a pupil is 2 , then the probability of his 
failure is s 

(3 ) The solution set of the inequality х + 1 < 5 و‎ X EN ÎS зз 
(4) C 1E -12 teis 

(5) The height of a cuboid whose total surface area is 400 cm? and its base is 
in the shape of a square of side length = 10 cm. equals ---------- om. 

(6) 85 = 5 + (8 x 1) *(Bx i.) 

(7) lf x=|-12|,y=-3 ,ћепх+у= 

(8) The greatest negative integer is 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1) The image of the point )- 3 , 4) by translation (x » y — 4) is 
(C350) or (-7.4) or (3:8) or (- 1:4) 
(2)A circle of diameter length 8 cm. ; then its area = ~ 
(4 or 8 or 16 or 64) 

(3 ) The number that satisfies the inequality : x-223is 
(3 or 4 or 5 or 6) 

(4) lIfa<b,then—3a (< or > or = or 5) 
(5)Z2NN= (Z or Z or {0} or N) 
(6)-1-61*6* zt (€ or # or C or Ф) 
(7) The equation : x? + 1 = 10 is of the 

(first or second or third or fourth) 

[4] Answer the following : 
(1) Find the solution set 0f:2X—-82-26 , where XEN 

(2) х 25 

(2) Find the value of : 552) 

EE هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Final Examinations 

(3 ) A box contains 4 white balls » 6 red balls and 5 blue balls ; all the balls are 
identical د‎ а ball is chosen randomly » find the probability that the chosen Бай. 

[a] White. [b] Not red. 

(4) The following table shows the percentage of the number of students in one 
classroom according to their favorite activities : 

[ Activity Sports | Reading | Music | Computer 
Percentage 10% 15% 35% 40% 

Represent these data by a pie chart. 

Tues] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Www: zakrooly comi 

Educational Dir 

hid FI-Aeherg L 

Answer the following questions : 

[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1) C 19 + (199 = ------------- (71 or zero or 1 or 2) 
(2)Z2-Ns с (Z* or (0) or Z- or 0) 
( 3) The height of the cuboid whose lateral area is 160 cm? and the dimensions 
of its base are 3 cm. and 7 cm. equals - cm. 
(6 or 8 or 10 or 16) 
(4) The image of the point A (— 4 » 3) by translation (— 1 »— 4) is 
(05 ,-7) or 5 .- or em or (-3>-1)) 
(5)lfa6{2,-5,-3} 0 {5 -و‎ 2:-3( ,then a= ~ 
(2 or -3 or -5 or 5) 
( 6) The probability of impossible event = === (0 or 1 or 0.5 or 12) 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1) (1-91+3) +2 (Є or € or C or c) 
( 2) Acube the perimeter of its base is 36 cm. د‎ then its lateral area = mom? 
(9 or 324 or 36 or 486) 
(3) The number which satisfies the inequality : X > — 2 is «7 
(1 or -4 or -3 or -2) 
(4) The measure of the angle of the sector which represents i the circle 
equals (30° or 45° or 90° or 60°) 
(5) 6 1/94 +E qe E (0 or 2 or - 1 or 1) 
)6( 32+ 32 + 32 = (28 or 49 or 33 or 29) 

E com Complete the он 
(2) Ifx+3=|-7|, then x=- 
( 3) The edge length of the cube whose total area is 600 cm? 
( 4 ) The set of solution of the inequality : – 2 < X 5 zero іп Z is 
ر و‎ ырына нын nod imis ڪي ڪڪ و‎ 
and its height is 5 cm. equals ----------- 

Final Examinations 

(6) A fair die is thrown once ; then the probability of appearing the number 5 
equals -..- oe 

(7) A circle of diameter length 14 cm. د‎ then its area = ~------------ cm? (x = 22 

(8)#а=3 و‎ b=-2,then3a b= -------------- 


[а] [a] Find the result of : Pr 

[b] Find in N the set of solution of the inequality : 3 Xx —2« 7 

[c] A circle of radius length 10 cm. is divided into 8 equal circular sectors. 
Find the area of one circular sector. (consider 7 = 3.14) 

a [a] In a Cartesian coordinates plane ; locate 
the points A (0 +4) > В(2,1) > С(-2,1), | 
then find the image of A ABC by 
translation (0 »— 2) 

[b] The following table shows the percentage of the production of a factory of 
house electrical sets : 
[ Тһе kind of set | Washing machine | Heater | Oven | Mixture 
[ The percentage 30% | 15% | 40% | 15% 
Represent these data by circular sectors. 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [ЖЕЕ]‏ 

Final Examinations 

Cairo Governorate 

Answer the following questions : 
Choose the correct answer : 
(1) The set of non-negative integers is (C or Z or {0} or N) 
( 2) The equation : 26 + х5 = 100 is of the - + degree. 
(11 or 5 or 6" or 15) 
(3) If Ø is the empty set د‎ then P (2) = (1 or 2 or 0 or 0.5) 
(4) The area of the circle whose radius length is 2 7t cm. is cm? 
(4x or 272 or 1256 or 473) 
( 5) The integer which satisfies the inequality : y > — 3 is Ms 
(7-2 or -8 or О or 1) 
(6)If3x-2-9,then-5X2-- (15 or 9 or -15 or -|- 15|) 

B Choose the correct answer : 
(7) The image of the point e = р " translation two units in the positive 

direction of the y-axis is - 
(6452) or )2,-2( or (6›—2) or (4;0)) 

KD CO NUI е апела po. »4 cm. and 0.6 dm. 

is - (72cm? or 8.4dm? or 84dm? or 84cm?) 
ore (3)? (< or = or > or >) 
(10) 2*5 - (Z or N or 0 or {}) 
(11) Half the T.S.A. of a cube whose sum of its edge lengths is 36 cm. 

is cm? (108 or 27 or 54 or 18) 

(12) A box contains 14 balls د‎ 5 red د‎ 3 green and the rest are yellow د‎ then ie 

probability of selecting a non-red ball is - 3 or E or 8 оғ + ) 

Complete : 

( 1) The ratio between the T.S.A. and L.S.A. of the cube is - 

(2) IFA (2 +9) و‎ B(-4:9) » then the length of АВ = -- length units. 

(3) The probability of appearing an odd prime number when rolling a die once 

Сут Атаат гна WOES وه‎ ASZOTT 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 

(= 3.14) 

Final Examinations 

)5( )- 3 x75)*(-75- RENE 

(6) The S.S. of the inequality 3 + 4 X» —9inZi: 

( 7 ) The volume of a cube whose L.S.A. is 144 cm? is ............... cm? 

(8 ( The measure of the central angle which represents $ of the circle iS ............... 

Answer the following : 
(1) Find the S.S of the equation : 2 X 3 = — 9 in Zand in N 

(2) Use the distributive property to find the result : 25 х 9 + 25 - 25 х 9 

(3) Find the area of the shaded part 
»if the radius length = 7 cm. (x= 2) 

(4) Notice the opposite pie chart د‎ then complete the following : _ 
[a] The percentage of the tennis players 

[b] The measure of the angle of the sector which 
represents the football players is =~ 

(5) In the coordinate plane 
» draw the figure ABCD ; where : 
A(351) » В(1,3) » © )3 : 5( and D (5 :3( 
+ then draw its image by translation (X — 4 ; y — 4) 
What is the area of the image of the figure ? 

[стз هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

Answer the following questions : 

[ Choose the correct answer : 
(e+ ii (0 or 1 or 2 or -1) 
(2)5x522—— (252 or 25? or 5? or 5°) 
(3) fx-5-77 و‎ XEN then X= "=. (2 or 12 or – 12 or 35) 
(4) The image of the point (4 » 5) by translation (0 »— 4) is ier 
((4 9) or (5,1) or (4,1) or (4»—1)) 
(5) When peeing: a dice once ; then the probability of getting a number less 
than 1 =~ (e o OF dell 
(6 ) The set of odd numbers f the set of even numbers = 
(0 or N or Z or 2) 
(7 ) A circle ; its circumference is 44 cm. » then the length of its radius 
(22 or 11 or 7 or 14) 
(€ or Gor ¢ or C) 
(9)/f2x26 »then 4 x (3 or 6 or 12 or 16) 
(10) If x 2 > 2 then x €- (N or Ø or Z* or Z^) 
(11) A box contains 10 cards numbered from 1 to 10 » one card is selected at 
random د‎ then the probability of getting a number divisible by 5 = ~ 
(i or t ог 
(12) In the opposite figure : B A 
The distance between the two points =o 2 3 0 3 
AandB- its. (2 or -2 or 1 

B Complete : 


(2) #х+3=|-6|,ћепх= -~ 

(3) The sum of the measures of the angles of the sectors about the centre of 
the circle = 

(4) The equation : did + 3 = 8 , then the equation is of degree. 

(5) А box contains 15 balls all of them are symmetric د‎ 5 white balls » 4 blue 
balls-and:the:rest.are-red:balis-; one ballis-drawn:from-the:box-at.random-s- 
then the probability that the drawn ball is red = =- 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(6) The image of the point (— 1 » 2) by translation of 3 units in the positive 
direction of the x-axis is -.. 

(7 ) The lateral area of a cuboid with a square base its length is 10 cm. and its 
height is 9 cm. = 

(8) In the opposite figure : 
ABCD is a rectangle › its length is 12 cm. > 
its width is 7 cm. A circle is drawn to touch 
the sides AD and BC ; then the area of 
the shaded part = ·--- го 

Answer the following : 

(1) Find the result of : 

(2) Find the solution set of the inequality : 2 X + 9 « 1 in Z and represent it on 
the number line. 

( 3 ) A container water tank in the form of a cube › its inner edge length is 1.5 m. 
It is wanted to paint it to prevent the rust. The cost price of one square metre 
is L.E. 15 , calculate the cost of painting. 

(4) On the coordinate plane : 
Locate the points A (3 , — 2) ; B (1 » 1) 
and C (3 » 1) » then: 
[a] Find the length of BC 
[b] Draw the image of A ABC by translation 
(х+2 ,у +3) 

(уе) ايتداتي/تيرم ؟‎ ^ / (Worksheets & Examinations) sw رياضيت‎ указ | 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى [стз‏ 

Final Examinations 

( 5) The following table shows the percentage of the favourite sport for your 
class students : 

The favourite sport | Football | Basketball | Volleyball | Swimming 
The percentage | 45% 10% 25% | 20% 

Represent these data by using the circular sectors. 

Fast Felurational Zone 

(4) Alexandria Governorate pte 

Answer the following questions : 
п Choose the correct answer from those between brackets : 
(10) or 2 or Z or 27) 
(Є or € or C or ¢) 

„then x (-5 or -3 or -2 or 2) 
(4) (9? (> or < or = or otherwise) 
(5)C7)- (C1-50n (> or > or or otherwise ) 
( 6) The solution set of the equation : X— 2 = 3inZ is .. 

(5 or 1 or т or {3}) 
( 7 ) The number which satisfies the inequality : X + 4 > 2 is .. ^ 
(-1 or -2 or -3 or -4) 
(8) A cube of edge length 6 cm. ; then its lateral area = ~- 
(216 or 180 or 144 or 108) 
(9) The image of the point (- p ) by translation (X — 3 » y + 4) 

is )- 5 »—3) ((-8,515) or (-2;7) or (-8>7) or (-25-7)) 

(10) The lateral area of the cube = Area of one face x 
(2 or 4 or 6 or height) 
(11) The sum of measures of the angles of the sectors about the centre of the 

circle =- e -100*—or 150° or 180° or 360")  — 

(12) If Ø is empty set » then P (©) = ~ eae (0 or 2 or 1 or 0.5) 

(50) X 
Tease] ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Final Examinations 

а Complete each of the following : 
)1(|-5 | +|7 |= ст 
)2( 5 x )-3 + 7( = 5 x )- 3( + 5 x 
(3) The S.S. of the inequality : X + 4 > 7 in N İS -.............. 
(4) In the opposite coordinate plane : 

) 5 ( In the opposite coordinate plane : 
The length of AC = - ^ units. 
(6) If the lateral area of a cube is 100 ст? 

»then its total area = ~ 

( 7 ) The perimeter of the base of a cuboid is 10 cm. 
» its height is 4 cm. د‎ then its lateral area = =- 

(8) When tossing a die once ; then probability of getting a number 5 = 

Answer the following : 
(1) Arrange the following numbers in an ascending order : 
—9 517 ;|-9|.— 15 and 16 

(2) Find the result in the simplest form by using the basic laws of 

Pepeatecimuliinijcation 52: 9. 

(3 ( Acircle › its diameter length is 7 cm. , calculate its surface area 

where n = <> 

(4 ) In the coordinate plane : 
ABCD is a rectangle where 
А (4 51) В (4 *3 C (153) and D (1 1) 
»find its image by translation (X — 5 » y + 3) 

Final Examinations 

(5) The following table shows the number of students participating in the school 
activities : 
[— The activity Cultural | Spots | Social Ats | 
| The percentage 5% 45% 15% 35% | 
Represent these data by circular sectors. 

ocala Language School 

(5) El-Kalyoubia Governorate Ахсым Zone 

Answer the following questions : 

Е Choose the correct answer : 
(1){-3,-4 (C or € or Z or €) 
(2)(-71? x23 (25 or 8 or -8 or -25) 
(3) #2 х= 10 ,thenx+2=-- (7 or 3 or 5 or 6) 
(4) The equation : X? + 3 = 4 is of ... degree. 
(1# or 3'd or 260 or 4%) 
(5) The image of the point (3 ›— 2) by translation (— 3 » 2) is 
((0:0) or (3,0) or (250) or (6>4)) 
(6) The sum y the measures of the accumulative angles at the centre of 
a circle is ~ (90° or 360° or 180° or 70°) 
( 7) When throwing a fair die once › the probability of appearing number less 
than 4 = ere ( 5 or 4 ог 2 ог t ) 
(8) The lateral area of a cube whose side length is 3 cm. = ===- cm? 
(27 or 48 or 36 or 54) 
(9) The number which satisfies the inequality : Xx — 2 > З is 
(3 or 5 or 4 or 6) 
(10) 28 x 24 = 5 (22 or 212 or 21 or 24) 

( Complete the following : 
(1) 12 x ---- -72 
(3) A circle › its diameter length is 14 cm. ; then its area = 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(5) The solution set of the equation: 3 X 2 = 8 in N is 
(6) The solution set of the inequality : X + 5 s 7 where X EZ 

(7) A cuboid whose length is 9 cm. » width is 7 cm. and its height is 10 cm. » 
then its lateral area = and its total area 

(8) The greatest negative іпіеде! 

B Answer the following : 
(1) A box contains 5 white balls د‎ 9 red balls and 4 black balls. If а ball is 
selected randomly э »then calculate the probability that the selected balls is : 
[a] White = ---- [b] Black or red = — 
[c] Yellow = ---------- [d] Not black = 
(2) Acircle M is drawn inside a square of side length 14 cm. and 

touches its sides. Calculate the area of the shaded 
part. ) = 3.14) 

(3) qiue in an злата oer (2 2)3 C5 € s E (5)? 

(4) In a Cartesian coordinate plane locate 
the points A (4 +3) » B (4:1) > C(151) 
and D (1 »3) » then find : 
[a] Its image by translation (X — 2 » y — 3) 

[b] Area of the figure and its perimeter. 
The area = vv » the perimeter = -- 
[c] Name of the figure. (--------.-..-.. ) 

kia Governorate 

Answer the following questions : 
[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1) 1(8 + ) 18 د‎ e (zero or 1 or —1 or 2) 
(2) If the radius length of a circle is 10 cm. ; then its surface area = -------------- ст2 
(Given that : zt = 3.14) (3.14 or 31.4 or 314 or 3140) 

се هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Final Examinations 

(e or ¢ or С or £) 

(zero or -1 or -2 or -3( 
(5) The image of the point (— 3 » 4) by translation (0 »— 4) is ( ‚е, +) 
(3-0) or (-7,4) or (-3,8) or (-1>4)) 
(6)Z-Z-= (2 or N or Z* or 10}) 

( 7 ) The measure of the angle for the circular sector of half of a circle is 
(90° or 120° or 180° or 360°) 

(8) The equation : x + 2 = 10 is of the === degree. 

(first OF second Or third OF fourth) 

(9) rr a die is rolled once ; then the probability of getting a number 5 
(1 or H or 1 
(10) If the edge length of a cube is 6 cm. د‎ then its total area = -- 
(24 or 36 or 144 or 216) 
(11) )- 5) x | - 4 |= (20 or -20 or 9 or -9) 
(12) (3 + )3(4 = | (6P or (8) or (3j! or (3?) 

B Complete each of the e ماس‎ E 
(13) Z = Z7 U c 
(14) The lateral surface area of a cuboid = - 
(15) In the opposite figure : 
The A d of the shaded circular 
sector = s % 

(16) The probability of the impossible event equus 
(17) If x + 6 = 2 » where X EZ » then X = ee 
(18) The sum of measures of angles accumulative around the centre of the circle 

(19) 222 23 UE 

(20) " circumference of the circle = == 

( E Answer the following : 
(21) Find the solution set of the equation 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tues]‏ 

Finat Examinations 

(22) Use the properties of addition in Z to find the result of : 
— 17 + 19 + 17 (state the property used in each step). 

(23) A cuboid with a square shaped base of side length 7 cm. and its height is 
10 cm. » calculate its lateral surface area. 

(24) Find the solution set of the inequality : x + 4 > 7 ; where X EN 

(25) The following table shows the favorite sport in youth centre : 

Represent these data by circular sector. 


Answer the following questions : 
Choose the correct answer from those between brackets : 
(1) 2-2- = (2* or N or al or 2) 
(2) The number which satisfies the inequality : x > — 2 is -- 0 
)-1 or -2 or -3 or -4( 
(3) The surface area of a circle = zt x === (г or r2 or 2r or 2r?) 
(4) When tossing a die once ; then the probability of getting a number 5 = 
(zero or & or $ or 1) 
(5) (2198 + ) 19 = (zero or -1 or 1 or 2) 
(6)/f2x--6,thenx€--——- (N or о or z* or Z`) 

[ЖЕЕ] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 

Finat Examinations 

(7 )IfA(-2 , 1) and B (3 › 1) » then the length AB = === length units. 

(0 or 1 or 3 or 5) 
(8) If Dis the empty set ; then P(Z) = === (zero or 0.5 or 1 or 2) 
(9)(-5)xI4I (20 or -20 or 9 or -9) 
(10) If a < b , then: — 3 a —3b (< or > or = or &) 
(11) The image of the point (- 3 » by translation (X > y — 4) is - a 

(C350) or (-7,4) or هت‎ or ta ,4)) 

(12) The lateral surface area of the cube = area of one face x 

(6 or 5 or 4 or 3) 

(El complete : 
(1) The probability of apperance a head when tossing a coin once = = 
(2)A circle of diameter length 8 cm. ; then its area = T cm? 
(3) The lateral area of the cuboid = perimeter of the base x - 85 
(4) The equation : 4 x ? — x = 29 is of 
( 5)A circular sector represents i of a circle د‎ then the measure of its central 
angle = 
( 6 ) Ifthe area of one face of a cube equal 9 cm? ; then its total are: 
( 7 ) The solution set of the inequality : - 2 > X < zero in Zi 
( 8 ) The perimeter of one face of a cube is 12 cm. د‎ then its total area 

Answer the following : 

(1)A cuboid-shaped box with a square base its length is 10 cm. and its height is 
7 cm. Calculate the lateral area. 

(2) Find the solution set of the equation: 2 X + 923 .و‎ XEZ 

(3) In the opposite figure : 
ABCD is a rectangle where its length = 8 cm. 
and its width = 7 cm. 
Calculate the area of shaded part. 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

Finat Examinations 

(4) Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
116 + 190 + (– 116) 

(5) The following table shows the number of students participating in the school 
activities : 

The activity Cultural | Sports | Social Arts 
The percentage 596 | 45% | 15% 35 96 
Represent these data by circular sectors. 

Answer the following questions : 

@ Choose the correct answer : 
(1) A fair die is thrown once د‎ then the probability of appearing the number 6 
(0 ا‎ M 
(2) The solution set of the equation : 3 X = — 6 in Nis .. e 
({-3} or үз} ог {2} ог ©) 
(3) #х+522 ,ћепх2> re (3 ог -3 ог 7 or –4) 
(4) The integer that lies between — 4 and - 1 is 
(7-2 or -5 or 3 or -4) 
(5)C5?x(2? (109 or 10 or 10? or 10?) 
(6) If Ais an event in a sample space S ›Р (A) = 1 » thenAis = == event. 
( „айна or possible or sure) 
(7 ) The multiplicative identity element іп Z is - si 
(-1 or 1 or О or 2) 
(10) or Ø or Z or zero) 
(9) The surface area of the circle = ===- 
de or Xr? or 27r or 27r?) 
(10) The additive inverse of (— 5)? is =- (25 or 5 or -5 or -25) 
(11) 27 + )- 3(2 = = )-9 or 24 or 3 or 81) 

(^: ¢) одасы 7 / (Worksheets & Examinations) ow رياضيت‎ yasil (57) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Final Examinations 

(12) The measure of the angle for the sector of third of a circle is 
(90° or 120° or 180° or 270°) 

B Complete each the followingi: 
) 1 ( 2 ZT SN eenen 
(2) 14 + 213 + (C 14) = ee 
(3) The sum of edge lengths of a cube is 84 cm. ; then its lateral area 
equals == ст? 
(4) The result of : 23 х (— 1)? + 8 = = 
(5) If X + 6 =2 > where X€Z , then х= 
(6) (4х3 +3) – (7 х3) = ~ 
(7) #х=|-3| و‎ y=-2,then2xy 
) 8 ( |] - 5 X= 35 » where X EZ > then X 

Answer the following : 
(1 n The circumference of a circle is 88 cm. Calculate its area. (consider AE 2) 

(2) Find the solution set of the inequality : 2 X + 1 < 7 where xez* 

(3) ما‎ the Cartesian coordinates plane 
» locate each of the following points 
A(151) > B(3»1)and C (3,3) 
» then find the image of A ABC 
by translation (X — 2 ,y + 2) 

( 4) The following table shows percentage of egg production in three farms › 
a merchant collected these eggs to distribute them on the grocery stores : 
[ The farm First | Second | Third 
| The percentage ofthe production | 25% | 35% 40 % 
Represent these data by using the circular sectors. 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Final Examinations 

El-Dakahlia Governorate 

Answer the following questions : 
L Choose the correct answer : 
(1)1-981- ГАШ (€ or € or C or $) 
(2) The image of the point (--------------- » =-=) by translation (X — 3 ناو‎ + 4) 
is (- 5 »- 3) (C8; D or (-25-7) or (-2:7) or (2>7)) 
(3) The equation : x? + х= 5 is of - degree. 
(fourth or third or second or first) 
(4) The probability of the impossible event = ~- (1 or $ or 1 or 0) 
(5) C6 -—12 (> or = or < or <) 
( 6 ( A circle › its diameter length is 20 cm. د‎ then its area = -= cm2 (m= 3.14) 
(31.4 or 314 or 23.14 or 43.14) 
(7)2-(€3)°= . (5 or 3 or 1 or 2) 

(8) The sum of edge lengths of a cube is 24 cm. د‎ then T.S.A. = 

(16 or 36 or 4 or 24) 
(9) £X(3 58) + Y (354) د‎ then the length of XY = n length units. 
(4 or 6 or 12 or 5) 
(10) If (S) is a sample of a random experiment د‎ then P (S) = ممم‎ 
(0 or 1 or i or i 
(11) f 3 y = 9 و‎ then y + 5 = re (11 or 32 or 8 or 14) 
(12) The additive inverse of (— 3)? is -............. (9 or 3 or -3 or -9) 

Complete : 

( 1) Two things must be known for the translation to happen 

( 2) The probability of the sure event = =-= 

(3) C 1)190 + ) 1у103 = . 

( 4) If a cuboid shaped box with a square base its length is 9 cm. and its height 
is 10 cm. د‎ then the L.S.A. = em? 


(6) The measure of the angle for the sector of third of a circle = == 

| ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 

Final Examinations 

( 7 ) A cube ; its volume is 1000 cm? ; then its lateral area = ~- 

Answer the following : 
(1) Find the solution set of: 3 X —7 55 › where X EZ 

(3) х(-3)* 


(2) Find the value of : 

(3) In the coordinate plane : 
Locate each of the following points 
A(2 +3) +B (4 +3) and C (4 :5( 
> then find : 
[a] The length of BC = |епдїһ units. 
[b] The image of A ABC by translation (0 » — 2) 

(4 ) Find the lateral area and total area of a cuboid without lid » its length is 16 cm. 
» its width is 9 cm. and its height is 5 cm 

( 5) The following table shows the percentages of production of a factory for 
three kinds of electric water heaters : 

The kind | 4% | 28 | за 
Percentage | 25 % | 35% | 40% 

Represent data by the circular sectors. 

Final Examinations 

Directorate of 
Directing Mal 

Ismailia Governorate 

Answer the following questions : 

E Choose the correct answer : 
(1)0z*nz-- (Ø or 1 or -1 or 2) 
) 2( #2 X =0 then X= 2 (2 or 3 or 5 or 0) 
(3) The greatest negative integer is a: (2 or 1 or 0 or —1) 
(4) If X + 6 = 5 , then the solution set in Nis ~ s 
СЕЙ or {1} or Ø or {0}) 
(5) |] ع 2 +ع«‎ | - 5 |, ћепх= =- $ (3 or -3 or 7 or 4) 
(6) The solution set of the inequality : X > 0 іп Z is ^ 
(Z or Z* or Z- or N) 
) 7 ) The image of the point (3 » 0) by translation of magnitude З units in 
the negative direction of X-axis is ~ 
((3›3) or (050) or (3 »—3) or (0.—3)) 
(8)Ifx>y,thenx+z (> or < or = ors) 
(9) The probability of the impossible event = (Ø or 1 ого or -1) 
(10) The surface area of the circle = 7t x . (r or 2r or r2 or r3) 

(11) If a fair die is rolled once » then the babii of getting an even 

ubora Se (0 or 1 or 

(12) If the total area of the cube = 54 cm? , then the area of one face = : 

(4 or 5 or 8 or 9) 
B Complete : 

(2) The sum of edge lengths of a cube = 120 cm. و‎ 

then the lateral area = ---- 
(3)у— 4 > 215 an inequality of ............. 
(4) The area of the circle whose diameter length is 14 cm. = =- cm? 
(5) On the number line : A 

The length of АВ 

length units. 

(6) #1х1=3 then x 

(7 ) If one of the families spends its salary as the following 40 96 for food › 20 96 
for house rent › 30 % for expenses د‎ then saves the remainder is 

s 0 4) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 

Final Examinations 

(8 ) A cuboid of leng бст. » width 4 cm. and height 5 cm. د‎ then its lateral 
area = ст2 

Answer the following : 
(- 2)5 x35 

1) Find the value of :—3,—— 
(1) M 33 x (- 2 

(2) Calculate the area of the opposite figure. 
(Consider w= 22 

(3) The perimeter of the base of a cube is 28 cm. 
Calculate its lateral area and total area. 

(4) Find the solution set of the following equation » where X EZ: X+5=4 

(5)A box contains 25 balls » 6 balls are yellow ; 7 balls are red and the 
remainder is black د‎ if a ball is drawn randomly. 
Find the probability that the drawn ball is : 

[a] Black = ~- . [b] Not red - 

Suez Governorate 

( Answer the following questions : 

)1[ Choose the correct answer : 
(1) When tossing a die once د‎ »then the е probsbalty of getting a Бире! on the 
upper fat ri-orioreo)- 
(2) 10] e (c org er cione) ‹ 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 

Final Examinations 

(3) The equation : x? + 3 = 8 is of -— degree. 
(first or second or third or fourth) 
(4)1-51-- (< or = or > or otherwise) 
(5) 15+ ) 8 )-1 or zero or 1 or 2) 
(6 ) The sum of the measures of the accumulative angles at a point = 
(90 or 180 or 270 or 360) 
(7)If2x2-6 ,ћепхєЄ............... (N or Ø or Z or 27) 
(8) 5 (< or = or > or otherwise) 
(9) The total area of the cube = Area of one face x =- 
(2 or 4 or 6 or 8) 
(10) On the number line : А B 
= 4-32-1012 3 4 5 6 
(8 or 7 or 5 or -2) 
(11) 5х (-4) = mm (-20 or 20 or 9 or -1) 
(12) The image of the point (— 3 » 4) by translation (X » y — 4) is 
(C350) or (-7>4) or (-358) or (-154)) 
І complete : 

(A) ZANE cm 
(2) The circumference of the circle = 
(3) 232 = 

t 2 » x€Z,thenx---- 

( 5 ) The lateral area of the cuboid = perimeter of the base x 

(6) A cube of edge length 10 cm. ; then its lateral area = ·-------------- 
тоо е = (length + width) x 2 

(8) A box contains 5 white balls د‎ 3 blue balls and 8 red balls all of them are 
symmetric. One ball is drawn from the box at random. Then the probability 
that the drawn ball is red = 

Answer the following : 
(1) Use the properties of addition in Z to find the result оѓ: 
(— 7) + 19 + 17 (state the property used in each step) 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(2) Find the solution set of the following inequality in Z: X 2 < 3 
(3 )A circle › its radius length is 7 cm. د‎ calculate its surface area. (where л 

{4 ) А cuboid shaped box with a square base. Its length is 10 cm. » 
its height is 7 cm. Calculate the lateral area. 

(5) The following table shows the percentages of the production of 
a factory of house electrical sets : 

The kind of set | Washing machine | Heater | Oven | Mixer | 
Thepercentage| 25% | 15% | 40% | 20% [ 

Represent these data using circular sectors. 

(12) Port Said Governorate m ui Renter | mj 

Answer the following questions : 
[ сһоозе the correct answer : 
(1) The surface area of a circle = JU x ==- (r or r? or 2r or 3.14) 
(2) If-2 X= 6 then x €. (N or Ø or Z* or Z^) 
(3) The number which satisfies the inequality : X — 2 > 3 is 
(-1 or -2 or 6 or 4) 
(4)C 08 + ) 1(9 = ee (zero or —1 or 1 or 2) 
(5)15- 11] (# or E or c or £) 
(6)25х22=- (27 or 2* or 23 or 1) 
( 7) When tossing a die once the ‘probability of getting a number onthe upper 
face more than 6 is ==- (Ø or zero or 1 or 2) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(8)1-31= s (3 or -3 or -|3| or 3-3) 
(9 ) The total area of a cube = area of one face х =~ i 
(4 or 5 or 6 or 8) 
(10) The probability of the impossible event = ~ (@ or zero or 1 or 2) 
(11) The image of the point (2 › 3) by translation (X + 1 لاو‎ + 2) is 

((854) or (355) or (4 ,3) or (5 ,3)) 
(12) f xe6-22 و‎ x€Z,thenx---- (4 or |-4| or —4 or |4|) 

Complete : 

(1) 3+[-3|= m 

(2) The perimeter of the base of a cuboid is 10 cm. , its height is 4 cm. » then 
its lateral area = مس‎ 

(3) The probability of the sure event — 

(4) The sum of the measures of the angles of the sectors about the centre of 
обе m «eet 

(5) The circumference of the circle = ٠ “хл 

(6) A cube of total area 150 cm? , then the length of its edge is 

(7) Z* U {O} = те 

(8) #3 X= 9 s then X = ere 

Answer the following : 
(1) Find the result of : (4 x 32 + 32 — 7 x 3) 

(2) In the coordinate plane locate the points 
A(253) › B(453) » © )4 ,7) then find: 
[a] The length of BC = 
[b] The image of А ABC di translation (0 »— 4) 

(5:0) теуш! \ / (Worksheets & Examinations) ow رياضيات‎ wall 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى a‏ اوله على مواقع أخری [стз‏ 

Finat Examinations 

(3) Find the solution set of the inequality : X — 2 > 3 where X €z 
»then represent it on the number line. 

(4)A cuboid shaped box with a square base its length side is 10 cm. and its 
height is 4 cm. » calculate the lateral area. 

( 5) The following table shows the percentage of the production of a factory of 
house electric sets » represent it by circular sectors : 

The kind of set | Washing machine| Heater | Oven | Mixer | 
The percentage 30% 15 96 40% 15% 

3) Damietta Governorate 0 биза mieria 

Of ficial Language Ceh 

Answer the following questions : 
(Ei choose the correct answer : 
OZAN.. (Z or Z* or {0} or N) 
( 2) The equation : X3 + 4 = 5 is of the ~~ degree. 
(first or second or third or fourth ) 
(3)A circle » its radius length is 4 cm. » then its area = === 
(4 or 8 or 12 or 16) 
(4) The image of the point (— 3 » 5) by translation (X + 1 sy — 2) is 
(C453) or (-253) or (-2,-3) or (2,3)) 

( 5) If a fair die is tossed once د‎ then the probability of getting an odd 
number = - (0 or 1 or Т ог }) 
(6)|-41-I41= . (zero or 1 or 8 or — 8) 

(-7.) АЙ the following numbers satisfy the inequality: x > — 3 except -- 

(zero or 4 or 1 or 2) 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE]‏ 

Finat Examinations 

(8) The sum of edge lengths: of a cube is 96 cm. » 
then its lateral area = ·--- = om? (8 or 64 or 256 or 384) 

(9)A circular sector represents 3 of a circle د‎ then the measure of its central 
angle = ·-------------- (90 or 120 or 180 or 270) 
(10) If 3 x 2-9 ,then XE... . (N or Z* or Ø or Z^) 
(11) )- 1 + (— 1(9 + ) 1(2 = . (zero or -1 or 1 or 2) 
(12) The solution set of the inequality : 2 < X < 3 where X EN is -- 
( (zero) or {2} or {3} or {2,3}) 

Complete each of the following : 
(27 × 2(8 _ 
210 e 

(14) If 22-3 =|—7 | then x c 

(15) fX (-3 2) » Ү(—3›— 4) > then the length of XY = - - units. 

(16) The height of a cuboid whose lateral area is 160 cm? and dimensions of its 
base are 7 cm. and 3 cm. =" cm. 

(17) A box contains 5 white balls د‎ 3 blue balls and 8 red balls , all of them are 
symmetric » one ball is drawn from the box at random د‎ then the probability 
that the drawn ball is red = === 

(18) The multiplicative identity element in Z is . 

(19) The image of the point (— 1 » 2) by translation of magnitude of 3 units in the 
positive direction of y-axis is 

(20) The surface area of the circle = 


Answer the following : 
(21) Find the solution set of the inequality : 3 x- 224 , where X EZ 

(22) Use the properties of addition in Z to find : 
115 + 390 + (— 115) (write the used property). 

[стз هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

(23) A cube of edge length 12 cm. Find the total area. 

(24) A circle ; its diameter length is 14 cm. Calculate its area where (x = 

(25) The following table shows the rate of the score of 200 students in one 
school of Cairo governorate : 

[ Rate  [Exceten| Good | Pass | Weak 
[Percentage| 15% | 50% | 25% | 10% 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 

heikh Governorate 

Answer the following questions : 
Choose the correct answer : 
(1)1(X—223 then X 2 зз (-5 or -1 or 1 or 5) 
(2) The lateral area БЕ cuboid of length 3 cm. » width 2 cm. 
and height 4 cm. - em2 (20 or 24 or 40 or 52) 
{га cien “г (< ог > or = or s) 
(4)3-|-3|= р (0 or 1 or 3 or 6) 
(5) The image of the point A (3 » 4) by translation (1 »— 1) is sr 
((353) or (2,3) or (4,3) or (4 ,5)) 
(6)Z*NZ-= (Ø or Z or x or {0}) 
(7) 1)104 + (– 1)103 = — (zero or —1 or 1 or 2) 
(8) A cube of edge length 6 cm. د‎ then its total area cm? 
(36 or 72 or 144 or 216) 
(9°) adie ls thrown once ; then the probabitty of appearance of 
the number 5 = ----- 5 or 1 or 0.5 or 1) 

C6 6‏ 
ЙЗ‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tess]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(10) The area of the circle = хл (г or 2r or r? огг+2) 
(11) The measure of the central angle which represents 1 ofthe circle = ver 
(90* or 36° or 45° or 40°) 
(12) If S is a sample space of a random experiment ; then P (S) = = 
(0 or 2 or 1 Poe) 

B Complete the following : 
(13) if x+ 5=3 ,X EZ then x=--~ 

(14) The perimeter of the base of the cuboid is 10 cm. › its height is 4 cm. 
»then its lateral area = 2 

(15) The equation : х2-3 = 615 of the .......-....... degree. 
(16) 32 + 23 =. E". 

(17) If the perimeter of base of a cube is 20 cm. ; then its total area is 
(18) A circle of radius length 7 cm. د‎ then its area 

(19) IF X (- 3 و‎ 2( » Y (- 3 » 4) » then the length of XY = ~ 

(20) The probability of the impossible event is ............... 

B Answer the following : 
(21) Find the solution set of the inequality : 2 X + 1 > 5 , where X EN 

(22) Find the result of : 

(23) If the sum of edge lengths of a cube = 36 cm. Find : 
[а] Its lateral area. [b] Its total area. 

(24) A circle of radius length 7 cm. is divided into 8 equal circular sectors. 
Find the area of each circular sector. ( = 22) 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

25) The followin 
(25) anarad 5 table shows the percentage of the number of students who 
р: in а School activities represent the data by a pie chart : 

| The activity Music | Sport An | 
[The percentage | 25», 40 % 35% | 

O El-Fayoum Governorate Educational Dirocforafo 
Maths Inspector 

Answer the following questions : 

@ Choose the correct answer from those between brackets : 
(1)NUZ^--— (z* or Z- or Z or N) 

(2) All the following numbers satisfy the inequality : X > — 3 except 
(0 or -2 or - 1 or -4) 

(3) 1)11 + (— 1)10 = -- 25 (zero or -1 or 1 or 2) 

(4) 23 ,x€e€Z,tenxz--—--- (5 or 7 or -7 or 6) 
(> or = or > or 5) 

(5)I-71* 351-77 +31 
(6) The additive inverse of c 3p is ~ (3 or-3 or 1 or -1) 

(7)Ifx-4 » y=—3>then the negative number of the following is ~ 

(x+y or x-y or xy or ух) 
(8) The image of the point (4 » — 3) by translation (X — 3 » y + 3) is - 
(C75—-8) or (150) or (0,1) or P »6)) 
(9) The probability of appearing a head when tossing a coin once = 
(zero or 2 or 1 or 

(10) If the probability of success of a student in mathematics is 75 96 د‎ 
then the probability of his failure = -=== (25 or 0.35 or 1 or 

(11) The ratio between the lateral surface area and the total surface area of 
(223 ө ат сакы ел) 

00 cm? and area of one base 20 cm? د‎ 
-em?(40 or 60 or 80 or 140) 

(12) The total surface area of a cuboi 
then its lateral surface area = 

[2] Complete each of the following : 
(13) The degree of the equation : x3+3×2+ ×+ 4= 

(04:4) оида / (Worksheets & Examinations) =ш ريه يات‎ palad] 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ D 

= 11 іѕ ~ - degree 

Fina! Examinations 

(14) The solution set of the inequality : X S0 in N = —7777 

(15) The solution set of the equation: x +6 = 5 іп = 

(16) if the perimeter of one face of a cube is 20 cm. د‎ 
then its total surface area = ---- ст“ 

(17) In the coordinates plane if the point A (— 2 » 4) and ће point B (5 , 4) 
»then length of AB = units. 

(18) A cuboid its lateral area is 120 cm? and the length is 8 cm. » width is 4 cm. 
ə then its height = ------ em, 

(19) Teamference of the circle Be 

5 the probability of any event s ---- 
B Answer the following : 

(— 5(5 x (— 
(21) Find the result or 8267 

(24) A box in the shape of a cuboid , its length is 10 om. , its width is 5 cm. and 
its height is 8 cm. › find its lateral Surface area and its total surface area. 

Football | Basketball | Handball | 
40% 35% 
Represent these data by circular sectors, 

25% | 


هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Final Examinations 

( (16] El-Menia Governorate кишен EON 


Answer the following questions : 

Choose the correct answer 
(1)ifx-2=3 ,then x= . (-5 or -1 or 1 
(2)A cube of edge length 6 cm. ; then its total area = 

(36 or 72 or 144 or 216) 
(3) When tossing a die once; then probability of getting a number divisible by 5 
equals ...... (0 or t or 5 or 1) 
(4) The equation : x 2 + 3 = 4 is of the ce degree. 
(first or second or third or fourth) 
(5) Тһе smallest natural number iS ............... (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) 
(6) The number which satisfies the inequality : X » — 2 is E 
(-1 or -4 or -3 or -2) 
(7 )A circle, its radius length is 4 cm. » then its area = zt cm? 
(8 or 16 or 64 or 2r) 
(8 ) The additive identity in N = + (zero or 1 or -1 or 2) 
(9 ( The total area of a cube is 324 cm? , then the area of face = = En 
(54cm? or 81cm? or 54cm. or 81cm.) 
(10) (— 1)104 + (— 1(103 =. (zero or -1 or 1 or 2) 
(11) The probability of occurrence of the impossible event = 
(Ø or zero or 1 or i! 
(12) If - 3 х < 30 و‎ then X ^ (— 10) (> or > or = or <) 

[E complete each of the following : 

(1) Measure of angle of the circular sector in which its area represents ع‎ 1 from 
the area of the circle = - 

(2 )IfX )-3 5 2( لاو‎ )- 354) » then length of XY s ~~ length units. 
(3)2*-2- = 
(4) The lateral area of a cuboid of length 3 cm. د‎ width 2 cm. and height 4 cm. 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tus]‏ 

Final Examinations 

(6 ) The image of the point (2 ›— 1) by translation (X — 1 »y + 3) 
is the point (-............. an) 

)7( Ifx+3=|-7|,thenx=~ 
(8) Ifx=|-12|,y=—3.>thenx+y= 

Answer the following : 
(1) Find the solution set of the inequality : 3 X — 5 < 7 where X €Z*; 
then represent the solution set on the number line. 

(2)A cuboid ; its length is 6 cm. » its width is 4 cm. and its height is 8 cm. Find : 
[a] Its lateral area. [b] Its total area. 

(3) Find the result of : 222 

(4) A box contains 8 white balls, 7 red balls; all balls are identical; if one ball is 
drawn randomly; find the probability that this ball is : 

[а] Red = сс [b] White = -- 
[c] Blue = <... [d] Red or white = = 

(5) The following table shows the percentage of eggs production in three farms 
during one month : 
[ The farm | Fist [Second| Third | 
| The percentage of production | 25% | 50% | 25% ] 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 

(QV : ¢) а ^ / (Worksheets & Examinations) ыш رياضيت‎ yalsell (з) 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى |82 

Final Examinations 

Answer the following questions : 
Choose the correct answer : 
is the smallest positive integer. (-1 ого or 1 or —10) 
(2) 2+ NE 9 ({0} or Ø or Z or zero) 
( 3 ) The probability of getting on the upper face of a die a number which is 
more than 6 when tossing it once is <... — (Ø or zero or 4 or 4) 
(4) The surface area of the circle whose diameter length is 20 cm. 
= == em? (л = 3.14 (314 ог 0.314 ог 3.14 ог 628) 
(5)(—1)8+(—1)9=- А (zero or -1 or 1 or 2) 
( 6 ( The probability of the impossible event = ·- (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) 
(7) A circle » its circumference is 88 cm. » then its radius length = -= om. (д = 22) 
(28 or 24 or 44 or 14) 
(8) The equation : 4 x? - x = 29 is of ............... degree. 
(fourth or third or second or first) 
(9) The smallest non-negative integer is ·-- се (1 or 0 or -1 or 2) 
(10) A circle ; its radius length is 7 cm. د‎ then its area = ·-------------- cm? (x = 22) 
(145 or 154 or 22 or 7) 
(11) The image of the point (— 4 د‎ 3) by translation (— 1 ; — 4) is ٠ 
((55-7) or (-5,-1) or (-753) or (-3,-1)) 
(121-9143 —————Z (€ or € or C or gt) 

Complete each of the following : 

( 1) The lateral surface area of a cuboid of length З cm. ; width 2 cm. and 
height 4 cm. = ~ 2 
2!xc2P _ 


(4"y tf the perimeter of base of à cübe 15 20 cim: > then its lateral’ area 
(5) IFA (2 »4) و‎ 8 (2 »— 1) » then the length of AB is - units. 

ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 


(6) In the opposite figure : 
The percentage of the shaded 
circular sector = ----- ~ % 
(7 ) The sum of the measures of the accumulative angles at 
the centre of the circle = ===- 
(8) The image of the point (2 » 4) by translation (X — 1 » y + 1) is 

Answer the following : 
(1) Find the solution set of the equation : 2 X — 3 = — 9 , where X EZ 

(2) A cuboid box with a square base of side length 6 cm. and its height is 10 cm. 
Calculate its lateral surface area and its total surface area. 

(3) Find the solution set of the inequality : 3 X 2 < 4 ; where X EZ 

(4) In the opposite figure : 
ABCD is a rectangle where its length = 10 cm. 
and its width = 7 cm. و‎ $e the area 
of the shaded part. (7t — 22 

(5) The following table shows the rate of the score of 200 students in one 
school of Cairo governorate : 
| Каќе Excellent | Good Pass Weak | 
|. Percentage 15% 50 96 25 96 | 10% | 
Represent these data by a pie chart. 

Answer the following questions : 
)1[ Complete : 
(1) If the lateral area of a cube is 36 cm? , then its total area = — 
)2( )- 18 + 61) = 
(3) The distance between the location of a number and the location of zero on 
the number line is called 
(4) The additive inverse of zero is 
(5) The image of the point (3 د‎ 5) by translation (x + 2 » y — 1) is 
(6 ) The probability of the impossible event 
(7) IfA(-2 51)  B(3 5 1) > then AB = - units. 
(8 ) A cube of edge length 6 cm. د‎ then its lateral area = ~ 

Choose the correct answer : 
(1) If S is a sample space of a random experiment; then P (S) = = 
(zero or 2 ог 1 or 0.8) 
(2)-1-54|9 r (-54 or 54 or 9 or 1) 
(3) The geeen Me uS integer is ~ b (0 or 1 or -1 or -2) 
(4 or -3 or -5 or 0) 
(5) Type of central angle of a circle is straight angle » then it represents зз 
from surface area of the circle. 
(quarter or half or third or whole one) 
(> or < or = or otherwise) 
(7 ( When tossing a die once; then probability of getting a number 5 = 000000 
(zero or 4 or 2 or 1) 
(8) If the perimeter of base of a cube is 24 cm. ; then its total area = cm? 
(144 or 36 or 54 or 216) 
(9) The equation x? — x = 29 is of the - degree. 
(first or second or third or fourth) 
(10) If 2 X 2—6 » then X Gen (N or Ø or Z ог Z) 
(11) 15 + 3)] x x)= (22 or -22 or 88 or — 88) 
(12) Z* --- “N (Є or € or C ort) 

1 3 
ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى Tease]‏ 

Final Examinations 

Answer the following : 
(1) Acircle ;its circumference is 44 cm. Calculate its surface area. (7t = 22 or 3.14) 

(2)A cuboid ; its length is 6 cm. ; its width is 4 cm. and its height is 8 cm. 
Find its lateral area and its total area. 


3) Find th: It of : 
(3) Find the resul me 

(4) Find the solution set of the inequality : 3 X 2 > 4 where X EZ , then 
represent it on the number line. 

(5) The following table shows the percentage of the production of a factory of 
house electrical sets : 

Marks Washing machine | Heater Oven Mixer | 
sw | 15% | 40% | 15% | 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 

(19) Aswan Governorate i 

Aswan Official Langu: 

Answer the following questions : 
Choose the correct answer from those given : 
(1) The greatest negative integer is ---..- ` (0 or 1 or —1 or 2) 
(2) The total area of cube = ^^" x area of one face 
(6 or 2 or 4 or 3) 

А‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى TEE‏ 

Final Examinations 

(3)1-6|*16|2 n (12 or – 12 or 1 or 0) 
(4) The image of the point ( ..-.....-..-..- متم ةع ةسام و‎ ) by translation (x — 3 » y + 4) 
is(-55-3) (78515) or (-25-7) or (8,7) or (-257)) 
(5)(-8)x1= (-7 or وه‎ or 8 or -8) 
(6 ) The probability of the impossible event = ·------------- 
(0 or 1 or -1 or d) 
(7 ) The solution set of the equation : X + 2 = 7 » where X EZ is зз 
(-5 or 9 or 5 or -9) 
(8) (= 36) + (= 4( = ee (-9 or 9 or -6 or 4) 
(9) 7-]-3 |E ss (21 or -10 or 10 or 4) 
(10) The previous integer of (— 9) is (-10 or 8 or -8 or 10) 
(11) If 2 is the empty set then P (O) = == (zero or i or 1 or 2) 
(12) The image of the point (1 »— 3) by translation ( - -> -) 
is (1,0) ((150) or (0,0) or (3:0) or (0:3)) 

Complete the following : 

(1)IfX*622, X€Z then X 

(2) 3)? = 

(3) The lateral area of a cube its edge length 5 ст. equals 

( 4) The image of the point (3 » 5) by translation (X + 2 لاو‎ — 1) is -- e 

(5) The total area of the cuboid = + the sum of the areas of the two bases 

(6 ) When tossing a die once; the probability of getting a number divisible by З 
equals - 


(8 ) In the opposite coordinate plane : 
АВ = e Units. 

Tess] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ Й 

Final Examinations 

Answer the following : 
( (1) Use the properties of addition operation in Z to find the result of 
the following : 37 + 25 + 63 +75 

ircumference 88 cm. Calculate its surface area. (Jt 

(3) Find the solution set of the inequality : Xx — 2 2 3 و‎ X EZ , then represent it 
on the number line. 

(4) A cuboid shaped box with a square base its side length is 9 cm. and the 
height is 20 cm. Caiculate the lateral area and total area. 

( 5) The following table shows the percentages of the production of house 
electrical sets : 

[ The kind of set | Washing machine | Heater Oven Mixer 
Тһе percentage | 30% | 15% | 

Represent these data by circular sectors. 

PI) South Sinai Governorate FT frelon! Zom 

(Answer the following questions : 

[1] Choose the correct answer : 
(1) 3 ————6 (> or < or = or <) 
(2) #2 X= — 6 then X E» (N or Z* ог Z- or {-4}) 

[её] ر هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ 

Final Examinations 

(3) The image of the point (3 » 5) by translation (X + 2 » y — 1) is 
((556) or (5,4) or (1,4) or (156)) 
(4) When tossing a die once; then the probability of getting 
a number 5 =- (zero or 4 or È оғ1) 
(5)|-65] (Є or © or С or ¢) 
(6) The number which satisfies the inequality : x > — 2 is ---- 
(-1 or -2 or -3 or -4) 
(7 ) The circumference of the circle = =: x TU 
(г or 2r or i? or r+2) 
(8)Z'nZ-s eii (Z or N or @ or (0)) 
(9) If X is less than — 5 »then the symbolic expression is 
(x>-5 or x«-5 or x25 or xs-5) 
(10) The number of faces of the cube = =-= faces. 
(6 or 8 or 12 or 4) 
(11) The sum of the measures of the accumulative angles at the centre of the 
circle 4 (180° or 360° or 270° or 90°) 
(12) Ifx-2=1 معطاء‎ x=. (1 or -1 or 3 or 2) 

Ш-ро Дын | me 

( 1 ) A cube of edge length 6 cm. د‎ then its total area = 

(2) If the base area of a cube = 49 cm? then its lateral area 

(3) IFX + 5 >2 ,then X» ~=- 

(4) The probability of the impossible event = ~~ 

(5) The image of the point A (1 » 4) by translation (X — 2 » y + 1) 
is the point A ( 

(6) The equation : 3 X2 — 6 = 14 is of the ............ degree. 

(7 ) If the perimeter of the base of a cuboid is 10 cm. and its height is 4 cm. » 
then its lateral area = - em? 

(8)1£X (7-352) Y (C3 ,— 4) » then the length of XY s length unils. 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 

Final Examinations 

(2) Find the solution set of the equation : 2 X + 9 = 3 , where X GZ 

(3)Acircle » its diameter length is 14 cm. د‎ calculate its surface area. 

The surface area = зз 

(4) In a Cartesian coordinate plane ; locate 
the points А (2 » 3) »B (4 53) »C (4 » 7) 
and join them; then find the length of BC 

The farm 
centage of the production | 25% 

Represent these data by using the circular sectors. 

(0:0) Y ابتدائى/تييم‎ ^ / (Worksheets & Examinations) su رياضيت‎ ука] 

TEE] هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا بسمح بتداوله على مواقع أخرى‎ A 


и- serl) 
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7 Wwww'zakrooly com] 

жов цю Bip jo ззамзшу 

— @ 1 
we OO ms 

yoog шеу әщ 0 
ѕләмѕиү әрїпєу 



الصف السادس الابتد 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 

CAM eA‏ 

sated!) oie 

اوله على مواقع SÍ‏ ى {сток‏ 


002 = 
„Кредо anpposav, (9р. 

sAtlodaud алде mossy, 
VAedokd ennejnuuog, 

1= +2} = 

sAusdad амуероӊззү, جو‎ + Ke- + ec] [o] 

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Auodoud әлеюоввү, [2 -) + (s اذ‎ +01 fal 


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олшровсу[р] иер әлшрру[о] 

asonu лиру [a] 

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[ما-و sil‏ 


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к £12 EAIA?) 
ка جيم‎ ret 
rere rrt. 
= لم‎ 
ка озсо, е» 
p oen حبس‎ 
‚ек ср. 
а= ы 

аз сары, ع وس‎ 

Кики а-и 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى 




‘vexdoaiou eut fa] 
әлә ева 
шоу soues ewes eu vo eve oq эш [el fj 

عمد به :رو دوعس ودج عع‎ әц [q] 

الو eu] [el‏ مدص ei:‏ نيو نوعو e:‏ ميو و 


sı e20 ou [e 2 
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>B] «tal "n 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

34008 wow әш, jo ооу 


لما لما« = عم دق ع جر = 090 
u]‏ عي BEEZ = 2£ 601= 2 х‏ 
22+9 لوده 

Ml 92-190 -=,9+ 


ео хех(о «cxz)-zex «xat 


в=9+1к2-2кс=2+42-хЕ 63. 
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SELE = p9- 0026 = 
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989 وبع‎ oops 
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ose-= 04 (62) = [29+ ( 
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ssexss[s«t2]»cte 00 
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ик г xe] = 
Audos аңрапшшоз, L1 x (sz -) 9 D] 
oog -= (91) «00, = 
Avadoid engenossy, 
(oi [sex] = 
„шоб шнш. 
(o جوع ل‎ sel 

жой шэм эц jo sisazty 

„Дагба engeposey, 
Tü3* ادع‎ «Is z= 
„Јробоиі engmmunuog, 
) xte4xs* Zl 
Avedaid anopossy, 
Iz3*(3]»Iexs] = 
Hedad enjenuuuog, 
«(sxe Dl 
0097 -= (Sr -( * 004 = 
padosa ongapossy, (9y -) = (z 06) = 
„робо sapanuwog, (Sy -) » 2» os [a] 

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‘eanysod * eaqeBou [4] 

деби [q] 

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эше eu u Awe jo oouejeq өш ff) 

Jena) vas au) mojaq daap ѕәдәш 0 = 

09 - ов = euneuqns oq Jo дәр mau eu f 

sefe en jo алүезөдшә| ou (f 

Жерзап uo өлүгзөбшо) ә ff 

is ou) ui өвгөәш оці (f 
"wonyppe Japun рәвор юш 8| A 08 
APE=Z+ ld 
"uoiyppe рип равој نام‎ si x «og. 

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9-8 mg 

«(al‏ ماء -و 
reg ey--8s|9- 1e‏ 
=item het‏ 
se =1 3+ r 9 @‏ 

жой июн әр Jo замзшу 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 2 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

орос i) 

oqunu prau ou jo Jopio eu 
риа Jequinu ә jo japuo ot] jo onpoad ou; 

E а Dupaoad ви uei 

оош 9 soqunu toes : ej шаце e 

s ELI OFF Z* p: waned jeoyaunu ayy 
4+ y зшөшбәз au jo qun 9 

дошпо jq og 

V fq Bupsooud oy uoy) avow 

шюцед өф jo uonduoseg 

зебивш jo ааш (fj 
Р Aa Bupeced з uei sucus 
inu ipea шце eu Jo uonduoseg 
* p: woned jeoyeuno өш 
9^ p: sonos oup jo ocu 9 
зо деч senbo Jequinu pe3 
swayed өш jo uondyosed + D] 
BE 18 
siio вәщ aang s equinus uos 
: oped aup jo uogduaseq + [e] 

бирго) su uei) ssel sı امسوم‎ ipea 
i waed eq jo uojduaseg . [p] 
© Áq бирәсәҝі 
у vet аюш sj joqunu uoo 

zuieqed au jo uonduoseq « fo} 

э Veta өюш st sequin uae 
: wened eq jo uoduosea - [e] f 

| Pa бросок وه‎ ung | SFI ديد‎ OE qi. 
{#90 з ишпи peg | <“ BE" ZP“ 97: 09: 0. 

bes 42° 2“ б pt cial 
zee bears es ors 2° oll GD 
fo^ لماع‎ song 
9 “عد ءوو [ماعوءذة‎ iz [o] 
Bee Fea ns oD 
{МЛ usb zs- p-p] 
£-* ell oc-*sz-lal өөр رود‎ le © 

 v-:oll] s-'z-ie‏ هام 

vob) -teid 6-1-1 @ 

Ll e-t‏ حرو سيق 
o“z-Pl à‏ 

10022 =001 * gz >) - 84 + ez) ez [nl 
0E = OF * Z= (2ı - 22) zz I] 
ee - اه‎ xez -جهاء‎ 
оо = 00! * 2 e (e + 
$= قارو‎ (8-8) =ш4-ё=„ч-®@ 
لهاج ممم ودع جب عع ودوع -و‎ 
لدعا د ولام «دماء-عو‎ x z* يودع‎ 

DN‏ ×2 +| = 262 + عوزه ]وو 



меса хез жк у= 2и 

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trot - (mi) 
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8r--(£ 3*9, (2*9 
لتنا‎ у= б> 20 
sen exse~ рх 

oe ا‎ 

X008 WW ou) jo بالاااصة‎ - 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


اوله على مواقع أخرى pes‏ 

{e} = веш > 


10) ваш 


(rur аквво 

{u}= ss our s 
ir) esos 
ام مدع‎ 

puooes [2] 
@=`$°6 әш. [p] 
19 -[ ع‎ ев эш [al 

чоеө fq x 40} Duyniisqns [a] 

ui مر‎ ueureg دعص‎ Aq x 16] Gujmpsqns Ie) EB 

li) = Ss эш. ешрш 
am Aanbouw ац uy jas vopmpsqns әр 
Je wawae yose Aq x зо] Bunmpsgns fq] 
{e}= ss aunen 
uy am uogenbe ep us uogryeans 
өч Jo шәшәр pes Áq x 10; Guamnsqns [v] Ej 
2و1‎ t pt e< z} = يه وو‎ [u] 
{rt os t-}='s's mut 
detztotz-}='s's au til 
Q-'ssou ls 
{z“ v“ o} = гв әш [р] 
{e} = ss еш Б] 
{+ э} = вв өш |6] 
fioe وه‎ әш [е] 
| спец puy өм ع‎ Ayenbeu ow uras uonmgsqns. 
p jo wou uoo fq x ху tuanmsqns @ 

{e} = ‘ss uN {e-}='s's oun 
SSL @=ззәш ] 
{21 ='s's ul Ш) {8} = ‘ss ow [o] 
أمالنه وو عه‎ {z} ='sseu [o] 
{}» seul {e} = s's suL lel 
глад puy am uogenbo ay) ut yos uonmena. 
ө مر‎ ләшә цовә Aq x ку Sunraasgns (f 
рх» р-р) 


әбәр v [IJ 

sese pe [IJ 

аар: [ul 

албоо „| Ш 

әбәр sz [pl 

‘seuBop „| [а] 

оода Aenbeut ue pue ejqeueA v 
 Suljuco шә jo auo ipeo asneooq 
semendal ore [1] pue Iu] « [1° [e] * [o] 
“юе тә белье eu) pue aiqepea e 
зшешсо шец jo auo ово 

зәәпеоэд suogenbo sie [8] pue [р] Ie]: [e EB 

X008 цом 2p jo ззатвшү 

боб} e 001 * Sv = 
à 1L ere д «gr - 20 х9 GO 
م عدوم‎ (у) 
(брова олдююовту) (zx 9) x (p 4 = 
(Auedaxd алдвулшшо:) z x 9 х ( =) (H [d] 
Pra os 
PE gi. 
(әвәли әлурру) (001 =) + زمه‎ = 
(Арэвохі aga aoss v) 
[(gz +(e] + (và +90 = 
(podad әлуглшшод) 
(gg -)« (4) + vo oc (2) 
(Aguapu әлдрру) Ete 
(esienu onyppy) 0+ eZ = 
(Kuodod ондоону) 
[eye I} +62. 

fy Js ءادو‎ 6-19) -:eienosu e @ 
m اماه‎ 


gb аш 

€ Ка баросохі sy uei sea 
зу едшти цоез : wood au jo uojduoee 

E Z9 * ов: waned воџошпи UL‏ هزعم 

"Equo 1 = vou jo што eu) у 

Za Aq биресе ej eu atcur 

punu ype : waned өш jo uoRdyosoq 

+ 802 994 OL 29: шаце рошешти eu]. 
‘syuow c тосу GY 

“sken a noav 9 

1 81 dou في‎ өш U epiou jo réqunu ещ. 


008 upow aus jo омду md 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولاب 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

210 $ * وو 

deciso) مناه وه‎ s 

t>e-x: 0 



rev `@ 
Хө} = ssou т 

b4SeXf-XEv баха 

Z4 pue LZ Од aur siaqwinu easg ayp uou] 
OLX" iz olz=xe 
сен сяхет 
دوج ه813‎ + Lexexeos 

3+ pue | عذج‎ x وه‎ aroquna aayy оцет (f 

91 s1 انوعد‎ oj vay, 

X8 = Ly eg UO" 
X oq sequin ou ют (fg 

хехе) (2-0) х. 9 
SEE tex 
gax а =хв-@ 

өр im t 

ааа ланы 
{хт تمدع‎ 18] 

guess кан uy سوه‎ p 

4-sg-uüy-^ Ш 
essc рам uy qso o 

{м шокизофд)2-8-=Х6 > 

د ولمع يو 2461-=ХЕТ‏ 





لله وو - و 







[ee sse gx 
$e دة‎ 
2 1-z-xs د‎ 00 
{sr} вещ > Ы 
БЕЧ в-= 550 
1-1 - لله وه‎ g--u 
:سے‎  ф=ш-/ 
{Yass eu 
{e} gs 

{ache وه‎ ou > 
{oz} = ‘g's өш v 
Ха} = يناه وه‎ 
exgeuy п 

[ooa ири ар مز‎ sansuy иш 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولاب 


اوله على موافع С‏ 

S Y £ 2 б 
{ot erz} ess ou v 
z-85z-D4X»z-6 V 
95z«x»c- tei) 
0 be Z- 6- pe g- 


[7tv-te-z-]-ssou у 
B= 'S'S9u NDX ue 
z>s+xe: 0 
brdexe-¥ 44X6 tl 
0 be Ze دع‎ v- 
بريه ووه لدع يدع‎ 
ادق ادمع‎ 

srez о 
عله هههلنيهم‎ 

11 246 ع زو‎ бэш 

St ودوك«‎ 210] 
0 1- 

derzer“ obe sseu s 

X i‏ اداع 

0 b- z-e- r 

ss ou‏ - سرس وسو 

{eez Leo} ess ou 

0<в»хе [И 

Z- E- pe 

e) вешт‏ ندج سرغو 

L 0 b- Z- له‎ P-S- B- z- 

{7*1-©9-*9-}= es eu. 

esd #->хт 

êx  |>б+ха^ 

Z to i 

{o}='sseu > boxe 
Suid » 
Ртг? DI 
telx )»z-Xt^[l 

T f EF م‎ 1- 
{sospiz ehe sou y 

bx oxe 
معاد ومع‎ т 6>®-х@- 

لها‎ oeeo 

{et to} = веш ~ fox 

pŠ دو‎ 

هام ساح }-1>Хрт‏ 

ye zs о 
هة هلم‎ 
{eas Lto} e ss eu: 
и Sx uwa (a) 
ys 24 اح م‎ 
e S ee 

{eraso tez: e} = 5вешт 
esx“ GS 

م 9 6 пио‏ 


لاه 88 [0 16 “2 “18 

Sk vt et Zi MH OL 

{reste peer ats Бәш v 
дашт «42: 
izs-wv — J2-|zs-u i 
oe 9 4 9 9 p 
{sege д9) = езеш 

LLL 7 vy v» ву [б]‏ 

osrez o 
ووم‎ —— 

derzi peo} = g's auv 


у+}-®хт L-sy-X 

8—06 ае. 

{+865 }= вещ 
£-9exc 9zpex 

لمحا م ) 2 ع ء, 
عد oo‏ 

122 (1 0( > نيه وه‎ 
ديحو‎ L»veX [pl 

[7*0 ве} e sou > 

0 b- z- e- v- 

Asetze з 0}= يبه وو‎ ~ 

beyex ol‏ دو 
6:10 » $ 9 1 
{saggy} "soul‏ 

@-8<х gezex Id 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 


اوله على موافع С‏ 

@ erit Pte مير‎ Ginny eap) j лр 

«ладити ayp vouz‏ و 
65 عام ج لاع رو 
хз өңпор si ua‏ 
et o3 [a]‏ سوه X әй‏ 
аеро se sou.‏ 
Эх чәч‏ 
{ot t} = es ouis x uos‏ 
=X (e)‏ >-1 
s's aul :шәхиеуд‏ =}-@{ 
Ø= "S'S UL: HƏ uou‏ 






“Fajen өд oj uognos e 10u ويه‎ 7 
оре юа 

veg epus шшш د و‎ + | $ 

renbou, به رياه‎ шошо» е S| Z - 7 
zueqepeussiy--2«(2-)X€ ^ 
э-=хг + 
ةماعل م‎ 
E zexu 
{0 = ss ou 
"uoneribe ө زه‎ uopnios е 912 7 
9 - 2+ عع ارج‎ aps pue wa эш > 
"uoyenbo оц cj uogype е 04е } 7 
وعدم +3 د وغرق‎ = epis puey yoj ou] > 
"uopenbo ец cj uonryos e ou p ٠: 
دع عدو وج ع 2 عرق‎ epi puey yai эш ~ 
"uogenba aq به‎ в s jou S| 1 — > 
@+(фЭ <> دع‎ opis puey ya eu ~ 
ı-=x vw 
معدم‎ (lal 
әзәр pu (1) I] © 

< эй 
£-b] Posi] 1ع د‎ 

£eSeXy ш) 

Е 21 0 لعج عر‎ 
ee ee ee 

{heot زد نسل‎ eese т 
l4-bseexzsi- (d 
2 14 0 ع‎ 


5 зэлор a (Z) 
Treo‘ Fass 

ф+и-<Х т  u-«i-xS (lal 

[norrizessv]o вашу 

لد جوع 7 ve£sX-Xz‏ 



{rect = sse 


Фф لل‎ 


8 ? € Z 0 tte 
A oon oe جب‎ 

siz} sss 
)جود مير‎ 


H008 щом ays 0 ззайриу 

оой UW 94) مر‎ sums 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولاب 


“spun axenbs yz spun g* "spun 9 [a] ‘npn amb ود هو‎ gam ol 
Donets‘ 0e: 6:06 

هذا العمل خا 

ص بموقع 

|= av مر‎ uo ou (al 
adeus pin! эш 

жеи эрен эриш 
чордон [J] \юфеуен [ә] vopejsue: [р] 
озораш Ә] يمعي‎ fa] operues fe) 80 


‘sun exenbs zg [o] “spun g« "spun g [a] 

Doedag- Nv 


هذا العمل خا 

одын одо mee om PI pori ug 

"afua uae, 
чё u wasup а augue ops aj 
esneoeq  эдөшшќе оч sı Dev V ipl ns 
بيو م‎ ie nvi 
за= 30е зо 30 *1 
(zeg) опет Aa 2 مر‎ obeu 
аца gg osnoooq: ui&o md fa] 

ص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولاب 

2:9 0-— (0: 201° 8 

| ودع )موود‎ 2 
‘suum quer s = og [p] 0“ “(° 3¥ e (:ey-—tc: ovi a ny— vel 

жов що оцр 0 sovesuy ١ 
à [on щн ano sons ME 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى ]8# 

dor)» & =e өш wave әш 
يميهب‎ sewep ey x رقي = ع‎ snipes ou; fj 
000) * دع نان‎ өрі زياة‎ jo азе yL 
wo ob = 02 2 = 
quay roja эц x Ẹ = bua) вре eu. @ 
g9) х وترم‎ = эрлә 9 jo weve eu] 
upg z= 
бид дәшәр ou x È = ujtuo snes ou if 
d) x عد نيس عترم‎ = оло eq jo enr оци GD 
E E 
d dy = ire оо оң ю vom eu GY 
m FT 
qup Sy ШЕ” juo POS Luz 
quu 962, [p] 
quo veri» guo 000—1 Tol 
qu eror > дш col orc Te] 
ізо 6 002 [n G 
مسي‎ сооб! " pup 06100661 [4] 
{wu cg у) " дшш gozo rzi 
دورو سا‎ gu ما وروم‎ gu s'es 0] 
iu opor سن‎ уувгор lal pwo ge'ooz Ie] © 
quo 9 0L [o] 
usec [al 

qui 996 v6 [9] 
uo aes) [o] 
i عمجو‎ io 8 

dg + عم‎ gx) — (Ke x) uper] (2) Bid 
эле sı spe Uorpeper eu; pue uogoeues (1) (E) 

(в-к) y — ov 
«vm tg 
(grex) — OD 
(9*z-)s(s* £) مرج‎ odeur әш. 
„ * =) вю әбеш әш. 

ооуо уеп e o or: Buddo au 7 


(e+ ze) yo— Коду 
xy eq upd aun 01 
(03 Sl 

Gc amp 

тошке (t+ Ol 


(Шр e۰ 
me r6 

Se nm‏ وى 

‘aun quel OL = 
برج‎ (Z +£) = sewed eu [o] 

(eee g— (‘Wa 
و0 »و‎ — (v: 02 
le*9g-— (v: ne 
oy — enva 
تمسق‎ esl? вузи | 

ددم ءوس وري‎ 
0.9 6—0: 08 

ШЫ sega aco 
t= p) g-— 8 

“suun suaz = BY 

"eun uve + = 59 9 

(2*2 0*—lo: o) oial 
sium Buel = ao In (f) 

(5-8) 9*—(s-*02 
090—0: оу 

Dy— i oyl 

#003 ши аш: 40 зламәшу 

34008 шоу a 40 sams 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

юше = 
92904: - HOSEL = 05 età jo eere au] ‘: 

= ووچ دان 

900) БУЕ = opu ваши eu jo eam оце 

эро ло ә jo езе gu > 

@+ 91 = snipes juu эш Jo ufus eu + 

dio 26006 = Jer voe È 
104 96/6, өц) дец jo Base eu) = 

B®‏ مم وعد 

ple = eae all 7 

(p) X dy «ээлеш‏ = 919 صلاخ 
ма ig oe‏ 

{wou = (i) ки = өтөш > 

qux و‎ = (xv ceo o = 
wusEbns uzn: D 

xv] узшш эи | 
well esl xi 

seel] ах] гъ sr] 

szosie bd ЫШ gel} 
SSH Wl 929918] guuiczz[l 
sll 6101 rie‘ امعو‎ 
919: gal ERIGI] 
2198545) = ج9978‎ - 96: = 
Med peinojoo өш jo вале эш. 
ووو ار‎ 96 = 
ASE) x ҮГЁ = ерлә aig jo eare oyy 
SL = pt ху = эйт oq eee өш [у] 
ub vH = 002 - دعام‎ 
Med ротојро o jo eave eu]. 
go 002 = 
102) x { = events өш jo eave oyy 
201) х УГЕ = 9ЮЛО om jo wave eu fu] 
10008 = (062) * £) gy = 
Hed painoja ota yo wane uj. 
jue وو‎ = 
dX PLE = эки eq) jo eave өшү 
ехо х Ë «obw ou jo ser өш (8) 
»29122و ناز‎ vr vati - دعوو‎ 
ed peinoyoo aun yo зәл ещ. 
02) x FVE = oup өш jo pase өш. 
QU 00% = 08 X 09 = эле өц jo eaw оц у) 
2190 S) Vac = 2L 106 - وم ع1‎ = 
Med рәлоюэ eq jo sare әш. 
j ZL LOE Jer pV Ex Ê = 
anus еш eu jo eere эц 
gun 269 = ELELE Ё = 
apes cre, өц jo esse su |ә] 
qun stet. = e~ BES = 

Pie = apup eq jo eere eu o]‏ ام 

jun HO ZE = 9500 - grs = 
uod peunofoo et jo eave еш. 
ue 96007 = 
de) х عزن‎ = erro eu jo ver әш. 
ссх д} = әбиле oq jo ею әш [s] 
юу = 3202 - wi = 
ed peinofoo ец jo eave sur. 
d£) x FITS = apne ou jo eee eu 
quo Wi «9» G} =блра ou jo oor ou] [a] 
quo ov zi = SBL- 96°02 = 
‘wed рвлпосә eu jo көзе eur 
دوو ص‎ 
(AS) * УГЕ = apap powe өц jo воле өц 
صب‎ 96002 = | 
8) еу = oro ofi ou jo толе өш [e] fj 

LL- 019 = Wed ратоюо ә 30 ел ou]. 
amus уф = 
Spuonues оц jo ооло UL 

жерех Ё + 

 Spaoxuoe ou jo ue) snipes OUL 

wa ph =(0} + 01)- وم‎ = 

өрдэшәв әд jo uibus) pou оцу. 
жөо 9L ve = билш ) 

= اوو ص 

G'86 — pg = Med penojoo әд jo ease ou]. 

de f = app ajo cave оцу 
дт = £ x zi = umes ou jo wave ац EY 
jn وج‎ = 01-98) = ed рагоро өш jo tare eu. 
اهو صلا‎ = Ad) x fy = ошо ou jo сөл eu. 
дабу = vix = arende oq jo vore әш. 

дв {шг=®+ 00+ £n = 
ө хо+ sex gr deh 
зод oy! lu] 
ge 91296) = STOL + 929:96 = 

| 901х001 + (وجفار‎ х ё = eese ou, I5] 

ро És-» Kes 
rex f gen f x T = om ous И 
ميج‎ 9901 *0/ +98Е= 
01x 2+ fo) dg = vtm ous Ll 
фета = 09 + STB! = 
акаже) » fy x ў = кае ou [p] 
زوه روؤصع‎ «do 
gx px Ê +e) * fx ع‎ moa ous fot 

% + 92008 = JOA auo jo waue ou. 
مسر‎ 629060 = 
ASTI) хере = vei ю әзе sadan jo eave ou]. 
‘up رجو‎ = sz» < «беј spa ou ( 
BESTEL = a+ روز‎ = юри әй jo pare ө] 
quo vil = D» & = weep sijo sam sui (YY 
$ + EOS = 0008 euo jo eae eu 

E= W ошо өш jo seve өш (ff) 

go dz =+ 562+ £c عاو‎ 
gos وار‎ 52+ 
ано ع حي‎ 

uo wo Lx «= suero eu] 
лу = ) x dy «opio eq о веш oul 


eese eut [1] 

bua ميعسعيس‎ ax 2 = Bue snper ou @ 

3008 Up әш; jo £iomsuy 

ров UDH oi jo saoMeuy иш 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


اوله على مواقع أخرى росто‏ 

jun 012 = (62 x 2) + 09) = зл oy ou 
240 92 = $x 8 = veue eseq au [o] 
م = و صن‎ + 02-9 seq = о бие өш [a] 
040 091 8x 02 = Bove reser өш [e] f 
= << 
1995 ра 
зад эш jp opel er 
NE = rey eu. 
e 0E =z (e+ 1) = ood өц ю apod ец (I 
3 ممه = ير‎ segou 
180 زوة = ووة‎ + 022 = 
(ех |8) +022 = wave mor әш. 

0109991 = زوه‎ + 9801 = 
(EX ovz) + 9805 = ease eyo} out. 
gi? ObZ = 02 x 2} = Bane seq оцу 
HP 9901 = Д x vg = геле reee ou] 
wo وم‎ - 26x 2= 
@ «0 «tnn ono سس‎ eu ы @ 
‘89x09 ج00‎ = 
330 + 901 = soxoq Jo equo eu 
j 80! = %06 x DL = ве респ ous 
E0% EO x9 = ovo ouo pave гүл әш EEJ 
Abs pXIXLSgkzxzo 
'qno әш oup jo eave caso 
оц + өдпә веб өф jo Pe [610 SU] = 
وميد‎ ө рю во түл eut GE 
S707 31 و ع‎ хосу = биро jo оо ou]. 
U S'EL = GZT x 9 = төл! мүл өц 
00902-91 1 = 008 euo окат ous 

ДИЮ جوع‎ = (уа « Z) + OEE = Beve ло; ay, 
j0 p9 = و عاو‎ = вале eseq ou] [q] 
uo 026 = 01 0 

jD BOZ = Z X YZ + رون‎ = Bowe jojo eu] 
صني‎ PE = px 9 = Bowe эчер оц} 
jO Q9) = @ x 07 = ear» поје өш 
woes Z x (p + 0) seq ou oed a 
gun OVE = OL» ye = Bove ome әш وي‎ 

UP Ob = »اج‎ Oz = eere pesoyej aL 
"WP 02 = Oj «2 = 
(82 + 9'2) x Z = эзе eq jo مس هوعد‎ e [о] 
019 806 = 901 + 008 = 
бах 6) + 009 = вала јао әш. 
yt ون‎ = @ × g = eae oseq эш. 
019 009 = GZ х وج‎ = Bare јеле au] 

физ =9 < 9x9 = awon ou 7 
лш و‎ =\дбоә opo өц > 

9x 8 = эбрә x apa ~ 

qui ®% = эое) эшо jo ваше eu - 
quem = v» 96 = eere раа эщ 

e08; oup сол әш | _‏ دج روح و د عو سر 

мю? «v» và = Бале pope зи Lo] 
"uo g= bue epo өш >> 
9X в = 06pe x өбрә . [а] 
qu^ عون + و = وو‎ = ee ouo jo ге оц [е] f 
jlo دعوو‎ ICD 
qun 961 = Рх برع‎ = воле reste UL 
ubere 251900 jo eave su). 
"uo Le p + gp = бон spe ош GB 
quo جو‎ = 9» gc = cove [eor әш [9] 
UD pph = y% 96 = vare елде ميات‎ 
j عو‎ =9 x 9 = ee) auo jo төл oa [a] 
"unge у + pz ufuer eBpe ous [el (Û 
quio 0001 = O1 х OL» OF = өшлюл ou [>] 
دج‎ 008 = 9 x 00у = өле joi oup [9] 
quo 00h = у> 001 = weve eseye, ou [o] 
рю 00V = 01 X زو‎ = e ouo о wale өц! 
чоо = г\ + رجن‎ = Чоо ope аш (A) 
quo FOZ = 9 6p = ete rept ou [а] 
gin زهو‎ = x бр = weve زعرصم‎ ou [v] 
دلق‎ Gr = £ x Le 9984 suc jo eere eu. 
"uo بج ع‎ + їй = uus әбрә ou @ 

2029001 шон ie) әҹот Ы) 
ї= Ê 390 _ SPO _ 

610-2 = oe = eae ae our © 
UP هوم‎ = 9% p9 = тэт o өш 
090 992 = j x 49 = гале [uote] eu] 

WO وج‎ = у> - وده‎ el مر‎ юшде эщ [a] 

32 وم‎ = ха = som ouo р vore әш fj 

uo 6و‎ = 9x 9} = Bae ies еш [o] 
iub وز‎ = vx SL = Бэ шюр] әш 
guo رو‎ =p ў = 08] 9v0 jo eeu өч fa] 
изу = وو مرج‎ = yiwa دمقه‎ өш [s] EY 

ди => x g = еме юлды әш. 
جع + و = و ناخ‎ = 608) euo jo ear eu fj 

lS ps يدوت‎ 6 = еме io әш 

Bewe (ej ош‏ = ج جو gei = Dx‏ صا 

gun جهو‎ ssi = 208) ouo 0 care cu 7 

дю BE = § y9 = кәл erc UL 
uo »دم = جوع‎ vo = воле ею UL 
юз = в ха «oo ouo jo eave eu (f 
مسج‎ 912 = 9x DE = кэе екл out. 
gla yy) = px Өс = eee роја SUL 
وو ميج‎ = 9% 9» 998) ono vere ош (E 
йа = 8 х pph = wove poi 041 
дї = yx vi د‎ e | ош. 
qu P =Z} * Zh = 608) auo jo esie ou] [o] 
gp yat = 9» yo = eae до UL 

E 900 = зеш yo UL 
quo 006 = t x 922 = wave [oie OUL 
quo Set = 91 x 91 = ao) auo jo еме әш Tel I 

х) - fO LL = esie роторо әш 
مس‎ 96212 
HE) уу = эрле yews oq jo etit ou]. 
49)» وترم‎ = эрир ебе әш jo eere өш (9 

Чу رونو‎ = Ней pepeus оц jo вол еш. 
quo е = хэ = af uza! oy o вше аш. 
gio tat = (وار‎ x уг = эрэр sio sere ou (fg 
12) х & =чәрлб ош jo vorm әш > 

g0 = + 96 008 a0 р عند‎ ouu © 
quo yar = эх جم‎ = зәл гул ош f | 

w = z + zb = uibus] enpe аш * [а] 

m— -ps p= ee 1 

3008 шэн аш yo saamsuy 

pog ири гр, jo огнот Ww 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا a‏ 


اوله على مواقع أخرى расо‏ 

diuo 09 = Zx ŞEL + оар = vere epo ац 
800087 = 0} X фу = Bare елдщ эш. 

“wo gp = (6 +91) Z= ostq ә jo жш eu 
guo Sê} = GL x 6 = esum ose eu 

wo gh = gos = ردقي‎ + 

SZ0* S70 = эң ouo о eem әш. 
i 909 = 00 + saz = ease [eon ац 
du 00v = 01 ^ бу =o sui jo vary 
ا‎ 02 = 
SOZ *(O + Op) دج‎ по resi ош Ie © 

“wo 6 = garg = pM‘ os 
wo: 8 te 
0: s5 8 
une : busy : фри 
чю уа = OL — bE = рїн + إسقريا‎ og 

"шз = ‘up Lube ә 

uve «у, = бю + шр + ve! f 

кдхај= va 
"шо 9 pue Шоу 

t pua 
ouo zt wo om сиоршөшр eq eunssy (f 
39 002 م‎ = 
007 9 009 6 = ware aded purewai өц. 
aUo 00V 9 = 06 « 08 x و‎ = eure |до өц 
qun 009 6 = 
08% OZ} = рисдрдеә ay jo sore ous (E 
"spunod osz عن‎ = 
$20 € + SZZ 22 = 1809 pmo) ou. 
“spunod $20 £ = 
S09 9 = Bujonoo jo eoud eu] 
'epunod 922 /z = 
909 x Sb = шево yo soud su, [a] 
ооа eae = 
97 + 0896 = 5ахо jo Joquinu ou 
“sonora 6 = 
52900 + ووو‎ = son مر‎ sequinu eu]. 

WO 91 Д 90 + وهل‎ = зен sequin au] 
د ومس‎ 
ох وج‎ = әк soo vo au] 
d 289 = 005 + 292 = هندع‎ [oy eu] 
d 00у = 01 * GZ = oo oup jo Bory 
98% روا‎ + SZ) n دع‎ вше erae ننه‎ 
5900 + S99 = Som jo سوه‎ ош. 
2д#50900= »مجو‎ 5202 
өң auo jo eave eu, 
01999 د‎ 006 + 99) = more тул ou, 
iu 008 = رج‎ X جو‎ = 1004 94) jo сөлү 
SZE «GL gz) «po eoe emm ou (EY 
TOLL 31 OF x HLL = бше р CO I. 

2 2842 = (2X 90 + BBL) = ها‎ = 
woos ei jo Hed роит әд مر‎ eere roi эш. 
dU 90 = 9'0 x | = wopUm euo jo ease au. 
00861 = CZ * 60 юор ә jo Base Su]. 

gu جو = هز‎ + 06 = Bao лор Op 

Qu وه جو‎ x g = Bujeo ou jo ve 

quos -gzx px g = eom eee) eu (Og 
20009 3-1 = »ده‎ буу = бийдей jo 100 eq] 
оо! eu) jo wed pared ор jo varo jeg oq 
dU иго = 1 L9 = Mopu buo jo eere edt. 
iugi = 2> 6'0 = юорещ о wave eu, 

x y p = еше eme) oui GD‏ £ = جه سو 
"YES ЯЛ = 8x 3:69 = биле jo eoo эш‏ 

«91s = eure jeg ay‏ 02 = له سن 
Oz = $ p = бий әш psa‏ سي 

| jugs = z2 (p + S) x z «тше ею ән 

шор = (Z +g] x Z - اه وعده‎ рио! GD) 

oz و‎ - DL جز‎ = But jo оо эш. 
quie 2x9 + 91 = eee таеш 
و نار‎ = zx دع‎ eee ese U 

gust = Ê bx op eom une өш. 

FEL ЗЛ = Ob * ŞEL = 9000 оош. 
QUSEL= vts 6Y = eave Imo UL 
j جين‎ =9 x = таю әзе UL 
ко» (9'1 + 5'1) = z = sore rue эн 9 
105 3 1= 9| * r£ = 20001200 941. 
qui FES = O} + Кё = eae удо] OUL 
إن بج‎ = giz x y = бйно jo гою эц 
g1 X(T?) х2 = rove ممع‎ ou ED 
ЖЕЎ 372 »اج‎ S96 = 920 зоо eut 
jl SOE = 9€ > و‎ + E = эзше ү эш 
ELE 9x 2= vow woe ou | 
эз! «a XE = бишей jo 1800 OUL 
qug -0L +81 «ene таеш. 
إن لال‎ = Fx Sz = cow eseq uL 
gam = p% (re gE) x = eee el ou (B 
O89 = 00У + ج09‎ = ээл moi eut. 
j 00? = OL x оу = Reve seq eu [a] 
диб = SZ x 00 = көзе ree өш. 
"woo = (01+ OF *Z= 
7 (a) 161 
(ul (fel 

эзе et о js ead au fe) ١ 

дош] дой 

quo ون = جوج‎ x + о = ше ie өш. 
Quo و0‎ = 21 x 9 = веш 9680 ou]. 

ex (EL +x z= tore eene aul‏ زوج صل 
"uo g = 255 = родго eq jo fren эц. 3‏ 

juo YEE = 990 Z + 969 b= 
(VZO 1 x Z) + 989 1 = Реле 1640) OUL 
qun эш | = ze X Ze = Рал aeq өш. 
дю p= Z1 X gt) = wave esane әш. 
таз = zex $ = Орч эц 
un gz} = p» ze = эке eu юеш oun 9 

14 * جو‎ = ploqno әщ jo Dave [eee] PUL 
wo چو‎ © 
(є + 8) x دج‎ өвва родго өш jo sejowlied оці 
ue oor = 
رون عدي‎ = вало eu jo ease |20421 OY) 
‘01 хо = eqno әш ә soey өшо jo eere aus. (f 

Quo ون‎ = 6x2 = езе озш эш. 
w=- &- 
uua әй - улпа = PM эш. 
quo oze = 0p x ze = eave prov; ous 63 

3008 цәй әй jo siausuy 

оов шоу эц; 40 взатсму иш 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا à‏ 


اوله على موا 

قع أخرى Ts]‏ 

مونو‎ - 04 = ved papeys aq jo ware au]. 
Aged & = ала э مر‎ eave әш. 
2 x DL = өбиерләл eq jo вола әш [9] 

quo دوعو × $ = إجو‎ әшпол әш (c) 
диз OS} = عدو عاو‎ 8 = vore тү әш, (z) 
240001 = px و عدو‎ «ваш prp әш (1) 
wo 9 = zi +09 = бие әрә ө [е]@ 
“sun qiva بو‎ = 2% )6 +2) = 
QOBY aume: eu; jo sewed au. 

"Sun uate = 28+ 
suun õue) z = gy (z) 

жов ору ац jo sasusuy 

jn 2ê = x 0> $4 э! = CO pa UL 
يور صن‎ = × ege son mem ouu |! 3 

qun جوع هوم‎ = 
eqno үгшбро aup jo eave о әш, = eqno 
өш 30 wed рөшешез eu jo eere вул eu. (EY 

OL XZ + G9 = воле о) әш.‏ »اج = مون ماج 

jun ع وز‎ 9+ vee = 
eqno su مر‎ eot эшо jo wave au f) 

goge x(Le lx 

wng : fue? 
шоу = 02> £ «sumo оцю 4 

(в: а=: 28 
(piDy-—( ovi 

uo وزو‎ = ei) x ф = eame ous ~ 

vei lP] 

{UP مون‎ = 0} * 9 * g = enon sit 

guo عرق‎ = * 09 + 957 = эше pci OUL 
از‎ 09 =9 хо = 8 9ш 

jus pgz = ¢ x وج‎ = ware шер әш. 

шоу زوع‎ +) +91 = 
(бузц + ирт + Bue г г 


= ypa + иби, 

eos шон = soc. Й 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 

"هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا يسمح بتد اوله على مواقع أخرى ]1525 

seele) њо: 00181 
sv el «co pl 
2081 191 o0 1B) 

giesno Aq од [a] 

asid vole 

"no pouse er updo eu 

маци поо ра вәшодио әзәш jo OA 

eds adus [q] 

ameu 5 1529] әд, vods بع‎ вош эш. 


аи: FE = 

uode jo ofun puo ө yo enseou au, 


ошер jo oue рдо эло suneou ou] 

Jy e oc x ¥ = 

Smau jo обо [адио aq jo MINEOLA eu]. 

46-096 x ¥ = 

gurino jo аула puso әй о огош eu] 

406 = 09€ х 9 = Guruıeyaue 

jo eiue едиво өц jo einstou ou. 
‘anol 98 = 

I+ L+ $+ $ +6 = sinou jo wns ou gj 

eros о efus [Mao مر بيه‎ anseou au 
= єх = 
usua jo еби enues өш jo aunseow ou, 
9 » озек Be 
soups jo абзе оци ө о sinseeu SuL 
ШЕ perm 
sous jo ous peguen э jo алгаш ou 

з= лг» = 

эделу مر‎ ojbue reijues ош до олтезош 341 

001 37 80e OL= 

‘Anes puooes eu jo Keres ќош eut. 
OBO 2371 - Z1. 06 = 894 әш u cones әш. 
06 7371 = 006 %0 = juo بن‎ pores eu. 


(406 + %02 + £09) = 600) = مومه‎ ош @ 

O8 TT = 0021 х %0} = Gunes ay, fa] 

HO) = (ML + 
% 09 + % 2) % OOF = вол әш C0] 029 

носа щом 24 Jo зоташ 
= س‎ 

] بمب وم‎ ә уо =v — | 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

ee | هه‎ alg 
RIR 28 8 

зе 20 
эе qs Eqs әвпелед _ 
зои rs ө Gursootp s seq ou, °° 
Behe B = vanes 
8end puooos ә leu) امهو ع وزيم‎ ou 
алоо فرعيو‎ vx eu io بموعوبرية‎ ou]: 
парте oce lal 6 


0z ( lal 


OL =X = sui jo joquinu. 

X = Sho jo soquiny 



20 e 
-g-a $.9 


0= "bx 06 am 
مر‎ Ape} e jo eouenue jo yyqeqoid eu, [o] 

Ê = $ =-B ои veg оош Bram 

$ = 92 = ои ueg sol jam 
مر‎ Ape] jo ocuenuo jo Amago әш [в] 9, 
== alal 
En = Wag 
Ё = ppo я aoe sadn au uo 
Jequinu jusvedde oy) yeu انمو دجوي‎ ец [ә] 
$ = ياج‎ eoey sadin әд vo маши 
wovedde әш xeu Awasqoud оцу [a] 
estu {erz hsm 
Fag mun: 
Lene ue бицей مر‎ Ayaqeqod әщ [ч] 

= Ê аши 

awyd ppo ue бидәб مر‎ Amaeqoud eu; [e] 

6د [re ic ezeiz ei ai)‏ سه عو 

гроаб, об juspnys stu zeuy де он әш. 
‘SWOPMIS 99 = B+ اج + |9 + اج‎ + 
арте де jo зәдшпи әш 

$ روه‎ Bp om om 

Jo jonpoud eui æu Aurqeqoad ou; [p] 
$ =p 

oni ә مر‎ uns eu req Ayqeqaud эи [o] 

ppo задр suun өш ien Арек! $41 [dl 
ppo si Hp sues әш reu Аишдедол au [e] 

dcs ezt »وو‎ eos ez! eei ze ze zz} - © 

scd 9181 
0211 œm 

2 2 - 001 

#{-{-@аш $- 1 

ve (s)u* [99*59 





09 — 001. = uswom jo sequinu ou] < 
ai + 
“oul 09 = scs = бәш jo sequin әш. 
$. + 
يي‎ „ залови , 

DO u el. 

еа 09 = gq s = мед опа مر‎ жашла eu 

ga теит qun all _ 

эте enr оладат ац 
пед aniq e Buweup jo Ápiqeqord eu; >> 
X = 1q pei а Suwesp jo Аалдедол әш > 8 

i-9-gam $= 
{ors ل‎ ge nee: 
ع‎ «Wall 

all‏ © دع 
ocv‏ 29{ “نزو »ل 

75199 02=4+5+8 
7982901 +قع‎ 6+ 7 
9 ice 
$-Fm 5-9 
“sieq 02 = ZL + 9 = Sea we jo qun ец, 
= (aa لها‎ 


35 ET] 

dessen ezi)- s 

1008 цон эд jo sionsuy 

X008 щом 343 jo sams b | 

f‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 


وله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 

e 3 
| 3 
ѕләмѕиү opinc) J 
SA 1 
залиш sı ) Ey i 
si) $e) o E Wey 3 
«ûf = „дә x Ê = sons = 
Е торов jo әбив алго әш о глпәвәш ou. EM 
áo of £o i-fog d 
(oor سس‎ aun зо sioner МИ 

о JOC и оз, د«‎ + Асо dex 


^1 grep) = S'S OUL > 
тахт ваха c+saxz ia 

S104 دجامو‎ + 9¢ eei | A 

ба * evz [0] olpl 
puccos [e] · | 

{r-}= езеш 
{a-pa وها‎ eu + 
M-2X6£"  جدورس لماع«‎ 
{i=} ونوا‎ eu 
ex g-c-=x ما‎ 
62 5вәш т b-ag“ 
у-ахут Brel 
(9) «ss эш > gex 
бехет —— veuexelol 
{s} ='s's uL © Sax 
Si-X€" адеб 
{s} = вш © Gex 
Q-xz7 — beeexz ig 



әбәр ot) saap pt (e) 
sabap ре 00 вевәр yl (H 19] 
SU -6*S2-,£*,5-, .£*, sie) 
ий 2 
Ber‘ ро ‹ 26 [0] 2191 veli 
{e+ z} fal 19 
(оси {9g p+ es z} tot 
С Erol tog 
lol {r}! ош 


se) тїр] оч 2018 




co: cv: اع‎ © 
CREIO] + ot ipl 
seid een 


«29 pue 
X ==) ze-= · 1 
2 < ЕСІ] 

„а= 822-4) 
rege لماج‎ ssi 



= etl iss st 

ol) sip] leb] в-їй эе 


)06 + )06( عبج نر عبج 

зазцэнгом JO sams 

= 001 + 001 = ج00 
= )9+ وها « )90 + 9( 
© روبك ب+عوعور 


1x £82500 * CL = —001) x g4 I0] 

Lx tg 00} * 8 = +008) va [el 03 | 

б=ЕхЕ- (6 +2-)є(0 141 
00012 - = 
{az~) «0001 = (ex (6) x (szi xs) 
беу} = şt x 00 = mx (z= os) 1) 103 @ 
s-o вш вш 2-0 
orf] нш 1-01 
[a] бәм samsod e [e! GB 


L =t Lı: ерю әш [e]‏ ع عنم بر 
g^ 0* c — sion әш [e] f‏ عمسمو 
0012 +0 ع o01‏ 
(его) + (ev + 99) =‏ + عوو) 
= وو + جو э + (ost)‏ 
Saz + gy + (090-) « co fal‏ 
درو + رومهة 
sr +вё+5-14@‏ 

вели expe [p] 

Anuepi ennippe [9] 

әһдејпшшоо [д]‏ ميدق ميم 
Kuedo;d anjaposse [е] 0‏ 

obl sip 9-9 هادة‎ 5-1 @ 


SRE IRS Ol سوج‎ v8] ol 
seez uso} fo) 

e EL о1-0-6- + 
oll gil sebl ой 
2619 ог ebl йс 
эн >ы эш 29 

иы її 2-b сй omg 

si s-ip] 2-1) sta 5-14 4 

© iun uo siesusiow 

{ sisoussion jo sisnsuy. ١ | 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EEE‏ 

шони = de x) = авец 
^uo £=2 + уу = фбїюң snipes oy (2) 
wows бн 
оро oq jo ooussepusraso әш (4) [el f 
UO 92:66 = 9 + PLE = юрәв ouo jo eave ou 
)x pve = eae ou E 
ЖУ = эше ош fp] 

(9) » Pye = әле әц [о] 
qui 42°09 = ДУ) х v £ = vore әш fal 
quo د 81و‎ (9) vic» vore әш [е]@ 



Aq O8 Y ю obeus еш э gy V“ os. 
G- D -»-*t«z39 


(2584 Ds I) vo teu out [o] 
sun 9 = |9-|= [Z-t -|= ові 
"sine |е | |1 -z-|- gv le] 

Aq DGV V jo обош eq si Оруу, os 

(t *£-* p-o) osie- (و‎ ojo абеш өш 

(b+ bs زر “)بقع ترح‎ gjo өбеш ous 

( «e p-s) уз! (e © spy إسعقه مر‎ oy) 

ıı = Anon jo sexe jo aur эщ [s] 
‘3600800 زه‎ SHO V [d] 
an; jeij} + زع‎ 72-6] - o Pel 

siun eenbe zi = px = oam eu]. 

2% L= ZX (e+ у) = Jevoun0d ouy lal 
чиш з دع‎ [z+ 

жипте «9x yx C esum ou [1 

"eun osano g = 
دع بدو‎ Ẹ «ogvvio esie eui [о] 
 peifiue-u&u pue 
г euejeos s1 ogv Y 18] 

191 )- 91 + 91( +62 = 0 + 6€ = هم 
E‏ اها (ө! =) (ссх v)‏ = 001 

D‏ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 

‘p= Кдашиќа jo saxe jo oqunu ou [o] 
"Sun arenbs gz = g x ç = eoim باه‎ 

"spon og = p x وميد دو‎ өц [o] 

auenbs =) әйецв eu] [е] 


| pez-o مه مد زوج‎ on 

اجهمه هاه‎ 

{оч ع[‎ 
esx T95 
[797v وهاه لدع‎ oul 
ss веха 
sext sext 
ا ا‎ esse 
fsx SKE 

ic3-z|- xd 

i-misxes espere il 

jo suamsuv‏ جزل توبات هرد 

اوله على مواقع أخرى Toss]‏ 

эздацәро 50 HOMEY T 

(r*Qg-—tz« na 
09.0) و سسنج‎ 
(9*9 g-—t« Ha 
(p+ 9) у«— (2: ИУ 
1H1* HHL * L1H* HLH‘ LHH“ HHH} = s 8, 

+04 = 096 x BÊ = цебиз 
Jo iuu enueo et jo eimseau eut. 
409 « 000+ S „елер 
зо afue [enueo ө jo einseaui eut. 

406-095x 8 = 
مر‎ еби enues eu уо ensseu еш i 

x 01 = sopas билет.‏ 096 = وز 
эбе eaueo ei jo emnseeui ed] «‏ مر 
x 02 = юрөз eo‏ 096 = 21 
Jo абое үедоәэ 9uj jo einseaur ay) +‏ 
«HI = 096 x 201 = opos роду‏ 
(jue enue ө jo eimseeu eq «‏ مر 
x @ = юрез ues‏ 09¢. = 48 

«06 = «098 0 = оров avons 
مر‎ оис үедїө oup jo exnseou өц. 
«ZL = ле x FF = rojos usua 
مر‎ әјбие [едизо ayy jo a neeau эц. 
«06 = .096 x SOF юров шен 
Jo sibus jenuoo oq o aunsoou au] + 
804 = .озЕ x ® = ороз one 
go абие fenua әң jo amseou eu] « [a] 
sz lel © ] 
mdndo = gae 
og x 20k e end орохо ю ижи ou [a] 

496 = .096 x 90. = орз qua 
Jo 9bue jequao әш jo cunseow ou] + 
406 = р x Bt soos ssed 
مر‎ aue елиш e Jo әлетөш әд]. 
sZt = „008 x FF = oops ممم‎ 
مر‎ биз jenuoo ә jo елтоғәш eu] . 
+ 096 х у = юрәз مو عدر‎ 
مر‎ әбоо оло oq Jo onsoow oq] . [v] fj 


"wo 2 = OF + Ori = Nbre ou]. 
uo 02 = 
CX (y + 9) = өзе eu jo seewyed өш [a] 
quo OL =Z + 02 = өзе eu jo Bove oul 
دعو مين‎ 
روج برج‎ = saseq omy oq jo ease әш [e] © 
quo زوز‎ =) x {= eere eu [а] 
»جو‎ Z+ 091 = vore рү ош. 
و »ود جو صم‎ -eseqou уоевзе эш (c) 
"ung = у +02 = apis eseq jo бшщ au (z) 

guo 09i = 0x 02 = ease esr әш (011 @ 

Quo رون‎ = 8x جو‎ = еме امه(‎ UL 
guo SZ = y + 00} = 09) ouo jo wave ou [a] 
Quo رهن‎ = 9 og = core eiae ou) [o] f 

Jo сзаношу‏ رهد اعبات قرع 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

suoneuluiex3 еш јо 

«801 осн = 
шау „p jo бос ели вд алзезш eu 

06 = 008» Ot = 
"wm, gê Jo fos айл at jo ammi OU 

xj ار‎ jo fiue 1060 84 jo ansaa au] [a] 
ую جو 9% = زوم‎ = vore ею eut. 
302001 = rx Sz = vove jese eu]. 
quo و × و = جو‎ = оор ouo jo vos өш 
uag ду -uifiva әбрә әц [e] E 
«Sp = 00» $ = юров одо 
apuu دمناريمر‎ jo einseow eu] (z) 
$ + $91 = 0008 evo jo wase eu. 
ans sax = 
apap 244 jo эол әш (1) [a] 
وج صن‎ =Z% وج برع‎ Ope эзе امه‎ өш 

Do] ED‏ ريه رعسم yx (Z+ c) = vox‏ جن صب 

Z} = seque pai jo одит eq > 

= aie 
aa FT" ё 

sere kejo cum su 
Sepmaperp шташ = ed ou @ 

oci £5 £m 29 

{ هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 2 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

dun y9 = qp x у = tare gero ош. 
موصي‎ = ү} * э = тәге илет әш (ol ED 

(rewil frs) э of HG 
Ho wo we wu 

2m uo 20 208 
i oct) cul 

571136015 spaau 1013905 au; 
Jo] uoljipulU/DXe 13262 

Suoneujuex үш jo siàmsuv. 

ولعي و رع 
(ses g-—ie* 9g‏ 
(4-ez) y (e+ avt‏ 

sun مقن‎ + 08001 |, 

= - 06و - el‏ صمو 
‘ved pepeys ou jo eose әш.‏ 
Base әш.‏ مر x = apro‏ (ع 6 BID SEE‏ 
бтр jo ease au] [a]‏ = و »ع = 01208 
cay Boxe‏ 
-sxs шут‏ 
$-s-xz- Sage‏ 
Tr ras‏ 






هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

ie- 9) (2) 

99+ - sox 
natus pano ао epo 

abbl = х x FO = ues 
Jo бие eauso ад jo unio out 

$8 = عون,‎ * DD = meag 
مر‎ fue лого әд o ай саш au] 
ZL = .096 « Bt = ounou Buysom 
سيدا ساديدا‎ ЫШ 

(вск es^ Se er} «s (2) 
quo 906 = 

4* э! + هرو‎ = 69/0 RO L 

quo VU «61 * Sp = се шн эш. 

Suoneupuex3 [eur J0 sraMsuy 

o bue enuo ay) jo ainseow PL 
«08 = .036 * f = poof 

jo fue jeauso oi jo emnseow ou] 
+84 - 6و0,‎ x $F = рооб Lon 

ojus jene eq jo uinseau ot].‏ مر 

9*9* وج‎ Ope = vam imo эщ, 
P OF = OF = pz = еше joe өчү 
عدو‎ 9 = әзе өш jo seemed adl {Z ) 

St) ots 

2l ale) Diz) امه‎ 
(ع) بهم‎ 

из) EI 

9 geen (2) fa 
Mab ate) als) 

B0) sie) 202) s- 

зиоцешшехә (грош jo ззәмзшү 

suoneujwery |еш4 jo siamsuy 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولاب 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

vi X 2x 2 = обид oy jo ease аці 
اوو صاز‎ = 
gl) * fg = ouo aw jo wove ощ (0) 

Qz'S8911:H23X UUM 
(s-)» vsu izax umm 

ms ose x OE uono 
Jo aue jenueo au) jo алзвэш au 
abs = дз x 901. ورور‎ 
عام ا‎ mone) i amo wl 
«801 = 098 x 30 = өшчоеш Buysen 
Jp sue jenueo ou jo anseouw su, [a] 

$09 uon (o 
“wo 0 00) viz) 

eo ols) 

Ир экш 

ote) £-i8) (.— 
ade) 20) 

suonpuiupx3 ,sjootas Jo siamsuy 

suojeunaex jeu 10 SIMU 


abet = 096 x 004. snndwos 
7.096 х 00 = osnuw 
Pope pe oq ннн 
و1‎ = „ор x Gt = бире, 
مز‎ fue rers» әп jo боғе ou, 
«9C -.озс « OL = suods 

efu fenus» oq ja arisen әш (v)‏ هر 


paa (2) $19) nis) 

sis) tz) oeny 

suoneutux3 [eut jo 523 suy. 

هذا العمل خا 

ص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

оос 20 =‏ = اج 
ague uso p ainseow ми. Len‏ در )1309 


36 є-() 
2i nee) _ waz) 


abusa a] 

e‏ 3 1 “ديعم دقام 
(E)‏ ريه is epo‏ 
Lu el тов ea om md‏ 

Aper lou si req ou ie Ашшдедол ац [p]. 
Lau Marne 

ота є هه وهر‎ лац, Киндэ ou [o] 

iun sr eq ou ye ночо ош fe] (0 (f) 

(9i-)g-— leva 
ГДЕ i vt 
وو صان‎ = fee)» يك‎ = ee эш 0 
se (2) 

р” Шш 8-*в1—:знере ou (ы 

-@ qun opp шо oze (D 
tot bez} (9) 

эз (e) e VB 

э(е) seda) 
оос) (0* 0) (8) 
Lis} 90 

ru d 
مر‎ (610 eusa оч jo rao ea 
ъс ео x BE = reoos 
р ue peuso э jo өлеш өш. 
azos = „000 « 00 = spots 
р ave eausa ә Jo aseo эч 
81 =.оз mid 

jo бие eave) эч مر‎ ense эч (3) 

Suoneunzex3 еш 10 SJamsuv 

ost (9) (ot 
(251010) (e) zug 


Jo бое enuan әл jo ainseaw ou 
«06 = .09¢ » = jeaKogon 
JP обие jequed oy инеш өш. 

Р aue euro oy jo einceous ouy (5) 

0 зшопешшехэ јешз Jo 54ә®$иу 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا ي 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

(Gal مصخ‎ БОО 

g ы 
B sim 
يهم‎ 100 s ед аф e لنموع وبري‎ әц [n] 

т = 

юв 5] وهر‎ әш leu Ampgeqaid out [e] 
“SHE д = 
Ч + 9) - 92 = siea eq jo jequn өш (s) 
{Jess ow » 

(у)‏ مقعم 
jI YZ = 9 X 1x 2 = еше eon eu‏ 
iio OBL = v x Lx 1 = Вале (een ou]‏ 
p + 92 = Bua, epo oq] (c)‏ دع "un‏ 
әлбүө oet ou]‏ درن + 082 LSE‏ مسج 

ајалојшаѕ әш jo Base out (2) 
se =6 x> Ex 220 © 

pun مزجي‎ ejGue |елизо jo ainseaw әш. 
„921 د‎ .098* Fer = 

punt „д jû абе jeziuso jo eunseaut 241 

409562 = 6 х 91 + 002 = cove ero; رياه‎ 
200 052 =S x و0‎ = eave relate) ayy, 

ZX (6 + 91) = seq eu jo жиашиәб эш (9) 

(e*9o-—(s 2 
(eg ولمعت‎ 
(° ya 2 vla) 
{tze et h= ss oug 
rsx = 
sxe nexo 
1*85X£ 7. ssi-xe- ug 

o-is) о» on (9 
zip oie) 
puooas {e} (2*2) (2) 

abl = 098 * = 

Рия) 10 әбие еләео jo ainseaw eu. (81 

шејрда p абое enuo jo anseo эш. 

suoneupuex3 jeug jo siowsuy 

шеро p sue яшә jo amseaui au] 
Е 06 = 096 «2 = 

ur ave jemueo елогошащ (0) 

دار‎ 919 = (rt) x бе eave эш. 

Sl) сг 

аа) cun 
2ч _ eig 
ami) aie) 
ودع‎ e 


bs 3 
Ht Jo ou» مصاوع‎ jo ainsesw Эш. 


w= оох She 
Jenos jo бше ели? jo өлїзвөш eu 
уаз = ose x Bhs 
sods jo өбое enuso jo aanseaui eu). 
زو‎ = 09e x She 
euro jo sue ieaueo jo eanseow ou (s) 
06t = 081 + 0= 06! + [0112 « 91] = 
ов «(911 «911 = (1 لح‎ + 06) +81100) 
uP Sus =ззе-э5= 
ved popeus әш jo eue eu, 
dst) y тою 

в-{=хг@+ =x 
юа: = L> × ضيه‎ D 
c Aen 


wwe wa so 
. и «ton 
oz-(e) «ez (8) #0 
2249) use(s) t 

ad 1-6 nto 

ıo еби [aun jo eunseeui аці. 

TT ÉL suopeupuexg peut Jo ssamsuy 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


اوله على مواقع أخرى EE‏ 

Mods jo бие jenuo jo пасош ou 

„06 = 09 «Bt = 

энш jo обие jenueo jo апчето eu (s2) 

1 2 дове euo joven ац 

247 @ = ооло ou jo eose ө (2) 

vsi teu) ost Ш) 
puoous (sy) Ov (r1) 

LEN мш st 

BON jo бов anuos о eunsesu ou 
06 = 090 « St = 

sad مايه‎ anit parsons, 
ле] = .09¢ x 2 = 

буза jo Bue enua jo esnseow ou (8) 
وان‎ 09, =p Qe "өле зәл LL 
“wo op = 
xO} = وموم‎ eu jo snowed ous (p) 
19 s WEE rz 5 م‎ te 

.5 :مهمه 

(7*1*9*s) sss 
saxy росах  ez-x^(0 

AB, M 


(co‏ سج ونه 
(-nge—tc: а‏ 
ü-av-—( avid‏ 
“suun uiuo, + = o8 [el (2)‏ 
Etri- 6n v0‏ ~ 
s sl‏ 


сөс (9) сәг (6) 
puvoes (c) >t 


suoneujurex3 тешэ jo slaMsuy 

ѕцопецшехэ وإناع|‎ J0 ззамзшу 

| هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 

بتداوله على مواقع أخرى E‏ 

Z * (p+ 9) = oseqou jo зјәшџәд eu (7) 
doen = pc fy sento т 

رص‎ as раис 

Dia a-on 
pun 6) = giz (a? 
<t) жч) 
4-0 к 
vit (e) 

oz (8) 

x 90 = eon‏ 098 = عور 
Jo обо jenoo2 jo ainsa эц‏ 
x 00 = sed‏ 096 = 08 
бив jenuao jo ainseow өш‏ مر 
лә: = nec ^ ML = ood‏ 
ou]‏ نمع [enum jo ans‏ همقر مر 
gc SE iuo‏ وز 

Jo бик едиго jo avos out (s) 
عزاو دسي‎ = 0-01 > 
uad papous әш o east ou] 

jue sees 

x @ apap эд р вож ещ 

эї5иерәз ац jo gare eu] (y)‏ = بو برع 
бәш‏ = زج نو نومع 
Факт sexe‏ 
cesexes razed‏ 
enr Pio.‏ دجوو مج عو برو 

5пегшшеяз решу јо s1amsUy 

ones or vz езе not‏ صا 
wo y=‏ 
у х9 = әсе eui Jo javeuued ou; (г)‏ 


v ge-g-X 

901 (p) 

шо02 = 2х (7+9) = 
өзед әш jo гајәшәд өц (z] 

On‏ جع عم و 
ليهو مل 

vsx" fsx: sxe 
seusxes 259-xc OD 
[PI] 09€ (s) 
И zi 

эш) ü-:s360 
o) Рм!) 
si) oazis) 

4% = .09¢ x = uum] pru 
Jo efu دنر‎ jo arrstou ey, 
эйс B. uie pueros 
Paue рдо jo aisea ou 

лиз jo insta au, (s)‏ 9600 مر 
beg < e‏ 
pai stieg әд jet Amngeooud ou]‏ 20 

а IMG өлеш Anqeco.d eu] 
p = 0н 8 е9 әд мд Дуудецол! ey 
Ê pasi yeq oaie Янаесо.л! ou t) 


ЕС ce AN 
249091 = à x Qr = ewe jesse) out 

axem c ы шы 

«un osez (и) 
jew) ozta) 

= ос бу 
مر‎ sifue janvoo Јо anew эці (sz) 

д1 «у Gare эш (са)‏ = مزح قناز 
(о) ssou ©‏ 
مدع لج 

P Ў 

эшацешшех+ [eut jo Siamsuy 

هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 


وله على مواقع أخرى 1555551 

рисоәз (8) (51336) 
є-( 961 (2) 

єс) «ое (н) 

0с Sh = sou‏ = مد 
jo обие jeguan jo eunswow eu]‏ 
ia ae аа‏ 

10 биз enumo jo amewo ou. 

بي هذا العمل خاص بموقع ذاكرولى التعليمى ولا 2 

el n‏ کس 
suoneujwexg jeu! jo sjamsuy‏ 

TEE] على مواقع أخرى‎ ayy